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by TD-er
14 Feb 2025, 18:41
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: maybe easier to use Dashboard replacement
Replies: 219
Views: 427047

Re: maybe easier to use Dashboard replacement

We could also add some extras for the easyfetch. For example we already have SettingsArchive, where you can select what is allowed to download from somewhere. I guess we could add some extra features to define what is allowed. And then add some p2p command to get/set the ESPEasyFetch preferences. Th...
by TD-er
14 Feb 2025, 01:11
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Missing "Notifications" tab in Custom build
Replies: 16
Views: 5495

Re: Missing "Notifications" tab in Custom build

Thanks for the feedback.
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 20:53
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

3-position switch is also a good idea. And since you're switching only 5V, you don't need to keep that much distance. Just make sure you're not placing the switch close to the mains voltage parts :) And maybe use one that's not that accessible so you can't switch it by accident. If you plan on letti...
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 20:49
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Where to order a PMS7003
Replies: 3
Views: 113

Re: Where to order a PMS7003

Maybe you could also send an email to Plantower regarding this and then include a screenshot of the mail as 'proof' to your claim.
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 18:21
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Missing "Notifications" tab in Custom build
Replies: 16
Views: 5495

Re: Missing "Notifications" tab in Custom build

It should be as simple as just setting the port to 25.
Please let us know if it is working as it should.
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 18:18
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

I would place the capacitor C1 inbetween the 2 diodes, so the + of the capacitor is at the +5V net symbol. This way the C1 will also help when you power it via USB. The orientation of the 2 diode is correct. This way there is no current flowing in the wrong direction. I just named the 1N4007 as that...
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 18:01
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Missing "Notifications" tab in Custom build
Replies: 16
Views: 5495

Re: Missing "Notifications" tab in Custom build

That issue has recently been solved: You could fetch one of the latest builds from the GitHub Actions build, like this one here: Or if you need your own custom build, the fixes for se...
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 17:58
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: Custom Build - newbie questions
Replies: 12
Views: 2460

Re: Custom Build - newbie questions

Well technically it should be possible to use Arduino IDE, but I haven't tried it myself for years. Also the build process does include some quite specific PlatformIO/PIOArduino build stuff, so it is possible you need to make changes to make it build using Arduino IDE. I strongly advice against usin...
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 17:50
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Where to order a PMS7003
Replies: 3
Views: 113

Re: Where to order a PMS7003

Years ago I have ordered a few modules from Plantower themselves. However that was quite expensive, especially the shipping costs. Keep in mind the PMS7003 does need a rather small pin header on the side, so not really a good candidate for breadboard tests. I just searched for it on AliExpress and b...
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 17:22
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: Custom Build - newbie questions
Replies: 12
Views: 2460

Re: Custom Build - newbie questions

Where is a manual telling you to use Arduino IDE?
We strongly advice against using Arduino IDE but use VS code + PlatformIO instead
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 17:21
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

What is the distance between the traces near the solder joint of the fuse? And why not place C1 near the DC output of the HLK net transformer? Another thing I forgot to mention (didn't think of it myself...) You now have quite a lot of parts and copper near the WiFi antenna. Usually you want to have...
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 16:59
Forum: ESP Easy: Hardware
Topic: E-Ink Display WeAct 2,13" 250x122 SSD1680
Replies: 3
Views: 136

Re: E-Ink Display WeAct 2,13" 250x122 SSD1680

Then it should last for years, so that's fine :)
by TD-er
13 Feb 2025, 16:44
Forum: ESP Easy: Hardware
Topic: E-Ink Display WeAct 2,13" 250x122 SSD1680
Replies: 3
Views: 136

Re: E-Ink Display WeAct 2,13" 250x122 SSD1680

Just a word of warning.
Do not update e-ink displays too often as it will literally wear out and the pixels may fade.
by TD-er
12 Feb 2025, 22:46
Forum: ESP Easy: Hardware
Topic: ina219 more Resolution
Replies: 7
Views: 465

Re: ina219 more Resolution

Looked at the source and "26V/8A" seems to set the 'current gain' such that 320mV is full range. So that should be the right setting indeed. However most settings seem to set it. - 32V/2A - 32V/1A - 26V/8A So I guess there is some room for explaining which resistor/shunt values are assumed...
by TD-er
12 Feb 2025, 17:28
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: maybe easier to use Dashboard replacement
Replies: 219
Views: 427047

Re: maybe easier to use Dashboard replacement

Maybe the negative number is the RSSI?
by TD-er
12 Feb 2025, 16:42
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: maybe easier to use Dashboard replacement
Replies: 219
Views: 427047

Re: maybe easier to use Dashboard replacement

And then fetch/save JSON?
by TD-er
12 Feb 2025, 08:41
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: maybe easier to use Dashboard replacement
Replies: 219
Views: 427047

Re: maybe easier to use Dashboard replacement

Or maybe we should just add some extra options to alter specific layout terms per task and store it in a separate file on the file system.
by TD-er
12 Feb 2025, 00:17
Forum: ESP Easy: Hardware
Topic: ina219 more Resolution
Replies: 7
Views: 465

Re: ina219 more Resolution

Well the voltages on the analog inputs must not be lower than GND. See note 2) on page 4 of the datasheet the "Absolute maximum ratings" 2) VIN+ and VIN– may have a differential voltage of –26 to 26 V; however, the voltage at these pins must not exceed the range –0.3 to 26 V. So that's why...
by TD-er
11 Feb 2025, 22:54
Forum: ESP Easy: Hardware
Topic: ina219 more Resolution
Replies: 7
Views: 465

Re: ina219 more Resolution

Keep an eye on the GND level between the ESP (and INA219) and the shunt resistor you're placing to measure the 4 ... 20 mA current. The full scale current sense input voltage range when measuring current can be switched from 0 .. +/- 40mV (PGA = 1) to 0 .. +/- 320 mV (PGA = /8) See page 5 of the dat...
by TD-er
11 Feb 2025, 21:21
Forum: ESP Easy: Hardware
Topic: ina219 more Resolution
Replies: 7
Views: 465

Re: ina219 more Resolution

Hide and Axis are for the chart when you have 'stats' enabled. Hide means the data from that variable will not be shown when you load the page. However there will be a legend field of that value which you can click to show the data anyway. Axis means on which axis to show the value. You have L1 ... ...
by TD-er
11 Feb 2025, 20:09
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

Typically a 'bus' is a straight line with sensors connectors at a short distance from the 'bus' Short distance from the bus: _____________________________________ | | | | T T T T Y-shaped bus: ___________________Y | ____________________| | | ___________________T And about the switches with long cabl...
by TD-er
11 Feb 2025, 18:26
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

One more thing... You seem to have 5V to your PH sensor. What (analog) voltage does this sensor return? The analog input of the ADS1x15 should not exceed the supply voltage. (3V3) And the 1-wire sensors... They both use the same GPIO pin, so you technically only need a single pull-up resistor. How l...
by TD-er
11 Feb 2025, 17:00
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

Well if the PCF... is working fine in your setup, then there is nothing to worry. It is just that there are some situations where one of the other supported GPIO-expanders are more suitable. In your PCB drawing tool you probably have some option for "copper pour". This way you can draw an ...
by TD-er
11 Feb 2025, 00:39
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems
Replies: 13
Views: 1461

Re: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems

Well with the current 'powers that be' in the US gov. I wonder what they consider "patching". If someone would have told a year ago in public what would be happening happen now, he'd still be trying out those jackets with way too long sleeves and ropes on the back. It truly is a mess right...
by TD-er
10 Feb 2025, 23:53
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems
Replies: 13
Views: 1461

Re: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems

Oh and when using Dahua camera's, I can imagine why you have a separate LAN for those. There is even a Chrome extension for using the backdoor on those. Not sure which brand is worse regarding backdoors... Dahua or HikVision. Or the Contec CMS8000 heart rate monitors used in hospitals in the EU and ...
by TD-er
10 Feb 2025, 21:53
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

The trace-width should be related to the max. current. The used voltage doesn't have anything to do with the trace width. The distance between traces is what matters with higher voltages. As a rule of thumb, keep at least 1 mm per 100 V. For mains voltage this means you need to keep at least 3 mm be...
by TD-er
10 Feb 2025, 21:38
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems
Replies: 13
Views: 1461

Re: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems

Hmm sounds like my network, minus the organization level of a server rack. I like to call it a "server stack" ;) I have tried myself to setup my access points to use a separate SSID for IoT stuff. The Fritzbox access points only support a 'guest network', which truly isolates any client fr...
by TD-er
10 Feb 2025, 16:05
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: rules problem
Replies: 5
Views: 902

Re: rules problem

Yep, a stable power supply is important for a stable WiFi connection. When starting the WiFi radio, a RF calibration is performed. The RF calibration is highly dependent on the supplied voltage. Also RF calibration takes over 500 mA in very short peaks. So if your power supply can't keep up with the...
by TD-er
10 Feb 2025, 12:36
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: rules problem
Replies: 5
Views: 902

Re: rules problem

Can you also disable the rule to reboot at 2 minutes past midnight?
If the ESP is somehow unable to get the time via NTP, then it might trigger this behavior as the system time is then starting at 00:00 when no system time is set.
by TD-er
10 Feb 2025, 12:30
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: rules problem
Replies: 5
Views: 902

Re: rules problem

If you experience that tasks/controllers or rules are disabled after a reboot, then ESPEasy has detected it was crashing a lot and did just try to disable items one-by-one till it successfully completes a (re)boot. So there is something which causes the ESP to reboot which may be resolved by disable...
by TD-er
10 Feb 2025, 12:24
Forum: ESP Easy: Software
Topic: rules problem
Replies: 5
Views: 902

Re: rules problem

Can you copy/paste the rules as text in the [ code ] ... [ /code ] tags (without the spaces)?

The last "on clock#time ..."
doesn't have a closing "endon"
by TD-er
10 Feb 2025, 09:04
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems
Replies: 13
Views: 1461

Re: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems

Hmm sounds like your network is forgetting MAC-addresses. Can you check the checkbox for gratuituous ARP in ESPEasy? Do ESPEasy devices see others? (when connected to the same access point) The p2p announcement packets are sent to the UDP broadcast address. That's often a good starting point to see ...
by TD-er
09 Feb 2025, 22:04
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Time Source Problem
Replies: 14
Views: 6820

Re: Time Source Problem

August last year???
by TD-er
09 Feb 2025, 22:02
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems
Replies: 13
Views: 1461

Re: Installed New WiFi Router, Now ESPEasy Connection Problems

Try to set ESPEasy to use "force b/g only"
Try to see if your router supports "band steering" and if it does, try disabling it.
The same for "WiFi mesh".
by TD-er
09 Feb 2025, 21:59
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Problem with a rule set if-statement
Replies: 3
Views: 304

Re: Problem with a rule set if-statement

And the bug in your code is that you will only increment the counter when the variable is > 3 (not >= 3)
It will decrement when >= 2.

See the issue? What is variable = 3?
Then it will only decrement and never increment anymore.
by TD-er
09 Feb 2025, 18:31
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

Most SSR's can only switch AC loads as they only switch during a 0-crossing. No idea what kind of filtering is needed to switch a pump. I think a snubber circuit does make sense, but no idea about the specifics of an inductive load as a pump. A diode doesn't make sense on an AC load. You could add T...
by TD-er
09 Feb 2025, 12:05
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Problem with timer syntax ?
Replies: 10
Views: 1344

Re: Problem with timer syntax ?

Maybe you could add some VOC sensor (CCS811 if I'm not mistaken) to detect whether it may be needed to act against the smell.
Just make sure not to continue sending lots of ozone as it is for sure not healthy. (and it may interact with the readings of the VOC sensor)
by TD-er
09 Feb 2025, 00:07
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Problem with timer syntax ?
Replies: 10
Views: 1344

Re: Problem with timer syntax ?

What isn't working?
Or maybe I didn't understand your requirements.
by TD-er
08 Feb 2025, 23:25
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Problem with timer syntax ?
Replies: 10
Views: 1344

Re: Problem with timer syntax ?

If [Rules#Timer]=2 You cannot check for the rules timer state like that, you should use variables or better just check the state of the relay GPIO pin. I think something like this should work (not tested) On Infrarouge#State=1 do if [Plugin#GPIO#Pinstate#23]=0 // Assume GPIO-32 is the relay? // Rel...
by TD-er
08 Feb 2025, 20:51
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

Sadly it is more complex and there isn't a definite "yes" or "no". There are several possibilities here: - USB charger/powerbank/power supply may stop supplying 5V every now and then when it doesn't 'see' a device connected - USB-A to -C cables may or may not actively 'pull' the ...
by TD-er
08 Feb 2025, 16:38
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

Yep, from the CC1/2 pins, 1 resistor per pin to GND. N.B. these CC-pins did not exist on USB-A connectors, so if you have an USB power supply only using USB-A connectors (the old rectangular ones), it will probably work just fine without those resistors, though it is depending on the USB cable used....
by TD-er
08 Feb 2025, 13:37
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

1. Regarding PCB Design and Safety: [...] I will increase the spacing in the routing and the ground plane between the high voltage and low voltage sections. Furthermore, my PCB will be housed in a box that is mounted vertically against a wall and located in a closed room. My question: For my ground...
by TD-er
07 Feb 2025, 22:49
Forum: ESP Easy: Hardware
Topic: Wanted: Cheap ESPEasy Hackable WiFi Products with a Color Display
Replies: 17
Views: 7228

Re: Wanted: Cheap ESPEasy Hackable WiFi Products with a Color Display

ThomasB wrote: 07 Feb 2025, 19:10 [...]
BTW, AliExpress has these things. Prices are not dirt cheap, so unless given one as a gift, buying a raw color display is a much better option.
Videocards have been quite expensive for years, so no surprise here ;)
by TD-er
06 Feb 2025, 01:06
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Problem with P123 after custom build
Replies: 11
Views: 1362

Re: Problem with P123 after custom build

Found the bug... it is a bug in Arduino code.

We can make a work-around tomorrow and have to check other places where it might occur.
by TD-er
05 Feb 2025, 19:05
Forum: ESP Easy: Hardware
Topic: Wanted: Cheap ESPEasy Hackable WiFi Products with a Color Display
Replies: 17
Views: 7228

Re: Wanted: Cheap ESPEasy Hackable WiFi Products with a Color Display

I feel sorry for you, I really do.
Not just for the China packages...
by TD-er
05 Feb 2025, 11:01
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Problem with P123 after custom build
Replies: 11
Views: 1362

Re: Problem with P123 after custom build

OK, thanks for reporting. This means we still got work to do. I am not able to reproduce the crash, but Ton was able to, so that's why we consider the possibility is may have to do with some very specific ESP32 silicon revision as Ton was using the same board as you have and the reported CPU revisio...
by TD-er
05 Feb 2025, 10:19
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy
Replies: 32
Views: 3331

Re: Using the DS3231 Module and Other Modules for Time and Relay State Management with ESP-Easy

First of all, let's start with the PCB design and safety... I think your 'low voltage' part of the design is too close to mains voltage pins. There is still some solder mask present, which also does isolate traces, but since you're using through-hole components, you have to take extra care especiall...
by TD-er
05 Feb 2025, 09:51
Forum: ESP Easy: General Discussion
Topic: Problem with P123 after custom build
Replies: 11
Views: 1362

Re: Problem with P123 after custom build

You could try one of these builds, which hopefully fixes your crashes. ... 3147077146