Greetings from Switzerland

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Greetings from Switzerland

#1 Post by capitanguex » 30 Nov 2020, 16:54

Hi there,
i started with ESPEasy and try to get a neopixel ring clock running. I have used plugin P070 which I try to compile but it hasn't worked so far. I use visual studio code and get 4 errors with undefined variables. My first question to the forum is if anyone has plugin P070 working and if so, could help me to get it working. Thanks a lot


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Re: Greetings from Switzerland

#2 Post by Ath » 30 Nov 2020, 17:35

That plugin is standard included in the TESTING builds (having the _test_ in the name of the .bin file), so you can simply flash that bin file to your ESP and you should be able to use it. It is working as expected, AFAIK.
Testing builds are currently only available for 4MB ESP's, and not for 1MB versions.
/Ton (

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Re: Greetings from Switzerland

#3 Post by capitanguex » 30 Nov 2020, 18:45

thank you for your answer. I flashed ESP_Easy_mega_20201130_test_beta_ESP8266_4M1M.bin but can't find P070 in Add Devices. In the Plugin code itself there is a #ifdef PLUGIN_BUILD_DISABLED. For compile i've to comment this out and also the #endif // PLUGIN_BUILD_DISABLED at the end. Set it to PLUGIN_BUILD_NORMAL has not worked in the last 2 ESPEasy Builds. I've modified the plugin code a little bit but 1 error remains:

C:/Users/user01/Documents/ESPEasy-mega/src/_P070_NeoPixel_Clock.ino:260:22: error: 'Clock_update' was not declared in this scope
Compiling .pio\build\custom_ESP8266_4M1M\src\src\Commands\Diagnostic.cpp.o
*** [.pio\build\custom_ESP8266_4M1M\src\ESPEasy.ino.cpp.o] Error 1

If i comment Line 260 out it compile w/o error and i can select it in Add Devices but does not work (i think Clock_update () is an essential part). My modified code see below.

#include "_Plugin_Helper.h"
#ifdef USES_P070
//#################################### Plugin 070: NeoPixel ring clock #######################################

//This plugin is disabled, change it to PLUGIN_BUILD_NORMAL to re-enable it.

//A clock that uses a strip/ring of 60 WS2812 NeoPixel LEDs as display for a classic clock.
//The hours are RED, the minutes are GREEN, the seconds are BLUE and the hour marks are WHITE.
//The brightness of the clock hands and the hour marks can be set in the device page,
//or can be set by commands. The format is as follows:
// Clock,<Enabled 1/0>,<Hand brightness 0-255>,<Mark brightness 0-255>

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#define NUMBER_LEDS 24 //number of LED in the strip

struct P070_data_struct : public PluginTaskData_base {

P070_data_struct() {}

~P070_data_struct() { reset(); }

void reset() {
if (Plugin_070_pixels != nullptr) {
delete Plugin_070_pixels;
Plugin_070_pixels = nullptr;

void init(struct EventStruct *event) {
if (!Plugin_070_pixels)
Plugin_070_pixels = new (std::nothrow) Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMBER_LEDS, CONFIG_PIN1, NEO_GRBW + NEO_KHZ800);
if (Plugin_070_pixels == nullptr) {
Plugin_070_pixels->begin(); // This initializes the NeoPixel library.

void set(struct EventStruct *event) {
display_enabled = PCONFIG(0);
brightness = PCONFIG(1);
brightness_hour_marks = PCONFIG(2);
offset_12h_mark = PCONFIG(3);
thick_12_mark = PCONFIG(4);

void Clock_update()
clearClock(); //turn off the LEDs
if (display_enabled > 0) { //if the display is enabled, calculate the LEDs to turn on
int Hours = node_time.hour();
int Minutes = node_time.minute();
int Seconds = node_time.second();
timeToStrip(Hours, Minutes, Seconds);
Plugin_070_pixels->show(); // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware.

void calculateMarks()
{ //generate a list of the LEDs that have hour marks
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
marks = 5 * i + (offset_12h_mark % 5);
if (thick_12_mark) {
if (offset_12h_mark == 0) {
marks[12] = 1;
marks[13] = 59;
else if (offset_12h_mark == 59) {
marks[12] = 0;
marks[13] = 58;
else {
marks[12] = offset_12h_mark + 1;
marks[13] = offset_12h_mark - 1;
else {
marks[12] = 255;
marks[13] = 255;

void clearClock() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_LEDS; i++) {
Plugin_070_pixels->setPixelColor(i, Plugin_070_pixels->Color(0, 0, 0));

void timeToStrip(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) {
if (hours > 11) hours = hours - 12;
hours = (hours * 5) + (minutes / 12) + offset_12h_mark; //make the hour hand move each 12 minutes and apply the offset
if (hours > 59) hours = hours - 60;
minutes = minutes + offset_12h_mark; //apply offset to minutes
if (minutes > 59) minutes = minutes - 60;
seconds = seconds + offset_12h_mark; //apply offset to seconds
if (seconds > 59) seconds = seconds - 60;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 14; i ++) { //set the hour marks as white;
if ((marks != hours) && (marks != minutes) && (marks != seconds) && (marks != 255)) { //do not draw a mark there is a clock hand in that position
Plugin_070_pixels->setPixelColor(marks, Plugin_070_pixels->Color(brightness_hour_marks, brightness_hour_marks, brightness_hour_marks));
uint32_t currentColor;
uint8_t r_val, g_val, b_val;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_LEDS; i++) { //draw the clock hands, adding the colors together
if (i == hours) { //hours hand is RED
Plugin_070_pixels->setPixelColor(i, Plugin_070_pixels->Color(brightness, 0, 0));
if (i == minutes) { //minutes hand is GREEN
currentColor = Plugin_070_pixels->getPixelColor(i);
r_val = (uint8_t)(currentColor >> 16);
Plugin_070_pixels->setPixelColor(i, Plugin_070_pixels->Color(r_val, brightness, 0));
if (i == seconds) { //seconds hand is BLUE
currentColor = Plugin_070_pixels->getPixelColor(i);
r_val = (uint8_t)(currentColor >> 16);
g_val = (uint8_t)(currentColor >> 8);
Plugin_070_pixels->setPixelColor(i, Plugin_070_pixels->Color(r_val, g_val, brightness));

boolean display_enabled; // used to enable/disable the display.
byte brightness; // brightness of the clock "hands"
byte brightness_hour_marks; // brightness of the hour marks
byte offset_12h_mark; // position of the 12 o'clock LED on the strip
boolean thick_12_mark; // thicker marking of the 12h position
byte marks[14]; // Positions of the hour marks and dials

Adafruit_NeoPixel * Plugin_070_pixels = nullptr;


#define PLUGIN_070
#define PLUGIN_ID_070 70
#define PLUGIN_NAME_070 "Output - NeoPixel Ring Clock [TESTING]"
#define PLUGIN_VALUENAME1_070 "Enabled"
#define PLUGIN_VALUENAME2_070 "Brightness"
#define PLUGIN_VALUENAME3_070 "Marks"

boolean display_enabled; // used to enable/disable the display.
byte brightness; // brightness of the clock "hands"
byte brightness_hour_marks; // brightness of the hour marks

boolean Plugin_070(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string)

boolean success = false;

switch (function)

Device[++deviceCount].Number = PLUGIN_ID_070;
Device[deviceCount].Type = DEVICE_TYPE_SINGLE;
Device[deviceCount].VType = Sensor_VType::SENSOR_TYPE_TRIPLE;
Device[deviceCount].Ports = 0;
Device[deviceCount].PullUpOption = false;
Device[deviceCount].InverseLogicOption = false;
Device[deviceCount].FormulaOption = false;
Device[deviceCount].ValueCount = 3;
Device[deviceCount].SendDataOption = false;
Device[deviceCount].TimerOption = false;
Device[deviceCount].GlobalSyncOption = false;

string = F(PLUGIN_NAME_070);

strcpy_P(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceValueNames[0], PSTR(PLUGIN_VALUENAME1_070));
strcpy_P(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceValueNames[1], PSTR(PLUGIN_VALUENAME2_070));
strcpy_P(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceValueNames[2], PSTR(PLUGIN_VALUENAME3_070));

event->String1 = formatGpioName_output("LED");

addFormSubHeader(F("Clock configuration"));
addFormNumericBox(F("12 o'clock LED position"), F("offset"), PCONFIG(3), 0, 59);
addFormNote(F("Position of the 12 o'clock LED in the strip"));
addFormCheckBox(F("Thick 12 o'clock mark"), F("thick_12_mark"), PCONFIG(4));
addFormNote(F("Check to have 3 LEDs marking the 12 o'clock position"));
addFormCheckBox(F("Clock display enabled"), F("enabled"), PCONFIG(0));
addFormNote(F("LED activation"));
addFormNumericBox(F("LED brightness"), F("brightness"), PCONFIG(1), 0, 255);
addFormNote(F("Brightness level of the H/M/S hands (0-255)"));
addFormNumericBox(F("Hour mark brightness"), F("marks"), PCONFIG(2), 0, 255);
addFormNote(F("Brightness level of the hour marks (0-255)"));

success = true;

PCONFIG(0) = isFormItemChecked(F("enabled"));
PCONFIG(1) = getFormItemInt(F("brightness"));
PCONFIG(2) = getFormItemInt(F("marks"));
PCONFIG(3) = getFormItemInt(F("offset"));
PCONFIG(4) = isFormItemChecked(F("thick_12_mark"));
P070_data_struct* P070_data = static_cast<P070_data_struct*>(getPluginTaskData(event->TaskIndex));
if (nullptr != P070_data) {
P070_data->display_enabled = PCONFIG(0);
P070_data->brightness = PCONFIG(1);
P070_data->brightness_hour_marks = PCONFIG(2);
P070_data->offset_12h_mark = PCONFIG(3);
P070_data->thick_12_mark = PCONFIG(4);

success = true;

success = true;

initPluginTaskData(event->TaskIndex, new (std::nothrow) P070_data_struct());
P070_data_struct* P070_data = static_cast<P070_data_struct*>(getPluginTaskData(event->TaskIndex));
if (nullptr == P070_data) {
return success;

success = true;

success = true;

String lowerString=string;
String command = parseString(lowerString, 1);
String param1 = parseString(lowerString, 2);
String param2 = parseString(lowerString, 3);
String param3 = parseString(lowerString, 4);

P070_data_struct* P070_data = static_cast<P070_data_struct*>(getPluginTaskData(event->TaskIndex));
if (nullptr != P070_data && command == F("clock")) {
int val_Mode;
if (validIntFromString(param1, val_Mode)) {
if (val_Mode > -1 && val_Mode < 2) {
P070_data->display_enabled = val_Mode;
PCONFIG(0) = P070_data->display_enabled;
int val_Bright;
if (validIntFromString(param2, val_Bright)) {
if (val_Bright > -1 && val_Bright < 256) {
P070_data->brightness = val_Bright;
PCONFIG(1) = P070_data->brightness;
int val_Marks;
if (validIntFromString(param3, val_Marks)) {
if (val_Marks > -1 && val_Marks < 256) {
P070_data->brightness_hour_marks = val_Marks;
PCONFIG(2) = P070_data->brightness_hour_marks;
/* //Command debuging routine
String log = F("Clock: ");
log = F(" Enabled = ");
log += param1;
log = F(" Brightness = ");
log += param2;
log = F(" Marks = ");
log += param3;
success = true;

P070_data_struct* P070_data = static_cast<P070_data_struct*>(getPluginTaskData(event->TaskIndex));
if (nullptr != P070_data) {
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = display_enabled;
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1] = brightness;
UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 2] = brightness_hour_marks;

success = true;

return success;

#endif // USES_P070


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Re: Greetings from Switzerland

#4 Post by TD-er » 30 Nov 2020, 19:03

I will have a look

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Re: Greetings from Switzerland

#5 Post by TD-er » 30 Nov 2020, 19:16

Made a PR for it.
Can you test it?

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Re: Greetings from Switzerland

#6 Post by capitanguex » 01 Dec 2020, 14:31

Hello TD-er,
thank you very much for your help. I've tested it and it compile now w/o error. Uploaded it to my Wemos D1, can select and configure it and Led's light up. The time markers (3,6,9,12) are at wrong position but i've only a 24 led pixel ring instead of 60. I've set it to 24 in the code but think it's only calculate for 60 led's. Now i'll try to make changes in the code to work with my 24 ring (# of leds selectable like P038).


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