Flash script linux

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To flash an ESP8266 on Linux, you need the esptool as it is shipped with Arduino IDE or as standalone tool, see github [source](https://github.com/igrr/esptool-ck) and [binary releases](https://github.com/igrr/esptool-ck/releases/).

The following script tries to find the esptool binary

  • in Arduino IDE install paths
  • in a dir of the PATH variable
  • the local directory (with the script and firmware files)

<source lang="bash">

  1. !/bin/bash

selectst="" for i in ESPEasy*bin do selectst="$i $i off $selectst" done

  1. check for esptool

esptoolbin=$(which esptool) if [ ! -x "$esptoolbin" ] ; then if [ -x "./esptool" ] ; then esptoolbin="./esptool" else eardu=$(find $HOME/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/esptool/* -name esptool|sort|tail -1) if [ -x "$eardu" ] ; then echo "found esptool: $eardu" esptoolbin="$eardu" fi fi fi if [ ! -x "$esptoolbin" ] ; then echo "esptool not found, you can link it here or put in \$PATH" exit 2 else echo "using esptool $esptoolbin" fi

read -e -p "serial device, (USB2serial devices: $(ls /dev/ttyUSB*)):" -i "/dev/ttyUSB0" serdev

if [ ! -r "$serdev" ] ; then echo "device '$serdev' does not exist" exit 2 fi

if [ -n "$(which dialog)" ] ; then cmd=(dialog --radiolist "Select firmware" 22 76 16) choice=$("${cmd[@]}" ${selectst} 2>&1 >/dev/tty) else # bash only, do it with an array fa=(ESPEasy_*.bin) cnt=0 nfa=${#fa[*]} while [ $cnt -lt $nfa ] do echo $cnt ${fa[$cnt]}


done read -p "choose number of firmware file to flash [0-$((nfa-1))]: " nsel choice=${fa[$nsel]} if [ ! -f "$choice" ] ; then echo "cannot find file \"$choice\", exiting" exit 2 fi fi

echo "----" read -p "flash $choice? [Y/n]" yn if [ "$yn" != "n" ] ; then

   "$esptoolbin" -vv -cd nodemcu -cb 115200 -cp "$serdev" -ca 0x00000 -cf "$choice"

fi </source>