Not possible to save rules, GUI is odd and no log

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Not possible to save rules, GUI is odd and no log

#1 Post by DavidC » 21 Apr 2024, 11:07

I'm having very similar issue as this one from December 2023:
I used 20240414 Climate 4M [ESP8266,ESP32,ESP32-S2/S3/C3]
=Build: ESP_Easy_mega_20240414_climate_ESP8266_4M1M Apr 14 2024
on a nodemcu v3 (esp8266)

When I try to add rules, I see the "Saved!" message when I open the page. Furthermore the interface does not react when I try to click on the "save" button. Nothing is saved. There is no special caracter in the code (checked in Notepad++).
In the topic mentionned above the solution was to use a more recent version.. but I think I'm using the most recent one...
I was trying to update a ventilation project based on humidity sensor that had been working fine until the temp sensor DHT22 broke down completely. I'm replacing it by a BME280... As it was not recognised I tried to re-instal a new build... but the problem was the I2C address: the BME I'm using (with steamma connector) does not use the default but uses the alternative address. I can see the measurements. But now I can not add rules....

Glad if someone can help me!

Bets regards,

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Ventilation control : Espeasy (on esp8266 nodemcu v3) + relay + BME280 (to replace broken dht22) (to control Ducobox)

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Re: Not possible to save rules, GUI is odd and no log

#2 Post by Ath » 21 Apr 2024, 13:07

It seems your browser doesn't download additional files from the cdn (content delivery network) implying that access to the internet (by the browser) is required, sometimes it's enough to do a forced refresh in the browser, if that won't work, you can also upload the .js and .css files to the filesystem of your ESP, the list of files is here
/Ton (

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Re: Not possible to save rules, GUI is odd and no log

#3 Post by DavidC » 21 Apr 2024, 17:56

Thanks for the explanation!
Indeed I work in Acess Point mode, I do not need to connect my ventilation to internet...
If I add the wifi network credentials, it works indeed. I'm able to save rules and watch the log, with the "nice" UI. It's also much faster to switch pages on the web interface.
However, if afterwards I switch again to pure AP mode, I get the same situation as the original post... (But at the least the rules I saved when connect to internet are still present). So it's not a solution for me because where the project will be located there is no internet access... So no possibility to debug or fine tune on site...

I found the files you are referring to, but I have no idea how i could get them on the esp file system... Probably more complex than drag and drop... If there is a tutorial somewhere I might try it.

Thanks again!

Current project:
Ventilation control : Espeasy (on esp8266 nodemcu v3) + relay + BME280 (to replace broken dht22) (to control Ducobox)

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Re: Not possible to save rules, GUI is odd and no log

#4 Post by DavidC » 21 Apr 2024, 18:37

Correction: with Safari (Iphone) the Web UI, rules and log work, even without access to internet... But for one year only and if i do not change/update phone?
(With Chrome on PC it does not work).

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Ventilation control : Espeasy (on esp8266 nodemcu v3) + relay + BME280 (to replace broken dht22) (to control Ducobox)

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Re: Not possible to save rules, GUI is odd and no log

#5 Post by Ath » 21 Apr 2024, 20:38

For uploading files onto the local file system, there is a button "File browser" (near the bottom of the Tools tab), that has an "Upload" button to add files there. The files have to be on the device where you run the webbrowser.

There is a little snag in your intended setup: After 5 minutes of no device connected to the AP, the AP is shutdown, only to be activated on a reboot :shock: (or from rules)
I think we still need a setting to optionally not shutdown the AP, so your use-case will actually work.

As an alternative, you can enable a WiFi AP on your phone or computer while you are at the location, that the ESP can connect to once activated. You might need to add a button to the ESP that when pressed executes a rule to activate the WiFi connection, so you can browse the ESP from either the phone or computer.

Another alternative can be to have a cheap or decommissioned WiFi router at the location, so the ESP can stay connected to WiFi, even without internet access. :idea:
/Ton (

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Re: Not possible to save rules, GUI is odd and no log

#6 Post by DavidC » 22 Apr 2024, 23:00

Great! thanks! I've been able to upload the needed files, quite easy in fact!
Concerning the automatic shutdown of the AP after 5 min... I think that was what I asked for two years ago!
At least, I was asking for the possibility to switch off the AP connection... Back then it was not possible at all to switch it off... I'm happy with the new default: as you hinted, I will have to restart the unit and connect my phone to the AP, that's Ok for me.
Or pehaps I will add - temporarily - a rule to maintain the AP alive for finetuning.

When I'll find some time I will test something like this: every 5 minutes + 5 sec restart Apmode...

Code: Select all

On System#Boot Do

On Rules#Timer=5 Do

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Ventilation control : Espeasy (on esp8266 nodemcu v3) + relay + BME280 (to replace broken dht22) (to control Ducobox)

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Re: Not possible to save rules, GUI is odd and no log

#7 Post by Ath » 22 Apr 2024, 23:08

You could make that dependent on a GPIO pin (with a switch connected), so it doesn't 'waste' all that energy keeping the AP active, as that uses more energy, also when not needed, as that remote site you won't be visiting often, I assume ;)
/Ton (

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