Nextion display plugin

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#301 Post by waspie » 17 Jul 2018, 16:13

ThomasB wrote: 17 Jul 2018, 02:19 @BertB: Thanks for checking it. Let me know if any other issues come up.

@Everyone: Would be great if there were others that could try it out. More feedback would be helpful.

I found a CustomTaskSettings byte storage mistake in the Nextion Plugin. But fixing it did not solve the crash/brick when the plugin is deleted and system rebooted. I see an Exception (28) in the logs right after the rule file tries to process a Nextion statement.

The workaround is to delete Nextion rules before deleting the plugin. If I don't do that then the recovery is to reflash with full memory reset. The problem comes and goes, depending on its mood.

The original Nextion plugin (without hardware serial) experiences the problem too. My gut feeling is that it has nothing to do with the Nextion Plugin.

- Thomas
I deployed most of my nextions so far working within the constraints of the plugin prior to H/W serial. I think H/W serial with a reliable serial message will allow me to cut down my rules (one nextion I have all 4 rules almost completely full!).

If I understand correctly I could have if/else/whatever statements on the nextion and the state of internal variables would determine what exactly gets sent to the ESP (on/off/whatever) vs button pressed and then I have to determine the state based on stored dummy values which eats up valuable rule characters.
Last edited by waspie on 17 Jul 2018, 16:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#302 Post by waspie » 17 Jul 2018, 16:17

ManS-H wrote: 17 Jul 2018, 10:43 Hello,
I have a question about the Nextion display, maybe not the right place to ask but what version of the Nextion is most common for this plugin.
On the Itead site i see two versions, the Basic Model and the Enhanced Model.
Enhanced has more memory and faster CPU. Most likely not necessary for what most of us do here. The faster CPU means pages or images refresh faster ( I assume). The basic model refreshes the page plenty fast enough. It's noticeable, but no problem whatsoever. I only mean you can see it happen but it is not a problem.

More memory could be useful depending on how many images you use. I think with my 3.5" I have 5 pages ( and 2 images/page) and I was using 3MB so I got kind of close to filling one. I could reduce the quality probably and it wouldn't make any difference visually.

I see no real reason to get the enhanced version

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#303 Post by ThomasB » 17 Jul 2018, 19:03

I have a question about the Nextion display, maybe not the right place to ask but what version of the Nextion is most common for this plugin.
I use the basic model.
If I understand correctly I could have if/else/whatever statements on the nextion and the state of internal variables would determine what exactly gets sent to the ESP (on/off/whatever) vs button pressed and {snip}.
That's how I do it. I don't use the Touch Event Send Component ID at all. Instead, in the button's Touch Event code space I use if/else and Nextion vars to assign a different idx value for button On and Off while emulating a push on-off toggling switch. Each touch button gets a pair of unique codes to do this. Some buttons have more codes to represent different variations of the button so that one button can do additional things.

Below is example Nextion code to a simple touch button that is a push-on / push off switch. The Send Component ID checkbox remains unchecked. Instead, the customized Touch Press Event assigns two different idx values (20 & 21). Not shown are many other if/else actions, such as change picture graphics, text, and colors for the on/off states:

Code: Select all

if(page0.va_SwState.val==0)   // Switch is currently off
    page0.va_SwState.val=1    // Toggle state (turn it on)
    print "|s,i21,sOff"       // Send idx to ESP MQTT rule
    printh 0a
    page0.va_SwState.val=0   // Toggle state (turn it off)
    print "|s,i20,sOff"      // Send idx to ESP for MQTT rule
    printh 0a
This method simplifies ESP and home automation rules by pushing some low level work onto the Nextion.

- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#304 Post by waspie » 18 Jul 2018, 02:52

ThomasB wrote: 17 Jul 2018, 19:03
I have a question about the Nextion display, maybe not the right place to ask but what version of the Nextion is most common for this plugin.
I use the basic model.
If I understand correctly I could have if/else/whatever statements on the nextion and the state of internal variables would determine what exactly gets sent to the ESP (on/off/whatever) vs button pressed and {snip}.
That's how I do it. I don't use the Touch Event Send Component ID at all. Instead, in the button's Touch Event code space I use if/else and Nextion vars to assign a different idx value for button On and Off while emulating a push on-off toggling switch. Each touch button gets a pair of unique codes to do this. Some buttons have more codes to represent different variations of the button so that one button can do additional things.

Below is example Nextion code to a simple touch button that is a push-on / push off switch. The Send Component ID checkbox remains unchecked. Instead, the customized Touch Press Event assigns two different idx values (20 & 21). Not shown are many other if/else actions, such as change picture graphics, text, and colors for the on/off states:

Code: Select all

if(page0.va_SwState.val==0)   // Switch is currently off
    page0.va_SwState.val=1    // Toggle state (turn it on)
    print "|s,i21,sOff"       // Send idx to ESP MQTT rule
    printh 0a
    page0.va_SwState.val=0   // Toggle state (turn it off)
    print "|s,i20,sOff"      // Send idx to ESP for MQTT rule
    printh 0a
This method simplifies ESP and home automation rules by pushing some low level work onto the Nextion.

- Thomas
damn, too bad i had a bunch of boards made using some guy's design off of home assistant (HASP). the tx/rx are wired to d4/d7 (i think, i dont remember) ... master/PCB

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#305 Post by BertB » 18 Jul 2018, 08:51

I designed this communication to put more of the thinking in the Nextion, but it also more or less causes more often changes in the Nextion.
This is not very user friendly while there is no easy way to update Nextion.

Therefore I mostly use the id's and let Rules and Domoticz do the thinking.
The drawback here is the shortage of rules space, but the gain is simplicity, agility and beter feedback.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#306 Post by ManS-H » 18 Jul 2018, 12:17

Thank for the info about the Nextion display.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#307 Post by ThomasB » 19 Jul 2018, 01:52

@BertB: I have been working on the interval issue. There is a chance that this new beta release is what you want:

Code: Select all

//################################### Plugin 075: Nextion <>  ###########################
//###################################   Created on the work of  majklovec     ###########################
//###################################    Revisions by BertB and ThomasB       ########################### 
//###################################    Last Revision: July-18-2018 (TB)     ###########################

#ifdef USES_P075

#include <ESPeasySoftwareSerial.h>

// *****************************************************************************************************
// Defines start here
// *****************************************************************************************************

// Plug-In defines
#define PLUGIN_075
#define PLUGIN_ID_075 75
#define PLUGIN_NAME_075 "Display - Nextion [TEST_V3.2]"
#define PLUGIN_VALUENAME1_075 "idx"
#define PLUGIN_VALUENAME2_075 "value"

// Configuration Settings. Custom Configuration Memory must be less than 512 Bytes!
//#define Nlines 12       // Qty of "optional" user entered Command-Text strings. 
//#define Lenlines 64     // Length of "optional" user entered Command-Text strings.
#define Nlines 8          // Qty of "optional" user entered Command-Text strings. 
#define Lenlines 48       // Length of "optional" user entered Command-Text strings.
char deviceTemplate[Nlines][Lenlines]; 

// Nextion defines
#define RXBUFFSZ  80     // Local Serial RxD buffer.  
#define TOUCH_BASE 500   // Base offset for 0X65 Touch Event Component ID.

// Serial defines
#define B9600    0  
#define B38400   1
#define B57600   2
#define B115200  3
#define DEFAULT_BAUD B9600

// Global vars
ESPeasySoftwareSerial *SoftSerial = NULL;
int rxPin = -1;
int txPin = -1;

// *****************************************************************************************************
// PlugIn starts here
// *****************************************************************************************************

boolean Plugin_075(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string) 
  boolean success = false;
  static boolean HwSerial = false;
  static boolean AdvHwSerial = false;  
  uint32_t AdvHwBaud = 9600UL;

  switch (function) {

      Device[++deviceCount].Number = PLUGIN_ID_075;
      Device[deviceCount].Type = DEVICE_TYPE_DUAL;
      Device[deviceCount].VType = SENSOR_TYPE_DUAL;
      Device[deviceCount].Ports = 0;
      Device[deviceCount].PullUpOption = true;
      Device[deviceCount].InverseLogicOption = false;
      Device[deviceCount].FormulaOption = false;
      Device[deviceCount].ValueCount = 2;
      Device[deviceCount].SendDataOption = true;
      Device[deviceCount].TimerOption = true;
      Device[deviceCount].TimerOptional = true;             // Allow user to disable interval function.
      Device[deviceCount].GlobalSyncOption = true;

      string = F(PLUGIN_NAME_075);



      AdvHwSerial = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0];
      rxPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex];
      txPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex];

      event->String1 = F("GPIO SS RX &larr; ");
      event->String2 = F("GPIO SS TX &rarr; ");

      if(AdvHwSerial == true) {
        if ((rxPin == 3 && txPin == 1) || (rxPin == 13 && txPin == 15)) {
            event->String1 = F("GPIO HW RX &larr; ");
            event->String2 = F("GPIO HW TX &rarr; ");

      rxPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex];
      txPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex];

      if (!((rxPin == 3 && txPin == 1) || (rxPin == 13 && txPin == 15))) { // Hardware Serial Compatible?
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0] = false;      // Not HW serial compatible, Reset Check Box.
      if (rxPin == 3 && txPin == 1) {                                      // USB Port?
        if(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0]==false &&  // Hardware serial disabled.
         Settings.TaskDeviceEnabled[event->TaskIndex] == true) {           // Plugin is enabled.
            Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0]=true;     // USB port access uses HW serial, Force set Check Box.

      if (Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0] == false) { // Softserial mode. 
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][1] = B9600;      // Reset to 9600 baud.

      addFormSubHeader(F("Enhanced Serial Communication"));
      addFormCheckBox(F("Use Hardware Serial"), F("AdvHwSerial"), Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0]);

      byte choice = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][1];
      String options[4];
      options[0] = F("9600");
      options[1] = F("38400");
      options[2] = F("57600");
      options[3] = F("115200");
      addFormSelector(F("Baud Rate"), F("plugin_075_baud"), 4, options, NULL, choice);      
      addFormNote(F("Un-check box for Soft Serial communication (low performance mode, 9600 Baud)."));
      addFormNote(F("Hardware Serial is available when the GPIO pins are RX=D7 and TX=D8."));
      addFormNote(F("D8 (GPIO-15) requires a Buffer Circuit (PNP transistor) or ESP boot may fail."));
      addFormNote(F("Do <b>NOT</b> enable the Serial Log file on Tools->Advanced->Serial Port."));
//    addFormNote(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName);    // Debug value.
//    int datax = (int)(Settings.TaskDeviceEnabled[event->TaskIndex]); // Debug value.
//    String Data = "Debug. Plugin Enable State: ";
//    Data += String(datax);
//    addFormNote(Data);

      addFormSubHeader(F("")); // Blank line, vertical space.
      addFormHeader(F("Nextion Command-Text Strings (Optional)"));
      char deviceTemplate[Nlines][Lenlines];
      LoadCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&deviceTemplate, sizeof(deviceTemplate));
      for (byte varNr = 0; varNr < Nlines; varNr++) {
        addFormTextBox(String(F("Line ")) + (varNr + 1), String(F("Plugin_075_template")) + (varNr + 1), deviceTemplate[varNr], Lenlines-1);
      if( Settings.TaskDeviceTimer[event->TaskIndex]==0) {
        addFormNote(F("Interval Timer OFF: Nextion Lines (above) <b>NOT</b> scheduled for updates."));
      else {
        addFormNote(F("Interval Timer On: Nextion Lines (above) scheduled for updates."));

      success = true;


        String argName;

        char deviceTemplate[Nlines][Lenlines];
        for (byte varNr = 0; varNr < Nlines; varNr++)
          String arg = F("Plugin_075_template");
          arg += varNr + 1;
          String tmpString = WebServer.arg(arg);
          strncpy(deviceTemplate[varNr], tmpString.c_str(), sizeof(deviceTemplate[varNr])-1);
        if(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName[0]==0) {            // User forgot to enter device name!
            strcpy(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName,"NEXTION"); // Give standard name.
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0] = isFormItemChecked(F("AdvHwSerial"));
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][1] = getFormItemInt(F("plugin_075_baud"));
        SaveCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&deviceTemplate, sizeof(deviceTemplate));

        success = true;

    case PLUGIN_INIT: {

      AdvHwSerial = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0];
      uint8_t BaudCode = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][1];
      Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2] = -999;       // Reset Last known idx.
      Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][3] = -999;       // Reset Last known value.

      if(BaudCode > B115200) BaudCode = B9600;
      const uint32_t BaudArray[4] = {9600UL, 38400UL, 57600UL, 115200UL};
      AdvHwBaud = BaudArray[BaudCode];

      if (Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex] != -1) {
        rxPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex];
      if (Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex] != -1) {
        txPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex];

      if (SoftSerial != NULL) { 
        delete SoftSerial;
        SoftSerial = NULL;

      String log = F("NEXTION075 : serial pin config RX:");
      log += rxPin;
      log += F(", TX:");
      log += txPin;
       log += F(", Plugin Enabled");                    // Plugin is enabled.
      else log += F(", Plugin Disabled");
      addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

      if(Settings.TaskDeviceEnabled[event->TaskIndex] == true) { // Plugin is enabled.
      // Hardware serial is RX on 13 and TX on 15 (swapped hw serial)
        if (AdvHwSerial &&  rxPin == 13 && txPin == 15) {
            log = F("NEXTION075 : Using swap hardware serial");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
            HwSerial = true;
            Settings.UseSerial = false;                 // Disable global Serial port.
            Settings.SerialLogLevel = 0;                // Disable logging on serial port.
            Settings.BaudRate = AdvHwBaud;              // Set BaudRate for Nextion.
        // Hardware serial is RX on 3 and TX on 1. USB serial for Nextion IDE (User MCU Input function).
        else if(AdvHwSerial && rxPin == 3 && txPin == 1) {
            log = F("NEXTION075 : Using USB hardware serial");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
            HwSerial = true;
            Settings.UseSerial = false;                 // Disable global Serial port.
            Settings.SerialLogLevel = 0;                // Disable logging on serial port.
            Settings.BaudRate = AdvHwBaud;              // Set BaudRate for Nextion.
        else {
            log = F("NEXTION075 : Using software serial");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
            HwSerial = false;
            if (SoftSerial == NULL) {
                SoftSerial = new ESPeasySoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin);
    else {
      success = true;

    case PLUGIN_READ: {    // Get Plugin's optional command-text strings. Special RSSIBAR bargraph keyword is supported.
        char deviceTemplate[Nlines][Lenlines];
        int RssiIndex;
        String newString;
        String tmpString;
        String UcTmpString;
        LoadCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&deviceTemplate, sizeof(deviceTemplate));

        for (byte x = 0; x < Nlines; x++) {
          tmpString = deviceTemplate[x];
          if (tmpString.length()) {
            UcTmpString = deviceTemplate[x];
            RssiIndex = UcTmpString.indexOf(F("RSSIBAR"));  // RSSI bargraph Keyword found, wifi value in dBm.
            if(RssiIndex >= 0) {
              int barVal;
              newString = tmpString.substring(0, RssiIndex);
              int nbars = WiFi.RSSI();
              if (nbars < -100 || nbars >= 0)
              else if (nbars >= -100 && nbars < -95)
              else if (nbars >= -95 && nbars < -90)
              else if (nbars >= -90 && nbars < -85)
              else if (nbars >= -85 && nbars < -80)
              else if (nbars >= -80 && nbars < -75)
              else if (nbars >= -75 && nbars < -70)
              else if (nbars >= -70 && nbars < -65)
              else if (nbars >= -65 && nbars < -55)
              else if (nbars >= -55 && nbars < -50)
              else if (nbars >= -50)

              newString += String(barVal,DEC);
            else {
              newString = parseTemplate(tmpString, 0);

            sendCommand(newString.c_str(), HwSerial);
            success = true;

        // At Interval timer, send idx & value data only if either changed. This eliminates repeating the data.
        if ((Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2] != UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex]) ||
          (Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][3] != UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1])) {
            Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex];  // Save new idx.
            Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][3] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1]; // Save new value.
            success = true;
        else {
            success = false;


    case PLUGIN_WRITE: {
        String tmpString = string;
        int argIndex = tmpString.indexOf(',');
        if (argIndex) tmpString = tmpString.substring(0, argIndex);

//      String log = F("TaskDeviceName : ");
//      log += ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName;
//      addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

        if (tmpString.equalsIgnoreCase(F("NEXTION"))) {
//      if (tmpString.equalsIgnoreCase(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName)) { // Use Plugin Name as command ID name.
            argIndex = string.indexOf(',');
            tmpString = string.substring(argIndex + 1);
            sendCommand(tmpString.c_str(), HwSerial);

            String log = F("NEXTION075 : WRITE, ");
            log += F("Command is ");
            log += (tmpString.c_str());
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

            success = true;                             // Set true only if plugin found a command to execute.

    case PLUGIN_EXIT: {
      if (SoftSerial) {
        delete SoftSerial;

      if(HwSerial) {
        HwSerial = false;
        Settings.UseSerial		= DEFAULT_USE_SERIAL;
        Settings.BaudRate		= DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD;
        Serial.begin(DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD);              // Restart Serial Logging with default baud.

        success = true;

      uint16_t i;
      uint8_t c;
      uint8_t charCount;
      String log;
      String Vidx;
      String Nvalue;
      String Svalue;
      String Nswitch;
      char __buffer[RXBUFFSZ+1];

      if(HwSerial) charCount = Serial.available();      // Prime the Hardware Serial engine.
      else charCount = SoftSerial->available();         // Prime the Soft Serial engine.

      while (charCount) {                               // This is the serial engine. It processes the serial Rx stream.
        if(HwSerial) c =;
        else c = SoftSerial->read();

        if (c == 0x65) {
          if (charCount < 6) delay((5/(AdvHwBaud/9600))+1); // Let's wait for a few more chars to arrive.

          if (HwSerial) charCount = Serial.available();
          else charCount = SoftSerial->available();
          if (charCount >= 6) {
            __buffer[0] = c;
            for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
                if(HwSerial) __buffer[i] =;
                else __buffer[i] = SoftSerial->read();

            __buffer[i] = 0x00;

            if (0xFF == __buffer[4] && 0xFF == __buffer[5] && 0xFF == __buffer[6]) {
              UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = (__buffer[1] * 256) + __buffer[2] + TOUCH_BASE;
              UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1] = __buffer[3];
              log = F("NEXTION075 : code: ");
              log += __buffer[1];
              log += ",";
              log += __buffer[2];
              log += ",";
              log += __buffer[3];
              addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

        else {
          if (c == '|') {
            __buffer[0] = c;

            if (charCount < 8) delay((9/(AdvHwBaud/9600))+1); // Let's wait for more chars to arrive.
            else delay((3/(AdvHwBaud/9600))+1);               // Short wait for tardy chars.
            if (HwSerial) charCount = Serial.available();
            else charCount = SoftSerial->available();

            if(HwSerial) {
                i = 1;            
                while (Serial.available() > 0 && i<RXBUFFSZ) {  // Copy global serial buffer to local buffer.
                  __buffer[i] =;
                  if (__buffer[i]==0x0a || __buffer[i]==0x0d) break;
            else {
                i = 1;            
                while (SoftSerial->available() > 0 && i<RXBUFFSZ) {  // Copy global serial buffer to local buffer.
                  __buffer[i] = SoftSerial->read();
                  if (__buffer[i]==0x0a || __buffer[i]==0x0d) break;

            __buffer[i] = 0x00;
            String tmpString = __buffer;
            log = F("NEXTION075 : code: ");
            log += tmpString;
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

            int argIndex = tmpString.indexOf(F(",i"));
            int argEnd = tmpString.indexOf(',', argIndex + 1);
            if (argIndex) Vidx = tmpString.substring(argIndex + 2,argEnd);

            boolean GotPipeCmd = false;
            switch (__buffer[1]){
              case 'u':
                GotPipeCmd = true;
                argIndex = argEnd;
                argEnd = tmpString.indexOf(',',argIndex + 1);
                if (argIndex) Nvalue = tmpString.substring(argIndex + 2,argEnd);
                argIndex = argEnd;
                argEnd = tmpString.indexOf(0x0a);
                if (argIndex) Svalue = tmpString.substring(argIndex + 2,argEnd);
              case 's':
                GotPipeCmd = true;
                argIndex = argEnd;
                argEnd = tmpString.indexOf(0x0a);
                if (argIndex) Nvalue = tmpString.substring(argIndex + 2,argEnd);
                if (Nvalue == F("On")) Svalue='1';
                if (Nvalue == F("Off")) Svalue='0';

            if (GotPipeCmd) {
                UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = Vidx.toFloat();
                UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1] = Svalue.toFloat();
                log = F("NEXTION075 : Pipe Command Sent: ");
                log += __buffer;
                log += UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex];
            else {
                log = F("NEXTION075 : Unknown Pipe Command, skipped");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
        if(HwSerial) charCount = Serial.available();
        else charCount = SoftSerial->available();

      success = true;
  return success;

void sendCommand(const char *cmd, boolean SerialHW) 
    if(SerialHW) {
    else {

#endif // USES_P075
Please check it. Be sure to turn the Interval timer back on and recreate your previous conditions. If the magic code is working your garage light shouldn't do the disco dance anymore.

- Thomas
Last edited by ThomasB on 19 Jul 2018, 16:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#308 Post by waspie » 19 Jul 2018, 14:47

BertB wrote: 18 Jul 2018, 08:51 I designed this communication to put more of the thinking in the Nextion, but it also more or less causes more often changes in the Nextion.
This is not very user friendly while there is no easy way to update Nextion.

Therefore I mostly use the id's and let Rules and Domoticz do the thinking.
The drawback here is the shortage of rules space, but the gain is simplicity, agility and beter feedback.
same here which is why i asked early on if the Nextion could be updated remotely. As this isn't possible I wanted to rely more on the ESP. It turns out not to be a huge problem..make the panel design once, and something you can live with and the rest you manipulate with espeasy and openhab(domo/whatever) but I do run out of rules, almost! something like 2000/2048 on all 4 pages! glad i didn't need more buttons

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#309 Post by BertB » 19 Jul 2018, 23:11

I will test it this weekend.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#310 Post by BertB » 22 Jul 2018, 15:51

You have limited the number of lines and the max number of characters. I guess it is to limit the memory usage, but iyt gave me a lot of trouble as I had to delete the plugin and activated it all over again. No big deal, but it was a bit confusing.

Then, because of the lack of info on the WEB LOG tool, I used the Softserial option with the normal serial port for debug info.

It gave me this, but for some reason, nothing happens in the domoticz anymore. (I am going to test that later with an older version of ESPEasy).

This is the output:

Code: Select all

1480325 : NEXTION075 : code: ,,
1480328 : EVENT: Nextion#idx=2039.00
1480346 : ACT  : SendToHTTP,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=293&switchcmd=Toggle
1480363 : Command: sendtohttp
1480369 : GET  HTTP/1.1
Connection: close

1481385 : Timeout while reading input data!
1481418 : EVENT: Nextion#idx=2039.00 Processing time:1090 milliSeconds
1481419 : EVENT: Nextion#value=0.00
1481461 : EVENT: Nextion#value=0.00 Processing time:42 milliSeconds
1481474 : HTTP : connecting to
1481483 :  Domoticz: Sensortype: 5 idx: 310 values: 2039;0
1481511 : HTTP : Success
1481516 : HTTP : closing connection

1494318 : NEXTION075 : code: ,,
1494320 : EVENT: Nextion#idx=2039.00
1494338 : ACT  : SendToHTTP,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=293&switchcmd=Toggle
1494357 : Command: sendtohttp
1494394 : GET  HTTP/1.1
Connection: close

1495409 : Timeout while reading input data!
1495441 : EVENT: Nextion#idx=2039.00 Processing time:1121 milliSeconds
1495442 : EVENT: Nextion#value=0.00
1495485 : EVENT: Nextion#value=0.00 Processing time:42 milliSeconds
1495499 : HTTP : connecting to
1495510 :  Domoticz: Sensortype: 5 idx: 310 values: 2039;0
1495530 : HTTP : Success
1495535 : HTTP : closing connection
1499880 : Command: settings

When I enter this in a internet page, I get to expected result:

Code: Select all

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#311 Post by BertB » 22 Jul 2018, 16:30

Something seems to be not ok with the latest release Release mega-20180722, as it does not do the switching in Domoticz.
Release Release mega-20180719 seems to work.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#312 Post by grovkillen » 22 Jul 2018, 16:34

Do you use rules for intercepting the command? What if the exact command you use? We have a little parsing error that is going to be fixed here in some days.
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Re: Nextion display plugin

#313 Post by BertB » 22 Jul 2018, 17:20

grovkillen wrote: 22 Jul 2018, 16:34 Do you use rules for intercepting the command? What if the exact command you use? We have a little parsing error that is going to be fixed here in some days.
This is the rule:

Code: Select all

on Nextion#idx=2039 do

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#314 Post by ThomasB » 22 Jul 2018, 18:15

You have limited the number of lines and the max number of characters. I guess it is to limit the memory usage ...
The original Nextion plugin was violating the SPIFFS memory allowance. According to the Developer's Guide, only 512 bytes are allowed for custom config, so I reduced the optional Lines count and their length (was 12 lines x 64 chars, now 8 x 48). There's some extra bytes that would allow two more lines. Or it can be used to increase the length of the 8 lines to 62 chars. Which do think would have the widest appeal?
Something seems to be not ok with the latest release Release mega-20180722, as it does not do the switching in Domoticz.
Release Release mega-20180719 seems to work.
That's a relief the latest Nextion plugin works in the 0719 release.

But despite that you got the latest Nextion plugin to work, I just realized my interval "fix" might not work correctly for everyone. So some questions for you.
1. I understand that you are using the Nextion "Send Component ID" on the Touch Press Event. Is the Touch Press Release Event also being used with the Press Event?
2. Does the Nextion button continue to work correctly after the first press? Or does it only work the first time you press it?

- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#315 Post by BertB » 22 Jul 2018, 18:31

ThomasB wrote: 22 Jul 2018, 18:15 Which do think would have the widest appeal?
I think more lines, but per haps it is not necessary to use that much ccharacters. 32 was just too few. Maybe 40 is ok.
But despite that you got the latest Nextion plugin to work, I just realized my interval "fix" might not work correctly for everyone. So some questions for you.
1. I understand that you are using the Nextion "Send Component ID" on the Touch Press Event. Is the Touch Press Release Event also being used with the Press Event?
No, I only use the Tough Release Event.
2. Does the Nextion button continue to work correctly after the first press? Or does it only work the first time you press it?
Yes it does continue to work just fine.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#316 Post by ThomasB » 22 Jul 2018, 19:51

I think more lines, but per haps it is not necessary to use that much characters. 32 was just too few. Maybe 40 is ok.
Ok, a couple more Lines it is. Keep in mind that Lines statements can consume a lot of characters. For example, this useful Nextion text update would require a line length of 50 bytes.

Code: Select all

page7.t1.txt="Date %sysmonth%:%sysday%:%sysyears%"
But really long Nextion command statements can be handled in the rules file rather than by user Lines. So all situations are covered.
Yes it does continue to work just fine.
Thanks for the additional info. It confirms that the latest release is working as intended. But for more user flexibility I will add another checkbox that allows the user to restore the default interval behavior.

There are two open issues on the plugin that are being reviewed by the ESPeasy developers. As follows:
1. The user assigned Plugin name must be NEXTION. If it is named anything else some functionality is lost.
2. The Plugin sometimes will crash/brick the firmware if you have any NEXTION rules in the ESP rules file when you delete the plugin. Bricking requires erasing the flash memory and re-installing ESPeasy.
Unbelievably, these two issues are related. Software can be so cruel!

I'll post the final (hopefully it's final) version this week. If all goes well it will be the one to add to the official TESTING distribution.

BTW, I believe I'm the first to fully incorporate the new hard serial Nextion plugin in a finished project. And it has been working great. It's a little gadget that is integrated with Amazon Echo that provides a voice notification when the laundry is done. I'll post some build photos and more details soon.
DSCN5098.JPG (1.58 MiB) Viewed 270382 times
- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#317 Post by BertB » 22 Jul 2018, 21:37

very nice indeed.
I have two work in progress projects.
One is a thermostat to be placed in the various rooms in my house.
The other one is a general purpose control panel.
I am now testing the pont control.
Pont control.PNG
Pont control.PNG (184.85 KiB) Viewed 270376 times

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#318 Post by waspie » 23 Jul 2018, 02:42

Nice projects guys.
Here are my 2 3.5" models. I have a few 2.4s in bedrooms for light/temp/vent control.

In out main living room there are 4 (yeah, 4) small ceiling fan/lights. Previously, a single 3-way (2-way?) switch turned them on and off and you had to use pull chains at each fan to make adjustments. Now there's an on/off for all lights and fans as well as a screen where individual lights/fans can be turned on and off. Garage doors can be actuated, stair light, tart warmer, neato schedule etc...
20180722_202809.jpg (218.76 KiB) Viewed 270368 times
20180722_202819.jpg (269.8 KiB) Viewed 270368 times
20180722_202815.jpg (339.09 KiB) Viewed 270368 times
This one is by the front door. It controls some lights and gives some basic info before heading out. Temps, UV Index, and burn times.
20180722_203158.jpg (779.21 KiB) Viewed 270368 times

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#319 Post by grovkillen » 23 Jul 2018, 06:49

Really love these project pictures. Inspiring!
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Re: Nextion display plugin

#320 Post by ThomasB » 23 Jul 2018, 20:57

Cool projects! More photos of working Nextion projects will help spread the Nextion plugin love. So keep the photos coming!

Currently the Nextion wiki ( is an empty page. I'd volunteer to add some information to it if I was granted write/edit privileges.

Some project details to share to help inspire other Nextion/ESPeasy projects:
My recently completed Nextion project is a simple application that provides Amazon Echo voice notifications when the laundry is ready. The device slips onto the dryer's control panel and is held in place by a hidden magnet. Power is provided by a orphan USB charger supply.
Finished unit.
Finished unit.
LaundryBuddy1_800.jpg (96.21 KiB) Viewed 270332 times
A single ESP8266 monitors the washer and dryer, which are ten year old GE machines. ESPeasy's Nextion plugin communicates the touch screen entries to the home automation controller (Openhabian) using MQTT. In turn, the home automation system can interact with the ESP8266/Nextion using HTTP messages. All touch screen commands have equivalent Echo voice commands (touch and voice commands duplicate each other).

The ESP8266 is the Lolin NodeMCU v3. It's my go-to board for ESPeasy projects. Cost is less than $5 USD from China suppliers. The display is a $20 Nextion 2.8-inch, #NX3224T028.

Here's an overview of all the pieces, including the 3D printed plastic parts:
All the pieces.
All the pieces.
LaundryBuddy2_800.jpg (148.23 KiB) Viewed 270332 times
The ESP8266 needs to know when the washer or dryer are running and when they turn off. My goal was to avoid any electrical connections to them. This was possible on the dryer using a $2USD MPU6050 accelerometer that senses vibration from the spinning drum. Sensitivity is amazing, it can detect ANY size laundry load. The ESP8266 has a MPU6050 plugin that makes this possible with minimal effort.

But the washer required invasive electrical surgery. My machine doesn't have indicator lights and sensing vibration won't work because of the motionless soak cycles. Monitoring machine current was considered, but current draw is nearly zero during some operating states so current loop solutions weren't practical.

The chosen solution was a $2USD high voltage optoisolator board designed for 220VAC. Fortunately it works fine on the washer's 120VAC mains without any modifications. The board safely isolates the washing machine's high voltage and provides TTL compatible On/Off status to the ESP8266. For moisture protection all PCB circuitry was coated in epoxy and protected with shrink wrap.
Optoisolator in washing machine.
Optoisolator in washing machine.
Optoisolator1_800.jpg (116.12 KiB) Viewed 270332 times
Optoisolator connection to washer machine timer.
Optoisolator connection to washer machine timer.
WasherTimer1_800.jpg (96.7 KiB) Viewed 270332 times
The plastic parts were created in 123D Design and 3D printed in white ABS plastic. All visible surfaces were sanded, acetone polished, then spray painted with Appliance White epoxy paint.

Basic Operation:
The home automation system (Openhabian) provides the interface to the Amazon Echo voice functions and monitors the machines with two large Rules files. Besides giving vocal announcements when the washer or dryer are done, it also provides loss-of-communication warnings and reports user mistakes (like forgetting to turn on the machine). Some simple animations are shown on the display to indicate the operating mode.

Below is a video of the washer and dryer running. At the 13 second mark the washer ends it cleaning cycle (graphic changes color). Not heard on the video is the "The washing machine is done, your laundry is ready" message broadcast by our Amazon Echo speakers.

- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#321 Post by waspie » 25 Jul 2018, 18:03

to take advantage of H/W serial using the pin swap option it needs to be wired like this, correct?
NextionHwSerialPinout1.jpg (52.56 KiB) Viewed 270082 times

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#322 Post by BertB » 25 Jul 2018, 20:29

Correct, although I do not use the resistors.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#323 Post by ThomasB » 26 Jul 2018, 01:29

@waspie, I recommend using the resistors (with the transistor) on your development board since it will be booted a lot while you work on coding. But your "production" boards should be fine with just the transistor (without the resistors).

There is a silicon bug on the ESP8266 that prevents reliable soft booting after a firmware flashing. Unfortunately the transistor doesn't offer any special magic to fix that issue; I've made a habit of pressing the reset button immediately after fresh firmware is loaded.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#324 Post by waspie » 26 Jul 2018, 01:39

all good, the board i designed has pads so i can bridge them or put in resistors. thanks!

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#325 Post by Robert » 26 Jul 2018, 13:41


actually my question is not about the plugin but about serial.swab and this plugin is the only thing I have found where it is used.
I flashed all my SonOff from R120 to ESP_Easy_mega-20180615_normal_ESP8266_1024.bin. no hassle but I lost Serial.swap which I had build in.
What I have read Serial.swap should be part of the package now and I find it back in HardwareSerial.h/cpp but cannot find how to use it anywhere on the web interface.

As it is used here for this plugin I hoped I would find some help how to use it in a general matter.

Regards, Rob

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#326 Post by BertB » 26 Jul 2018, 18:34

Robert wrote: 26 Jul 2018, 13:41
What I have read Serial.swap should be part of the package now and I find it back in HardwareSerial.h/cpp but cannot find how to use it anywhere on the web interface.

Regards, Rob
Where did you see this?
If you want to know how to use Serial.swap(), you could look here ... rence.html

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#327 Post by Robert » 27 Jul 2018, 13:28

Hi Bert,
I read this on and the forum also shows 'hits' searching for Serial.swap. I just cannot find a hint how to use it out of the box.

What I am doing now is trying to implement it the same way I did in R-120.
There are so many changes in the mega/2.0 branch that I'm not sure where to look if I don't get my I2c port seeing sensors as it did before.
I changed EspEasy.ino and Mics.ino on three places total, where one finds the Serial.begin statements, and WebServer.ino to enable the GPIO's.

I'm sure somebody has don it before but cannot find anything. Regards Rob

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#328 Post by BertB » 27 Jul 2018, 17:33

Sorry to say, but the disco is back again.
I am now using 20180723.

I will try an older version.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#329 Post by BertB » 27 Jul 2018, 18:07

Had the same problem. I do not know why I did not notice this before.
I put some Serial.prints in the code (I can bwecause I use soft serial) an found that:
Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2]=0 whereas
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex]= 0.00000000
or 2039 vs 2039.000000
And they don't compare.
So I changed the code a bit to:

Code: Select all

        if ((int(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2]) != int(UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex])) ||
          (int(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][3]) != int(UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1]))) {
            Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex];  // Save new idx.
            Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][3] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1]; // Save new value.
            success = true;
Seems to work, but I wonder.
Why do we need this event stuff here anyway?
Al important data is send over immediately.

I went back to take a look at my original code and found that it was not there either. This explains why the problem did not pop up before.

And I also think something is wrong with the event structure.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#330 Post by BertB » 27 Jul 2018, 18:17

My little change did not help either.
Imagine Switch 1 has code 2039 and Switch 2 has 2040
After the first action 2039 is being remebered,, so when 2040 arrives, a difference is found and the action is repeated.
Every time you use another switch, the problem sohws up.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#331 Post by BertB » 27 Jul 2018, 18:25

I removed the part with:

Code: Select all

        if ((int(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2]) != int(UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex])) ||
          (int(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][3]) != int(UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1]))) {
            Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex];  // Save new idx.
            Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][3] = UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1]; // Save new value.
            success = true;
        else {
            success = false;
entirely and the disco is still there ... :?

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#332 Post by ThomasB » 28 Jul 2018, 02:22

@BertB: Sorry to hear about the problems. I've made some changes, plus added some log info to help debug the problems.

This version has a new checkbox for those users that want to resend idx and value data at the interval. Of course I know you don't want these values to be resent, so uncheck the Interval Options->Resend Values. When deselected/unchecked, the "Lines" statements will still act at each interval timeout, but the idx & value data will be skipped.

Code: Select all

//################################### Plugin 075: Nextion <>  ###########################
//###################################   Created on the work of  majklovec     ###########################
//###################################    Revisions by BertB and ThomasB       ########################### 
//###################################    Last Revision: July-27-2018 (TB)     ###########################

#ifdef USES_P075

#include <ESPeasySoftwareSerial.h>

// *****************************************************************************************************
// Defines start here
// *****************************************************************************************************

// Plug-In defines
#define PLUGIN_075
#define PLUGIN_ID_075 75
#define PLUGIN_NAME_075 "Display - Nextion [TESTING]"
#define PLUGIN_VALUENAME1_075 "idx"
#define PLUGIN_VALUENAME2_075 "value"

// Configuration Settings. Custom Configuration Memory must be less than 512 Bytes!
#define Nlines 10        // Custom Config, Number of user entered Command-Text Lines. 
#define Lenlines 51      // Custom Config, Length of user entered Command-Text Lines.

// Nextion defines
#define RXBUFFSZ  80     // Local Serial RxD buffer.  
#define TOUCH_BASE 500   // Base offset for 0X65 Touch Event Component ID.

// Serial defines
#define B9600    0  
#define B38400   1
#define B57600   2
#define B115200  3
#define DEFAULT_BAUD B9600

// Global vars
ESPeasySoftwareSerial *SoftSerial = NULL;
char deviceTemplate[Nlines][Lenlines]; 
int rxPin = -1;
int txPin = -1;

// *****************************************************************************************************
// PlugIn starts here
// *****************************************************************************************************

boolean Plugin_075(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string) 
  boolean success = false;
  static uint8_t BaudCode = 0;                          // Web GUI baud rate drop down. 9600 if 0, See array for other rates. 
  static boolean HwSerial = false;                      // Use Hardware Serial if true.
  static boolean AdvHwSerial = false;                   // Web GUI checkbox enabled, Hardware Serial if true.
  static boolean IncludeValues = false;                 // Web GUI checkbox enabled, Send Values at interval if true.
  uint32_t AdvHwBaud = 9600UL;

  switch (function) {

      Device[++deviceCount].Number = PLUGIN_ID_075;
      Device[deviceCount].Type = DEVICE_TYPE_DUAL;
      Device[deviceCount].VType = SENSOR_TYPE_DUAL;
      Device[deviceCount].Ports = 0;
      Device[deviceCount].PullUpOption = true;
      Device[deviceCount].InverseLogicOption = false;
      Device[deviceCount].FormulaOption = false;
      Device[deviceCount].ValueCount = 2;
      Device[deviceCount].SendDataOption = true;
      Device[deviceCount].TimerOption = true;
      Device[deviceCount].TimerOptional = true;             // Allow user to disable interval function.
      Device[deviceCount].GlobalSyncOption = true;

      string = F(PLUGIN_NAME_075);



      AdvHwSerial = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0];
      rxPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex];
      txPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex];

      event->String1 = F("GPIO SS RX &larr; ");
      event->String2 = F("GPIO SS TX &rarr; ");

      if(AdvHwSerial == true) {
        if ((rxPin == 3 && txPin == 1) || (rxPin == 13 && txPin == 15)) {
            event->String1 = F("GPIO HW RX &larr; ");
            event->String2 = F("GPIO HW TX &rarr; ");

      rxPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex];
      txPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex];

      if (!((rxPin == 3 && txPin == 1) || (rxPin == 13 && txPin == 15))) { // Hardware Serial Compatible?
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0] = false;      // Not HW serial compatible, Reset Check Box.
      if (rxPin == 3 && txPin == 1) {                                      // USB Port?
        if(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0]==false &&  // Hardware serial disabled.
         Settings.TaskDeviceEnabled[event->TaskIndex] == true) {           // Plugin is enabled.
            Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0]=true;     // USB port access uses HW serial, Force set Check Box.

      if (Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0] == false) { // Softserial mode. 
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][1] = B9600;      // Reset to 9600 baud.

      addFormSubHeader(F("Enhanced Serial Communication"));
      addFormCheckBox(F("Use Hardware Serial"), F("AdvHwSerial"), Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0]);

      byte choice = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][1];
      String options[4];
      options[0] = F("9600");
      options[1] = F("38400");
      options[2] = F("57600");
      options[3] = F("115200");
      addFormSelector(F("Baud Rate"), F("plugin_075_baud"), 4, options, NULL, choice);      
      addFormNote(F("Un-check box for Soft Serial communication (low performance mode, 9600 Baud)."));
      addFormNote(F("Hardware Serial is available when the GPIO pins are RX=D7 and TX=D8."));
      addFormNote(F("D8 (GPIO-15) requires a Buffer Circuit (PNP transistor) or ESP boot may fail."));
      addFormNote(F("Do <b>NOT</b> enable the Serial Log file on Tools->Advanced->Serial Port."));
//    addFormNote(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName);    // Debug value.
//    int datax = (int)(Settings.TaskDeviceEnabled[event->TaskIndex]); // Debug value.
//    String Data = "Debug. Plugin Enable State: ";
//    Data += String(datax);
//    addFormNote(Data);

      addFormSubHeader(F("")); // Blank line, vertical space.
      addFormHeader(F("Nextion Command-Text Strings (Optional)"));
      char deviceTemplate[Nlines][Lenlines];
      LoadCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&deviceTemplate, sizeof(deviceTemplate));
      for (byte varNr = 0; varNr < Nlines; varNr++) {
        addFormTextBox(String(F("Line ")) + (varNr + 1), String(F("Plugin_075_template")) + (varNr + 1), deviceTemplate[varNr], Lenlines-1);
      if( Settings.TaskDeviceTimer[event->TaskIndex]==0) {
        if(IncludeValues) {
            addFormNote(F("Interval Timer OFF, Nextion Lines (above) and Values (below) <b>NOT</b> scheduled for updates"));
        else {
            addFormNote(F("Interval Timer OFF, Nextion Lines (above) <b>NOT</b> scheduled for updates"));

      addFormSubHeader(F("Interval Options"));
      addFormCheckBox(F("Resend <b>Values</b> (below) at Interval"), F("IncludeValues"), Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2]);

      success = true;


        String argName;

        char deviceTemplate[Nlines][Lenlines];
        for (byte varNr = 0; varNr < Nlines; varNr++)
          String arg = F("Plugin_075_template");
          arg += varNr + 1;
          String tmpString = WebServer.arg(arg);
          strncpy(deviceTemplate[varNr], tmpString.c_str(), sizeof(deviceTemplate[varNr])-1);
        if(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName[0] == 0) {          // User forgot to enter device name!
            strcpy(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName,"NEXTION"); // Give standard name.
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0] = isFormItemChecked(F("AdvHwSerial"));
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][1] = getFormItemInt(F("plugin_075_baud"));
        Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2] = isFormItemChecked(F("IncludeValues"));
        SaveCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&deviceTemplate, sizeof(deviceTemplate));

        success = true;

    case PLUGIN_INIT: {

      AdvHwSerial   = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0];
      BaudCode      = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][1];
      IncludeValues = Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][2];

      if(BaudCode > B115200) BaudCode = B9600;
      const uint32_t BaudArray[4] = {9600UL, 38400UL, 57600UL, 115200UL};
      AdvHwBaud = BaudArray[BaudCode];

      if (Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex] != -1) {
        rxPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex];
      if (Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex] != -1) {
        txPin = Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex];

      if (SoftSerial != NULL) { 
        delete SoftSerial;
        SoftSerial = NULL;

      String log = F("NEXTION075 : serial pin config RX:");
      log += rxPin;
      log += F(", TX:");
      log += txPin;
       log += F(", Plugin Enabled");                    // Plugin is enabled.
      else log += F(", Plugin Disabled");
      addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

      if(Settings.TaskDeviceEnabled[event->TaskIndex] == true) { // Plugin is enabled.
      // Hardware serial is RX on 13 and TX on 15 (swapped hw serial)
        if (AdvHwSerial &&  rxPin == 13 && txPin == 15) {
            log = F("NEXTION075 : Using swap hardware serial");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
            HwSerial = true;
            Settings.UseSerial = false;                 // Disable global Serial port.
            Settings.SerialLogLevel = 0;                // Disable logging on serial port.
            Settings.BaudRate = AdvHwBaud;              // Set BaudRate for Nextion.
        // Hardware serial is RX on 3 and TX on 1. USB serial for Nextion IDE (User MCU Input function).
        else if(AdvHwSerial && rxPin == 3 && txPin == 1) {
            log = F("NEXTION075 : Using USB hardware serial");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
            HwSerial = true;
            Settings.UseSerial = false;                 // Disable global Serial port.
            Settings.SerialLogLevel = 0;                // Disable logging on serial port.
            Settings.BaudRate = AdvHwBaud;              // Set BaudRate for Nextion.
        else {
            log = F("NEXTION075 : Using software serial");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
            HwSerial = false;
            if (SoftSerial == NULL) {
                SoftSerial = new ESPeasySoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin);
    else {
      success = true;

    case PLUGIN_READ: {    // Get Plugin's optional command-text strings. Special RSSIBAR bargraph keyword is supported.
        char deviceTemplate[Nlines][Lenlines];
        int RssiIndex;
        String newString;
        String tmpString;
        String UcTmpString;

        LoadCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&deviceTemplate, sizeof(deviceTemplate));

        for (byte x = 0; x < Nlines; x++) {
          tmpString = deviceTemplate[x];
          if (tmpString.length()) {
            UcTmpString = deviceTemplate[x];
            RssiIndex = UcTmpString.indexOf(F("RSSIBAR"));  // RSSI bargraph Keyword found, wifi value in dBm.
            if(RssiIndex >= 0) {
              int barVal;
              newString = tmpString.substring(0, RssiIndex);
              int nbars = WiFi.RSSI();
              if (nbars < -100 || nbars >= 0)
              else if (nbars >= -100 && nbars < -95)
              else if (nbars >= -95 && nbars < -90)
              else if (nbars >= -90 && nbars < -85)
              else if (nbars >= -85 && nbars < -80)
              else if (nbars >= -80 && nbars < -75)
              else if (nbars >= -75 && nbars < -70)
              else if (nbars >= -70 && nbars < -65)
              else if (nbars >= -65 && nbars < -55)
              else if (nbars >= -55 && nbars < -50)
              else if (nbars >= -50)

              newString += String(barVal,DEC);
            else {
              newString = parseTemplate(tmpString, 0);

            sendCommand(newString.c_str(), HwSerial);
 //         success = true;

        // At Interval timer, send idx & value data only if user enabled "values" interval mode.
        if(IncludeValues) {
            String log = F("NEXTION075: Interval Values enabled, resending idx=");
            log += String(UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex]);
            log += F(", value=");
            log += String(UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1]);
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
            success = true;
        else {
            String log = F("NEXTION075: Interval Values disabled, idx & value values not resent");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
            success = false;


    case PLUGIN_WRITE: {
        String tmpString = string;
        int argIndex = tmpString.indexOf(',');
        if (argIndex) tmpString = tmpString.substring(0, argIndex);

//        String log = F("Nextion Name : ");
//        log += ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName;
//        log += F(", str: ");
//        log += string;      
//        addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

      if (tmpString.equalsIgnoreCase(F("NEXTION"))) {     // Use hard coded name, patch for TaskDeviceName bug.
//        if (tmpString.equalsIgnoreCase(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceName)) { // Buggy! Plugin's TaskDeviceName not working correctly.
            argIndex = string.indexOf(',');
            tmpString = string.substring(argIndex + 1);
            sendCommand(tmpString.c_str(), HwSerial);

            String log = F("NEXTION075 : WRITE, ");
            log += F("Command is ");
            log += (tmpString.c_str());
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

            success = true;                             // Set true only if plugin found a command to execute.

    case PLUGIN_EXIT: {
        if (SoftSerial) {
            delete SoftSerial;

        if(HwSerial) {
            HwSerial = false;
            Settings.UseSerial		= DEFAULT_USE_SERIAL;
            Settings.BaudRate		= DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD;
            Serial.begin(DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD);          // Restart Serial Logging with default baud.

        success = true;

      uint16_t i;
      uint8_t c;
      uint8_t charCount;
      String log;
      String Vidx;
      String Nvalue;
      String Svalue;
      String Nswitch;
      char __buffer[RXBUFFSZ+1];

      if(HwSerial) {
        charCount = Serial.available();                 // Prime the Hardware Serial engine.
      else {
        if(SoftSerial == NULL) break;                   // Plugin issue, maybe it was deleted. 
        charCount = SoftSerial->available();            // Prime the Soft Serial engine.

      while (charCount) {                               // This is the serial engine. It processes the serial Rx stream.
        if(HwSerial) c =;
        else c = SoftSerial->read();

        if (c == 0x65) {
          if (charCount < 6) delay((5/(AdvHwBaud/9600))+1); // Let's wait for a few more chars to arrive.

          if (HwSerial) charCount = Serial.available();
          else charCount = SoftSerial->available();
          if (charCount >= 6) {
            __buffer[0] = c;
            for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
                if(HwSerial) __buffer[i] =;
                else __buffer[i] = SoftSerial->read();

            __buffer[i] = 0x00;

            if (0xFF == __buffer[4] && 0xFF == __buffer[5] && 0xFF == __buffer[6]) {
              UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = (__buffer[1] * 256) + __buffer[2] + TOUCH_BASE;
              UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1] = __buffer[3];

              log = F("NEXTION075 : code: ");
              log += __buffer[1];
              log += ",";
              log += __buffer[2];
              log += ",";
              log += __buffer[3];
              addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
        else {
          if (c == '|') {
            __buffer[0] = c;

            if (charCount < 8) delay((9/(AdvHwBaud/9600))+1); // Let's wait for more chars to arrive.
            else delay((3/(AdvHwBaud/9600))+1);               // Short wait for tardy chars.
            if (HwSerial) charCount = Serial.available();
            else charCount = SoftSerial->available();

            if(HwSerial) {
                i = 1;            
                while (Serial.available() > 0 && i<RXBUFFSZ) {  // Copy global serial buffer to local buffer.
                  __buffer[i] =;
                  if (__buffer[i]==0x0a || __buffer[i]==0x0d) break;
            else {
                i = 1;            
                while (SoftSerial->available() > 0 && i<RXBUFFSZ) {  // Copy global serial buffer to local buffer.
                  __buffer[i] = SoftSerial->read();
                  if (__buffer[i]==0x0a || __buffer[i]==0x0d) break;

            __buffer[i] = 0x00;
            String tmpString = __buffer;
            log = F("NEXTION075 : code: ");
            log += tmpString;
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

            int argIndex = tmpString.indexOf(F(",i"));
            int argEnd = tmpString.indexOf(',', argIndex + 1);
            if (argIndex) Vidx = tmpString.substring(argIndex + 2,argEnd);

            boolean GotPipeCmd = false;
            switch (__buffer[1]){
              case 'u':
                GotPipeCmd = true;
                argIndex = argEnd;
                argEnd = tmpString.indexOf(',',argIndex + 1);
                if (argIndex) Nvalue = tmpString.substring(argIndex + 2,argEnd);
                argIndex = argEnd;
                argEnd = tmpString.indexOf(0x0a);
                if (argIndex) Svalue = tmpString.substring(argIndex + 2,argEnd);
              case 's':
                GotPipeCmd = true;
                argIndex = argEnd;
                argEnd = tmpString.indexOf(0x0a);
                if (argIndex) Nvalue = tmpString.substring(argIndex + 2,argEnd);
                if (Nvalue == F("On")) Svalue='1';
                if (Nvalue == F("Off")) Svalue='0';

            if (GotPipeCmd) {
                UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = Vidx.toFloat();
                UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex+1] = Svalue.toFloat();

                log = F("NEXTION075 : Pipe Command Sent: ");
                log += __buffer;
                log += UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex];
            else {
                log = F("NEXTION075 : Unknown Pipe Command, skipped");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
        if(HwSerial) charCount = Serial.available();
        else charCount = SoftSerial->available();

      success = true;
  return success;

void sendCommand(const char *cmd, boolean SerialMode) 
    if(SerialMode) {                                    // Send command using Hardware UART serial.
    else {                                              // Send command using bit-bang soft serial.
        if(SoftSerial != NULL){
        else {
            String log = F("NEXTION075 : SoftSerial error, aborted sendCommand");
            addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);

#endif // USES_P075
I did a quick validation and reviewed the syslog. I don't see any issues that will invite disco dance. Hopefully nothing new is broken and the changes fix the disco problem.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#333 Post by BertB » 29 Jul 2018, 16:27

Seems to be okay now :)

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#334 Post by ThomasB » 29 Jul 2018, 21:07

Thanks for checking the fixed code. If you find any more problems then please let me know.

TD-er was kind enough to investigate plugin memory allocations. He found that a plugin may use up to 1024 bytes for custom configuration settings (wiki states only 512 are allowed). Since the correct number is 1024 bytes I will be restoring Nextion's "Lines" to the original 12 lines x 64 chars format.

TD-er is also making some major changes to the system core that will impact the Nextion plugin. When his released firmware is stable I will update the Nextion Plugin so it is compatible. Then I will request that we formally release the new Nextion plugin (with hardware serial) to the mega testing branch.

- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#335 Post by BertB » 29 Jul 2018, 23:38

Good news.
I have an idea though.
It would be nice if Nextion was able to obtain the current states of devices at boot up.

I know it is possible to use json to interrogate Domoticz, put it requires a lot of parsing to get the requested data.
Or is there a simpler way?

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#336 Post by ThomasB » 30 Jul 2018, 01:30

@BertB: The Nextion display and the plugin already have the flexibility to do things like that. Here's one example:

1. Use Nextion's page0 pre-initialize Event to send a unique idx to Domoticz (any value from 1-499). For example, let's say you assign idx 10. In page0 pre-initialize enter this:

Code: Select all

delay=30000   // Wait 30 seconds for ESPeasy to connect by WiFi
print "|s,i10,sOff"   // Nextion panel restoration command
printh 0a
2. Then create a rule in ESPeasy to forward this idx to Domoticz using HTTP or MQTT (or use the Nextion plugin's Send to Controller action).

3. Lastly, create a rule in Domoticz for idx 10. The rule would use HTTP to send commands back to the ESP/Nextion. The commands would utilize Domoticz's status to restore the various state values for your buttons, graphics, and text.

I'm not a Domoticz user (I use Openhab). So I can't offer any Domoticz code examples for this method.

- Thomas
Last edited by ThomasB on 30 Jul 2018, 16:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#337 Post by BertB » 30 Jul 2018, 09:25

Any idea how to create your item number 3?

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#338 Post by waspie » 30 Jul 2018, 14:49

I'm an OH user as well (i've seen you post there thomas) and on my more critical ESP units I employ a watch dog.
To be sure MQTT is working I "ping" the units every 5 minutes with an MQTT message and the ESP answers back via MQTT to be sure its receiving and sending.
If there's no answer after two tries I turn off/on the sonoff that powers these units. When MQTT#Connect happens I send another message to OH to say the unit rebooted.

When the message is received I re-send all the relevant commands to the ESP. In case of ESPs with Nextions relevant commands are then sent to Nextions to update the display pictures to be in the correct state.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#339 Post by ThomasB » 30 Jul 2018, 17:53

Let's say you have one or more Nextion variables, pictures, or timers that you want to set from a remote location. You can MQTT or HTTP them to ESPeasy and it will pass them to the connected NEXTION display via the plugin.

You can even do it from a web browser. For example, launch a browser and send something like this (change items in <> as needed):
http://<ESP IP address>/control?cmd=NEXTION,page<PAGE NUMBER>.<OBJ NAME>.<ELEMENT>=<VALUE>

For example, to set picture 0 on page 0 to a specific graphic image, the http command would look something similar to this:

Code: Select all,page0.p0.pic=3,page0.p_discolight.pic=12
Or to set a variable, it would be something like this:

Code: Select all,page0.va0.val=99,page0.va_discolight.val=0
Any Nextion attribute that is seen as green text in the Nextion editor is something you can change locally or remotely. The attributes that you will be remotely changing should have their vscope parameter set to global.

So for practice, open a browser and experiment. That should help you decided what to send from your Domoticz.

Glad to know you're a OH user too. Your watchdog method is a fantastic example. I use a Nextion timer event and ESPeasy's MQTT to send a status byte every few seconds. A rule in OH is triggered if the status byte goes missing for more than a minute; It triggers an Amazon Echo voice warning that tells us that there is a communication problem with the iot device.

- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#340 Post by BertB » 30 Jul 2018, 18:22

Thank you Thomas, but I already know that.
Per haps you do not know, but back in 2016, I started to continue on the work of majklovec and took Nextion plugin to what it was before TD-er brought it to the development area. Until that moment I posted some editions here.
Never mind. I am very happy with the efford you put in it. It is exactly what it needed and what I was not able to do, due to a lack of skills.

I also started a user guide here: ... IONDisplay

I am only looking for a way to program Domoticz to update the display, but I think I know what to do next.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#341 Post by ThomasB » 30 Jul 2018, 20:19

Sorry I can't help with Domoticz specific coding. It is vastly different than Openhab.

- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#342 Post by BertB » 30 Jul 2018, 20:41

No problem. Maybe you can help me with that some time later. For now, I am sorting out with blockly.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#343 Post by ThomasB » 31 Jul 2018, 19:57

I was granted wiki edit privileges and have created the information page for the revised Nextion plugin. It's a web page that can be seen by clicking the ? symbol in the Nextion plugin. The direct link is:

It is mostly intended to be a technical reference for the plugin rather than a how-to. It includes a link to BertB's wiki that covers the latter.

- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#344 Post by BertB » 31 Jul 2018, 21:00


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Re: Nextion display plugin

#345 Post by grovkillen » 31 Jul 2018, 22:08

Nice one! The plugin 75 page should be a redirect to a "Nextion" page but I can do that if you want.
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Re: Nextion display plugin

#346 Post by ThomasB » 31 Jul 2018, 23:03

Thanks for the kind feedback on the wiki.

Go ahead and do whatever is needed to maintain a standardized wiki URL. If you create the redirected paged, and need me to copy the text/photos over to it, then just let me know. Or you can do it all if you prefer.

EDIT: @grovkillen, I was able to redirect the wiki to a "Nextion" page and moved all content to it.

- Thomas

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#347 Post by CHK_BLN » 07 Aug 2018, 22:34

with ... txt="Hallo "
can I write in the text field t.2, on Page0, the text Hello.
How can I realize this via MQTT?
This is my config from the ESP

Best regards
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Re: Nextion display plugin

#348 Post by ThomasB » 07 Aug 2018, 23:14

@CHK_BLN: I'm using HTTP command reads so I can't offer any specific instructions for the MQTT equivalent. However, the wiki has MQTT command syntax information. It also says to install MQTT as the first controller (in Controllers tab).

- Thomas
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Re: Nextion display plugin

#349 Post by TD-er » 07 Aug 2018, 23:18

It is also outdated info about MQTT controller to be set as first controller. :)
Maybe I should start reading/updating the wiki too.

You can only have one MQTT controller active though.

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Re: Nextion display plugin

#350 Post by ThomasB » 07 Aug 2018, 23:24

Maybe I should start reading/updating the wiki too.
@TD-er: Sure, you can do that in your spare time. :)

- Thomas

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