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Re: RFLink with FW that receive from RFLink with out FW

Posted: 21 Jan 2017, 09:26
by denisj
I forget to tell you about my garden project
It's a hydroponic system that will make grow plants

So from my raspberry(inside home) I will ask a lot of thinks from the arduino mega (outside in the garden)
thinks about level of water, PH and nutrients of water etc...
And then I must send commands to the arduino mega from raspberry+rflink

But... I want to ask you a think, why you don't make your own rflink protocol ?
A protocol that can be used just in order to send/receive messages from/to rflink hardware.
Make it less complicated than oregon protocol.
Is this possible ?

Thanks again

Re: RFLink with FW that receive from RFLink with out FW

Posted: 25 Jan 2017, 10:36
by denisj
Maybe you can give me a name of a driver that already use the FSK modulation
and I'll try to use it in order to work with RFM69 lib from LowPowerLab (this one also have a large community)

I can use the packet you sent me for testing the "OWL Intuition PV"
I'm newbe, but I'll try to learn :-)

Thanks again

Re: RFLink with FW that receive from RFLink with out FW

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 12:13
by jannnfe
Hello, have you found a way by now? I would like to do the same.