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Livolo setup

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 11:23
by twinsen
I try to setup a Livolo dimmer switch to send DimUP and Dimdown command but I don't know that are the sintax.

In the user guide for small remote it says:

"For dimmer switch, after synchronizing the remote, the function ofthe buttons are as follows: A-On, B—. Dim Up, C—Dim Down, D—off"

In this case how I will simutate the B and C buttons function ?

I use domoticz and i have RFLink Version 43.4

Code: Select all

 2016-12-16 12:19:22.145 RFLink Sending: 10;Livolo;00dd00;1;ON
2016-12-16 12:19:24.739 (RFLink) Light/Switch (Unknown) 

Code: Select all

 2016-12-16 12:19:20.016 RFLink Sending: 10;Livolo;00dd00;1;OFF
2016-12-16 12:19:21.310 (RFLink) Light/Switch (Unknown) 

Code: Select all

 2016-12-16 12:18:54.530 RFLink Sending: 10;Livolo;00dd00;1;12
2016-12-16 12:18:54.606 Error: RFLink: Error/Unknown command received!...
2016-12-16 12:18:54.606 (RFLink) Light/Switch (Unknown)  


Re: Livolo setup

Posted: 17 Dec 2016, 23:38
by twinsen
No response... :(

Can someone tell me that is the sintax for livolo switch, please


What and which are the parameters

Last one is only on/off?

Re: Livolo setup

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 01:30
by Stuntteam
We currently only have ON/OFF.
It would be possible to add dimming functionality.
However, this does not work well with home automation software since there is no way to know the actual brightness level.

Re: Livolo setup

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 17:41
by springfield
Is a curtain switch also supported? Which is basicly an on/off for up/down.

Re: Livolo setup

Posted: 07 Feb 2017, 16:06
by icibt
Stuntteam wrote:We currently only have ON/OFF.
It would be possible to add dimming functionality.
However, this does not work well with home automation software since there is no way to know the actual brightness level.
As far as I understand Livolo has only Toggle + GroupOff functionality. There is some mention of Scenes here, they mention that with that they now have true ON/OFF compatibility. But that maybe only for the Dimmer switch. I am also unsure how to add a switch in Domoticz for GroupOff. Can you help?

Manualy adding a swtich for Livlo works as Toggle switch without problems.