PCB Idea's...

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Re: PCB Idea's...

#51 Post by Drum » 15 Mar 2016, 16:21

"Somewhere in this forum, someone tried this before.
ESP can only run on a solar charged battery, when it is allowed to enter sleep mode and that brings some new problems with it."

What problems are you refering to? I am curious because I am trying to do this and have 2 test systems running now. 1 with a lipo and 5V solar cell and the other with 4AA NiMH and a 6V solar cell. The lipo version has been running at least a month and the NiMH about 2 weeks. Both wake up every 10 minutes without problems. The lipo has a Schottky diode to reduce the power, and the NiMH is using a LM3671 based module. I have some MCP1826 chips to test this weekend if I have time to finish the assembly on my next test board,

I also tried to use a garden light but most use either 1 AA or 1 AAA NiMH and getting 3.3V at enough ma for an esp8266 is a problem for me, and the solar cells are ususlly sized to charge the battery with a full day in the sun, so overnight is problematic as well. I do have some Ikea solar lights with 5V soalr cells, I will try them on 3 AA NiMH but, I am concerned about over voltage. I get 3 to 4 days off 3 AA NiMH withougt deep sleep, but I stopped doing that when I realized fully charged it is close to 4V. This could reduce useful life of the ESP and sensors. I will try it with the MCP1826, the datasheet says is should work, but reality is frequently different. I have some INA219 modules on order to try to track the power better hopefully I can get them to work better than using the ADC, that has not been the most reliable for me so far.

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Re: PCB Idea's...

#52 Post by BertB » 15 Mar 2016, 17:33

I was referring to this problem :http://www.esp8266.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=287 but may it is solved.
The other one is that no message (command) will arrive at the esp while it is sleeping and as far as I know, there is no wake-up and ask for commands type of sequence.

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Re: PCB Idea's...

#53 Post by Drum » 15 Mar 2016, 18:12

Hopefully the memory issue is solved, but if not I expect we will hear about before too long. As for no wake up and ask for commands, I don't think this is a problem for me with my current plans, they will just be sending data to a server. I would think it would be possible to have it wake up, ping a server and wait for a few seconds for a response, but I have no idea how. I think it may be more of a problem on the server side than the ESP. I am fairly certain it can be done, but I am not that good at programming, yet.

I will be looking at something like the ability to have it look at a server for a update file when it resets (option in settings) as well as have it wait after sending data to receive a command to reboot, upload file, reboot again and start running, or maybe turn off deep sleep. The current system to update is great for testing, but not if you have 20+ remote units. Having to manually reboot them and quickly log in would take some time. I have a long way to go before I need something like that though, getting it working with MQTT and storing data to a better database is higher on the list. Domoticz is easy for testing, but I would prefer to be able to have more flexibility with the data, and I do need to find or create a good flexible PCB for data collection, and maybe more.

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Re: PCB Idea's...

#54 Post by BertB » 15 Mar 2016, 18:26

Well, perhaps if you work out your plans, it might be a nice feature to create some sort of handshaking while utilizing deepsleep methods.
On the other hand, this could be easier solved with MySensors. For battery powered devices, they created platforms with NRF24L01 radios.

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Re: PCB Idea's...

#55 Post by Drum » 16 Mar 2016, 10:26

I think for the most part the units I would want to be "real time interactive" meaning sending instant commands to, would not have battery as the primary power so would not need deep sleep, but I can also see the utility of having a battery powered remote unit which could be "deep sleep delayed interactive" where it utilized a handshaking protocol to receive commands. Remotely programmable timers on solar powered devices, which could be either controlled by remote computer or upload a simple file which sets on / off times or possibly include a set of values as well. I will have to think about how to do this to have the most flexibility and utility.

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Re: PCB Idea's...

#56 Post by 5ko » 13 Apr 2016, 20:32

My first PCB on the subject ESP...PCB supports multiple ESP module versions, multiple versions of power ... and we'll see what direction will go the development... WD next ...
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Re: PCB Idea's...

#57 Post by MiKa1975 » 14 Apr 2016, 06:11

Hi 5ko,
Nice design, can You share source file for this PCB? :?: ;)

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Re: PCB Idea's...

#58 Post by 5ko » 14 Apr 2016, 17:02

Of course, gladly, just to test ESP01 and NodeMCU V1 module and SSR 5V DC because the PCB supports them. ... Also in preparation is a PCB with the new development of the ESP Easy possibility to have a external WD timer and WiFi status LED position. I have reason to do extensive testing for eliminating self resets reasons of poor quality filtering power and other RF / EMI / interference noise which are on this module with ESP201 and 470mincroF & 100nF on on 3.3V shown perfectly.Also I wait for some response whether there will be adopted my suggestion that to be implemented in GUI interface option to reduce transmitter output power. I still have one doubt and that is to do separated Analog and Digital GND and to be connected at one point. The plan is also to be two PCB,one main for energy / input and the upper PCB (like the shield)with ESP itself with WD ic, OLED and buttons ... I adjusted the dimensions for HUT4 ABS plastic DIN rail enclosure (I can bay it directly from the manufacturer for 4e ) ... I'm not anywhere in the forum found the option for even a small buzzer in case if there is no AP connection or some other alarming event (low battery etc.) ...For the reasons of dimension, PCB will likely support D1mini WeMos ESP board and adapter PCB for 12E or 07 with replaced memory IC (for OTA option but with external antenna connection option...)
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send me a mail and I'll send you a file that was made in the eagle...

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