by leachimtrebron » 26 Dec 2019, 18:16
Thanks for the hint.
what does it look like if you want to trigger an event every 3 or every 8 minutes
Could you put some examples in the wiki? This could also help other users.
THANKS for your help
Clock # Time =
All, **: ** ==> every minute
All, **: ** ==> 1 1,11,21,31,41,51 minute
All, **: * 5 ==> 5,15,25,35,45,55 minute
All, **: 30 ==> 00 and 30 minutes
Mon, 7:30 p.m. ==> every Monday at 7:30 p.m.
All,% sunrise% ==> sunrise (*)
All,% sunset% ==> sunset (*)
(*) write under Tools / Advanced Settings / Location Settings
I have not yet understood the following:
What does it look like if you only want to trigger an event every 14 days on Monday?
or an event every 4 weeks on the first Monday?
Are there other options?