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Why some kind of events does not show on OLED SSD1306?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018, 23:42
by xury
Hi I wanted to send some of data using SendTo
And its works because I see it in logs on another device with values but I can't display the value on OLED.
Same as I tried to display [Clock#Time] its also not show.
I know %systime% is displayed well, but why some values is possible to display and some not?
I found round up solution putting event to dummy task but I still curious the reason.

Re: Why some kind of events does not show on OLED SSD1306?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018, 23:40
by TD-er
In the file StringConverter.ino you can see all the "aliases" made which can be used to create strings.
These are marked with %text%

When using square brackets, you normally address output values from a task.
Typically [name#value] where "name" is the name given to the task (must be unique) and "value" is the name of the value of that task.

Events are typically used to mark a moment in time to trigger a rule to start.
So you would use the event in the rule to start executing a rule.