ESPEasy from github can't build...

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ESPEasy from github can't build...

#1 Post by gorec2005 » 21 Jan 2016, 20:31

Help please!
i can't build ESPEasy from github - tryed latest arduino ide (today nigthly-build)

Code: Select all

Arduino: 1.6.8 Hourly Build 2016/01/21 04:26 (Linux), Плата:"NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Serial, 921600, 4M (3M SPIFFS)"

/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/ESPEasy.ino: In function 'void setup()':
ESPEasy:360: error: 'emergencyReset' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:362: error: 'LoadSettings' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:383: error: 'ResetFactory' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:391: error: 'BuildFixes' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:395: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
     addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
ESPEasy:401: error: 'WifiAPconfig' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:402: error: 'WifiConnect' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:404: error: 'hardwareInit' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:405: error: 'PluginInit' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:406: error: 'CPluginInit' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:408: error: 'WebServerInit' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:415: error: 'getProtocolIndex' was not declared in this scope
     byte ProtocolIndex = getProtocolIndex(Settings.Protocol);
ESPEasy:417: error: 'MQTTConnect' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:419: error: 'sendSysInfoUDP' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:431: error: 'readFromRTC' was not declared in this scope
     if (readFromRTC(&bootMode))
ESPEasy:448: error: 'saveToRTC' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:462: error: 'initTime' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/ESPEasy.ino: In function 'void loop()':
ESPEasy:490: error: 'WifiConnect' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:496: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
     if (!PluginCall(PLUGIN_SERIAL_IN, 0, dummyString))
ESPEasy:497: error: 'serial' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:502: error: 'checkUDP' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:510: error: 'WifiDisconnect' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:529: error: 'FreeMem' was not declared in this scope
       sprintf_P(str, PSTR("Uptime %u ConnectFailures %u FreeMem %u"), wdcounter / 2, connectionFailures, FreeMem());
ESPEasy:532: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
       addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
ESPEasy:533: error: 'sendSysInfoUDP' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:534: error: 'refreshNodeList' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:535: error: 'MQTTCheck' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:543: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
       PluginCall(PLUGIN_TEN_PER_SECOND, 0, dummyString);
ESPEasy:553: error: 'checkTime' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:556: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
       PluginCall(PLUGIN_ONCE_A_SECOND, 0, dummyString);
ESPEasy:561: error: 'WifiCheck' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:593: error: 'SensorSend' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:596: error: 'saveToRTC' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:598: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
         addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
ESPEasy:604: error: 'delayedReboot' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:606: error: 'backgroundtasks' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/ESPEasy.ino: In function 'void SensorSend()':
ESPEasy:621: error: 'getDeviceIndex' was not declared in this scope
       byte DeviceIndex = getDeviceIndex(Settings.TaskDeviceNumber[x]);
ESPEasy:622: error: 'LoadTaskSettings' was not declared in this scope
ESPEasy:634: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
       success = PluginCall(PLUGIN_READ, &TempEvent, dummyString);
ESPEasy:649: error: 'Calculate' was not declared in this scope
             byte error = Calculate(formula.c_str(), &result);
ESPEasy:654: error: 'sendData' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/ESPEasy.ino: In function 'void backgroundtasks()':
ESPEasy:667: error: 'client' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'boolean sendData(EventStruct*)':
Controller:16: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
       addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log);
Controller:24: error: 'SendUDPTaskData' was not declared in this scope
     SendUDPTaskData(0, event->TaskIndex, event->TaskIndex);
Controller:26: error: 'LoadTaskSettings' was not declared in this scope
Controller:29: error: 'getProtocolIndex' was not declared in this scope
     byte ProtocolIndex = getProtocolIndex(Settings.Protocol);
Controller:32: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
   PluginCall(PLUGIN_EVENT_OUT, event, dummyString);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'void callback(const MQTT::Publish&)':
Controller:49: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
   addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, log);
Controller:57: error: 'getProtocolIndex' was not declared in this scope
   byte ProtocolIndex = getProtocolIndex(Settings.Protocol);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'void MQTTConnect()':
Controller:68: error: request for member 'set_server' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
   MQTTclient.set_server(MQTTBrokerIP, Settings.ControllerPort);
Controller:69: error: request for member 'set_callback' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
Controller:82: error: request for member 'connect' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
       MQTTresult = (MQTTclient.connect(MQTT::Connect(clientid).set_auth(SecuritySettings.ControllerUser, SecuritySettings.ControllerPassword)));
Controller:84: error: request for member 'connect' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
       MQTTresult = (MQTTclient.connect(clientid));
Controller:89: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
       addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
Controller:92: error: request for member 'subscribe' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
Controller:101: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
       addLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, log);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'void MQTTCheck()':
Controller:114: error: 'getProtocolIndex' was not declared in this scope
   byte ProtocolIndex = getProtocolIndex(Settings.Protocol);
Controller:116: error: request for member 'connected' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
     if (!MQTTclient.connected())
Controller:118: error: request for member 'disconnect' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'boolean nodeVariableCopy(byte, byte)':
Controller:144: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
     addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, log);
Controller:156: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
   addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, log);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'void checkUDP()':
Controller:288: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
       addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, packetBuffer);
Controller:289: error: 'ExecuteCommand' was not declared in this scope
Controller:301: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
         addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log);
Controller:330: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
             addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log);
Controller:336: error: 'SendUDPTaskInfo' was not declared in this scope
             SendUDPTaskInfo(packetBuffer[2], packetBuffer[5], packetBuffer[4]);
Controller:355: error: 'SaveTaskSettings' was not declared in this scope
Controller:356: error: 'SaveSettings' was not declared in this scope
Controller:363: error: 'SendUDPTaskData' was not declared in this scope
             SendUDPTaskData(packetBuffer[2], packetBuffer[5], packetBuffer[4]);
Controller:389: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
             PluginCall(PLUGIN_UDP_IN, &TempEvent, dummyString);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'void SendUDPTaskInfo(byte, byte, byte)':
Controller:407: error: 'LoadTaskSettings' was not declared in this scope
Controller:423: error: 'sendUDP' was not declared in this scope
     sendUDP(x, (byte*)&infoReply, sizeof(infoStruct));
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'void SendUDPTaskData(byte, byte, byte)':
Controller:452: error: 'sendUDP' was not declared in this scope
     sendUDP(x, (byte*) &dataReply, sizeof(dataStruct));
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'void sendUDP(byte, byte*, byte)':
Controller:468: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
   addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Controller.ino: In function 'void sendSysInfoUDP(byte)':
Controller:508: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
   addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Hardware.ino: In function 'void hardwareInit()':
Hardware:27: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
     addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
Hardware:47: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
         addLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, log);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void taskClear(byte, boolean)':
Misc:24: error: 'SaveTaskSettings' was not declared in this scope
Misc:25: error: 'SaveSettings' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void BuildFixes()':
Misc:64: error: 'SaveSettings' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void SaveSettings()':
Misc:233: error: 'SaveToFlash' was not declared in this scope
   SaveToFlash(0, (byte*)&Settings, sizeof(struct SettingsStruct));
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'boolean LoadSettings()':
Misc:248: error: 'LoadFromFlash' was not declared in this scope
   LoadFromFlash(0, (byte*)&Settings, sizeof(struct SettingsStruct));
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void SaveTaskSettings(byte)':
Misc:262: error: 'SaveToFlash' was not declared in this scope
   SaveToFlash(4096 + (TaskIndex * 1024), (byte*)&ExtraTaskSettings, sizeof(struct ExtraTaskSettingsStruct));
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void LoadTaskSettings(byte)':
Misc:278: error: 'LoadFromFlash' was not declared in this scope
   LoadFromFlash(4096 + (TaskIndex * 1024), (byte*)&ExtraTaskSettings, sizeof(struct ExtraTaskSettingsStruct));
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void SaveCustomTaskSettings(int, byte*, int)':
Misc:293: error: 'SaveToFlash' was not declared in this scope
   SaveToFlash(4096 + (TaskIndex * 1024) + 512, memAddress, datasize);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void LoadCustomTaskSettings(int, byte*, int)':
Misc:308: error: 'LoadFromFlash' was not declared in this scope
   LoadFromFlash(4096 + (TaskIndex * 1024) + 512, memAddress, datasize);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void SaveToFlash(int, byte*, int)':
Misc:400: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
   addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void EraseFlash()':
Misc:452: error: 'addLog' was not declared in this scope
         addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void ResetFactory()':
Misc:468: error: 'readFromRTC' was not declared in this scope
   if (readFromRTC(&bootCount))
Misc:482: error: 'saveToRTC' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void addLog(byte, String&)':
Misc:606: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'String&' from an rvalue of type 'const char*'
   addLog(loglevel, string.c_str());
Misc:604: error: in passing argument 2 of 'void addLog(byte, String&)'
 void addLog(byte loglevel, String& string)
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'String parseTemplate(String&, byte)':
Misc:844: error: 'hour' was not declared in this scope
   if (hour() < 10)
Misc:846: error: 'hour' was not declared in this scope
   strTime += hour();
Misc:848: error: 'minute' was not declared in this scope
   if (minute() < 10)
Misc:850: error: 'minute' was not declared in this scope
   strTime += minute();
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'long unsigned int now()':
Misc:1226: error: 'getNtpTime' was not declared in this scope
     unsigned long  t = getNtpTime();
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Misc.ino: In function 'void checkTime()':
Misc:1264: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
     PluginCall(PLUGIN_CLOCK_IN, 0, dummyString);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/Serial.ino: In function 'void ExecuteCommand(const char*)':
Serial:162: error: 'Domoticz_getData' was not declared in this scope
     if (Domoticz_getData(Par2, &value))
Serial:181: error: 'WifiScan' was not declared in this scope
Serial:184: error: 'WifiConnect' was not declared in this scope
Serial:187: error: 'WifiDisconnect' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void WebServerInit()':
WebServer:7: error: 'handle_root' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/", handle_root);
WebServer:8: error: 'handle_config' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/config", handle_config);
WebServer:9: error: 'handle_hardware' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/hardware", handle_hardware);
WebServer:10: error: 'handle_devices' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/devices", handle_devices);
WebServer:11: error: 'handle_log' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/log", handle_log);
WebServer:12: error: 'handle_tools' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/tools", handle_tools);
WebServer:13: error: 'handle_i2cscanner' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/i2cscanner", handle_i2cscanner);
WebServer:14: error: 'handle_wifiscanner' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/wifiscanner", handle_wifiscanner);
WebServer:15: error: 'handle_login' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/login", handle_login);
WebServer:16: error: 'handle_control' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/control", handle_control);
WebServer:17: error: 'handle_download' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/download", handle_download);
WebServer:18: error: 'handle_upload' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/upload", HTTP_GET, handle_upload);
WebServer:19: error: 'handle_upload_post' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/upload", HTTP_POST, handle_upload_post, handleFileUpload);
WebServer:19: error: 'handleFileUpload' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/upload", HTTP_POST, handle_upload_post, handleFileUpload);
WebServer:20: error: 'handleNotFound' was not declared in this scope
WebServer:24: error: 'handle_css' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/esp.css", handle_css);
WebServer:26: error: 'handle_advanced' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/advanced", handle_advanced);
WebServer:27: error: 'handle_setup' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/setup", handle_setup);
WebServer:28: error: 'handle_json' was not declared in this scope
   WebServer.on("/json", handle_json);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_root()':
WebServer:133: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_config()':
WebServer:274: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_hardware()':
WebServer:448: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
WebServer:477: error: 'addPinSelect' was not declared in this scope
   addPinSelect(true, reply, "psda", Settings.Pin_i2c_sda);
WebServer:482: error: 'addPinStateSelect' was not declared in this scope
   addPinStateSelect(reply, "p0", Settings.PinStates[0]);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_devices()':
WebServer:548: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
WebServer:663: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
       PluginCall(PLUGIN_WEBFORM_SAVE, &TempEvent, dummyString);
WebServer:700: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
       PluginCall(PLUGIN_GET_DEVICEVALUENAMES, &TempEvent, dummyString);
WebServer:721: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
     customConfig = PluginCall(PLUGIN_WEBFORM_SHOW_CONFIG, &TempEvent, reply);
WebServer:794: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
       PluginCall(PLUGIN_GET_DEVICEVALUENAMES, &TempEvent, dummyString);
WebServer:799: error: 'addDeviceSelect' was not declared in this scope
     addDeviceSelect(reply, "taskdevicenumber", Settings.TaskDeviceNumber[index - 1]);
WebServer:831: error: 'addPinSelect' was not declared in this scope
           addPinSelect(false, reply, "taskdevicepin1", Settings.TaskDevicePin1[index - 1]);
WebServer:836: error: 'addPinSelect' was not declared in this scope
           addPinSelect(false, reply, "taskdevicepin2", Settings.TaskDevicePin2[index - 1]);
WebServer:858: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
       PluginCall(PLUGIN_WEBFORM_LOAD, &TempEvent, reply);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void addDeviceSelect(String&, String, int)':
WebServer:932: error: 'sortDeviceArray' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_log()':
WebServer:1165: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_tools()':
WebServer:1202: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_i2cscanner()':
WebServer:1253: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_wifiscanner()':
WebServer:1335: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_control()':
WebServer:1430: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
   if (!PluginCall(PLUGIN_WRITE, &TempEvent, webrequest))
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_advanced()':
WebServer:1523: error: 'isLoggedIn' was not declared in this scope
   if (!isLoggedIn()) return;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_setup()':
WebServer:2118: error: 'WifiAPMode' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_C002.ino: In function 'boolean CPlugin_002(byte, EventStruct*)':
_C002:159: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
         if (!MQTTclient.publish(pubname, json))
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_C005.ino: In function 'boolean CPlugin_005(byte, EventStruct*)':
_C005:53: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
         PluginCall(PLUGIN_WRITE, &TempEvent, cmd);
_C005:63: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
           PluginCall(PLUGIN_GET_DEVICEVALUENAMES, event, dummyString);
_C005:80: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
             MQTTclient.publish(pubname, value);
_C005:85: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
             MQTTclient.publish(pubname, value);
_C005:93: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
_C005:97: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
_C005:105: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
_C005:109: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
_C005:113: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_C006.ino: In function 'boolean CPlugin_006(byte, EventStruct*)':
_C006:64: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
           PluginCall(PLUGIN_WRITE, &TempEvent, cmd);
_C006:74: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
           PluginCall(PLUGIN_GET_DEVICEVALUENAMES, event, dummyString);
_C006:91: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
             MQTTclient.publish(pubname, value);
_C006:96: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
             MQTTclient.publish(pubname, value);
_C006:104: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
_C006:108: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
_C006:116: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
_C006:120: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
_C006:124: error: request for member 'publish' in 'MQTTclient', which is of non-class type 'PubSubClient()'
               MQTTclient.publish(tmppubname, value);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_C008.ino: In function 'boolean CPlugin_008(byte, EventStruct*)':
_C008:33: error: 'HTTPSend' was not declared in this scope
             HTTPSend(event, 0, UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex]);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_C008.ino: In function 'boolean HTTPSend(EventStruct*, byte, float)':
_C008:102: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
     PluginCall(PLUGIN_GET_DEVICEVALUENAMES, event, dummyString);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P003_Pulse.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_003(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P003_Pulse:88: error: 'Plugin_003_pulseinit' was not declared in this scope
         Plugin_003_pulseinit(Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex], event->TaskIndex);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P004_Dallas.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_004(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P004_Dallas:53: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_scan' was not declared in this scope
         byte devCount = Plugin_004_DS_scan(choice, addr);
_P004_Dallas:87: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_scan' was not declared in this scope
         byte devCount = Plugin_004_DS_scan(Settings.TaskDevicePluginConfig[event->TaskIndex][0], addr);
_P004_Dallas:118: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_readTemp' was not declared in this scope
         if (Plugin_004_DS_readTemp(addr, &value))
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P004_Dallas.ino: In function 'byte Plugin_004_DS_scan(byte, uint8_t*)':
_P004_Dallas:153: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_reset' was not declared in this scope
_P004_Dallas:155: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_reset_search' was not declared in this scope
_P004_Dallas:156: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_search' was not declared in this scope
   while (Plugin_004_DS_search(tmpaddr))
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P004_Dallas.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_004_DS_readTemp(uint8_t*, float*)':
_P004_Dallas:175: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_reset' was not declared in this scope
_P004_Dallas:176: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_write' was not declared in this scope
   Plugin_004_DS_write(0x55);           // Choose ROM
_P004_Dallas:190: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_read' was not declared in this scope
     ScratchPad[i] = Plugin_004_DS_read();
_P004_Dallas:192: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_crc8' was not declared in this scope
   if (Plugin_004_DS_crc8(ScratchPad, 8) != ScratchPad[8])
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P004_Dallas.ino: In function 'uint8_t Plugin_004_DS_search(uint8_t*)':
_P004_Dallas:283: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_write' was not declared in this scope
_P004_Dallas:289: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_read_bit' was not declared in this scope
       id_bit = Plugin_004_DS_read_bit();
_P004_Dallas:329: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_write_bit' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P004_Dallas.ino: In function 'uint8_t Plugin_004_DS_read()':
_P004_Dallas:381: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_read_bit' was not declared in this scope
     if (Plugin_004_DS_read_bit())
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P004_Dallas.ino: In function 'void Plugin_004_DS_write(uint8_t)':
_P004_Dallas:395: error: 'Plugin_004_DS_write_bit' was not declared in this scope
     Plugin_004_DS_write_bit( (bitMask & ByteToWrite)?1:0);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P005_DHT.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_005(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P005_DHT:111: error: 'Plugin_005_read_dht_dat' was not declared in this scope
               byte data = Plugin_005_read_dht_dat();
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P006_BMP085.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_006(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P006_BMP085:51: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_begin' was not declared in this scope
_P006_BMP085:53: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_readTemperature' was not declared in this scope
         UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = Plugin_006_bmp085_readTemperature();
_P006_BMP085:54: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_readPressure' was not declared in this scope
         UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1] = ((float)Plugin_006_bmp085_readPressure()) / 100;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P006_BMP085.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_006_bmp085_begin()':
_P006_BMP085:96: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_read8' was not declared in this scope
   if (Plugin_006_bmp085_read8(0xD0) != 0x55) return false;
_P006_BMP085:99: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_read16' was not declared in this scope
   ac1 = Plugin_006_bmp085_read16(BMP085_CAL_AC1);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P006_BMP085.ino: In function 'uint16_t Plugin_006_bmp085_readRawTemperature()':
_P006_BMP085:118: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_write8' was not declared in this scope
   Plugin_006_bmp085_write8(BMP085_CONTROL, BMP085_READTEMPCMD);
_P006_BMP085:120: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_read16' was not declared in this scope
   return Plugin_006_bmp085_read16(BMP085_TEMPDATA);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P006_BMP085.ino: In function 'uint32_t Plugin_006_bmp085_readRawPressure()':
_P006_BMP085:129: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_write8' was not declared in this scope
   Plugin_006_bmp085_write8(BMP085_CONTROL, BMP085_READPRESSURECMD + (oversampling << 6));
_P006_BMP085:133: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_read16' was not declared in this scope
   raw = Plugin_006_bmp085_read16(BMP085_PRESSUREDATA);
_P006_BMP085:135: error: 'Plugin_006_bmp085_read8' was not declared in this scope
   raw |= Plugin_006_bmp085_read8(BMP085_PRESSUREDATA + 2);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P008_RFID.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_008(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P008_RFID:67: error: 'Plugin_008_interrupt1' was not declared in this scope
         attachInterrupt(Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex], Plugin_008_interrupt1, FALLING);
_P008_RFID:68: error: 'Plugin_008_interrupt2' was not declared in this scope
         attachInterrupt(Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex], Plugin_008_interrupt2, FALLING);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P009_MCP.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_009(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P009_MCP:47: error: 'Plugin_009_Read' was not declared in this scope
         switchstate[event->TaskIndex] = Plugin_009_Read(Settings.TaskDevicePort[event->TaskIndex]);
_P009_MCP:49: error: 'Plugin_009_Config' was not declared in this scope
         Plugin_009_Config(Settings.TaskDevicePort[event->TaskIndex], 1);
_P009_MCP:56: error: 'Plugin_009_Read' was not declared in this scope
         int state = Plugin_009_Read(Settings.TaskDevicePort[event->TaskIndex]);
_P009_MCP:83: error: 'Plugin_009_Write' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_009_Write(event->Par1, event->Par2);
_P009_MCP:98: error: 'Plugin_009_Write' was not declared in this scope
             Plugin_009_Write(event->Par1, event->Par2);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P013_HCSR04.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_013(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P013_HCSR04:102: error: 'Plugin_013_interrupt' was not declared in this scope
         attachInterrupt(Settings.TaskDevicePin2[event->TaskIndex], Plugin_013_interrupt, CHANGE);
_P013_HCSR04:112: error: 'Plugin_013_read' was not declared in this scope
           float value = Plugin_013_read();
_P013_HCSR04:134: error: 'Plugin_013_read' was not declared in this scope
           float value = Plugin_013_read();
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P014_SI7021.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_014(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P014_SI7021:119: error: 'Plugin_014_si7021_begin' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_014_init = Plugin_014_si7021_begin(res);
_P014_SI7021:123: error: 'Plugin_014_si7021_readValues' was not declared in this scope
         if (Plugin_014_init && Plugin_014_si7021_readValues(res) == 0) {
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P014_SI7021.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_014_si7021_begin(uint8_t)':
_P014_SI7021:159: error: 'Plugin_014_si7021_setResolution' was not declared in this scope
   ret = Plugin_014_si7021_setResolution(resolution);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P015_TLS2561.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_015(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P015_TLS2561:158: error: 'Plugin_015_tls2561_begin' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_015_init = Plugin_015_tls2561_begin(integration);
_P015_TLS2561:163: error: 'Plugin_015_tsl2561_calcLux' was not declared in this scope
           ret = Plugin_015_tsl2561_calcLux(integration);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P015_TLS2561.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_015_tls2561_begin(uint8_t)':
_P015_TLS2561:195: error: 'Plugin_015_tsl2561_writeRegister' was not declared in this scope
   ret = Plugin_015_tsl2561_writeRegister(TSL2561_CONTROL, TSL2561_POWER_UP); 
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P017_PN532.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_017(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P017_PN532:85: error: 'getFirmwareVersion' was not declared in this scope
           uint32_t versiondata = getFirmwareVersion();
_P017_PN532:102: error: 'writeCommand' was not declared in this scope
           if (writeCommand(Plugin_017_pn532_packetbuffer, 4))
_P017_PN532:120: error: 'readPassiveTargetID' was not declared in this scope
           success = readPassiveTargetID(PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A, uid, &uidLength);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P017_PN532.ino: In function 'uint32_t getFirmwareVersion()':
_P017_PN532:157: error: 'writeCommand' was not declared in this scope
   if (writeCommand(Plugin_017_pn532_packetbuffer, 1)) {
_P017_PN532:162: error: 'readResponse' was not declared in this scope
   int16_t status = readResponse(Plugin_017_pn532_packetbuffer, sizeof(Plugin_017_pn532_packetbuffer), 10);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P017_PN532.ino: In function 'bool readPassiveTargetID(uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t*)':
_P017_PN532:189: error: 'writeCommand' was not declared in this scope
   if (writeCommand(Plugin_017_pn532_packetbuffer, 3)) {
_P017_PN532:194: error: 'readResponse' was not declared in this scope
   if (readResponse(Plugin_017_pn532_packetbuffer, sizeof(Plugin_017_pn532_packetbuffer), timeout) < 0) {
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P017_PN532.ino: In function 'int8_t writeCommand(const uint8_t*, uint8_t)':
_P017_PN532:249: error: 'readAckFrame' was not declared in this scope
   return readAckFrame();
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P019_PCF8574.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_019(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P019_PCF8574:47: error: 'Plugin_019_Read' was not declared in this scope
         switchstate[event->TaskIndex] = Plugin_019_Read(Settings.TaskDevicePort[event->TaskIndex]);
_P019_PCF8574:54: error: 'Plugin_019_Read' was not declared in this scope
         int state = Plugin_019_Read(Settings.TaskDevicePort[event->TaskIndex]);
_P019_PCF8574:81: error: 'Plugin_019_Write' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_019_Write(event->Par1, event->Par2);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P022_PCA9685.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_022(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P022_PCA9685:55: error: 'Plugin_022_writeRegister' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_022_writeRegister(PCA9685_MODE1, (byte)0x01); // reset the device
_P022_PCA9685:68: error: 'Plugin_022_Write' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_022_Write(event->Par1, event->Par2);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P023_OLED.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_023(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P023_OLED:151: error: 'Plugin_023_StartUp_OLED' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:152: error: 'Plugin_023_clear_display' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:155: error: 'Plugin_023_sendcommand' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_023_sendcommand(0xA0 | 0x1);      //SEGREMAP   //Rotate screen 180 deg
_P023_OLED:158: error: 'Plugin_023_sendStrXY' was not declared in this scope
         Plugin_023_sendStrXY("ESP Easy ", 0, 0);
_P023_OLED:172: error: 'Plugin_023_displayOn' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:185: error: 'Plugin_023_displayOff' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:201: error: 'Plugin_023_sendStrXY' was not declared in this scope
             Plugin_023_sendStrXY(newString.c_str(), x, 0);
_P023_OLED:219: error: 'Plugin_023_sendStrXY' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_023_sendStrXY(tmpString.c_str(), event->Par1 - 1, event->Par2 - 1);
_P023_OLED:227: error: 'Plugin_023_displayOff' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:229: error: 'Plugin_023_displayOn' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:231: error: 'Plugin_023_clear_display' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P023_OLED.ino: In function 'void Plugin_023_reset_display()':
_P023_OLED:341: error: 'Plugin_023_displayOff' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:342: error: 'Plugin_023_clear_display' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:343: error: 'Plugin_023_displayOn' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P023_OLED.ino: In function 'void Plugin_023_StartUp_OLED()':
_P023_OLED:349: error: 'Plugin_023_init_OLED' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:351: error: 'Plugin_023_displayOff' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:352: error: 'Plugin_023_setXY' was not declared in this scope
   Plugin_023_setXY(0, 0);
_P023_OLED:353: error: 'Plugin_023_clear_display' was not declared in this scope
_P023_OLED:354: error: 'Plugin_023_displayOn' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P023_OLED.ino: In function 'void Plugin_023_displayOn()':
_P023_OLED:360: error: 'Plugin_023_sendcommand' was not declared in this scope
   Plugin_023_sendcommand(0xaf);        //display on
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P023_OLED.ino: In function 'void Plugin_023_displayOff()':
_P023_OLED:366: error: 'Plugin_023_sendcommand' was not declared in this scope
   Plugin_023_sendcommand(0xae);    //display off
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P023_OLED.ino: In function 'void Plugin_023_clear_display()':
_P023_OLED:375: error: 'Plugin_023_setXY' was not declared in this scope
     Plugin_023_setXY(k, 0);
_P023_OLED:379: error: 'Plugin_023_SendChar' was not declared in this scope
         Plugin_023_SendChar(0);         //clear all COL
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P023_OLED.ino: In function 'void Plugin_023_sendCharXY(unsigned char, int, int)':
_P023_OLED:400: error: 'Plugin_023_setXY' was not declared in this scope
   Plugin_023_setXY(X, Y);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P027_INA219.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_027(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P027_INA219:138: error: 'Plugin_027_begin' was not declared in this scope
_P027_INA219:154: error: 'Plugin_027_getBusVoltage_V' was not declared in this scope
             value = Plugin_027_getBusVoltage_V() + (Plugin_027_getShuntVoltage_mV() / 1000);
_P027_INA219:154: error: 'Plugin_027_getShuntVoltage_mV' was not declared in this scope
             value = Plugin_027_getBusVoltage_V() + (Plugin_027_getShuntVoltage_mV() / 1000);
_P027_INA219:159: error: 'Plugin_027_getCurrent_mA' was not declared in this scope
             value = Plugin_027_getCurrent_mA()/1000;
_P027_INA219:164: error: 'Plugin_027_getBusVoltage_V' was not declared in this scope
             value = (Plugin_027_getBusVoltage_V() + (Plugin_027_getShuntVoltage_mV() / 1000)) * Plugin_027_getCurrent_mA() / 1000;
_P027_INA219:164: error: 'Plugin_027_getShuntVoltage_mV' was not declared in this scope
             value = (Plugin_027_getBusVoltage_V() + (Plugin_027_getShuntVoltage_mV() / 1000)) * Plugin_027_getCurrent_mA() / 1000;
_P027_INA219:164: error: 'Plugin_027_getCurrent_mA' was not declared in this scope
             value = (Plugin_027_getBusVoltage_V() + (Plugin_027_getShuntVoltage_mV() / 1000)) * Plugin_027_getCurrent_mA() / 1000;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P028_BME280.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_028(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P028_BME280:120: error: 'Plugin_028_begin' was not declared in this scope
_P028_BME280:122: error: 'Plugin_028_readTemperature' was not declared in this scope
         UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex] = Plugin_028_readTemperature();
_P028_BME280:123: error: 'Plugin_028_readHumidity' was not declared in this scope
         UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 1] = ((float)Plugin_028_readHumidity());
_P028_BME280:124: error: 'Plugin_028_readPressure' was not declared in this scope
         UserVar[event->BaseVarIndex + 2] = ((float)Plugin_028_readPressure()) / 100;
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P028_BME280.ino: In function 'bool Plugin_028_begin(uint8_t)':
_P028_BME280:148: error: 'Plugin_028_read8' was not declared in this scope
   if (Plugin_028_read8(BME280_REGISTER_CHIPID) != 0x60)
_P028_BME280:151: error: 'Plugin_028_readCoefficients' was not declared in this scope
_P028_BME280:152: error: 'Plugin_028_write8' was not declared in this scope
   Plugin_028_write8(BME280_REGISTER_CONTROLHUMID, 0x03);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P090_Event.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_090(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P090_Event:257: error: 'Plugin_090_Action' was not declared in this scope
           Plugin_090_Action(event->TaskIndex, ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[0], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[1], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[2]);
_P090_Event:275: error: 'Plugin_090_Action' was not declared in this scope
             Plugin_090_Action(event->TaskIndex, ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[0], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[1], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[2]);
_P090_Event:292: error: 'Plugin_090_Action' was not declared in this scope
             Plugin_090_Action(event->TaskIndex, ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[0], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[1], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[2]);
_P090_Event:359: error: 'Plugin_090_Action' was not declared in this scope
               Plugin_090_Action(event->TaskIndex, ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[0], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[1], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[2]);
_P090_Event:361: error: 'Plugin_090_Action' was not declared in this scope
               Plugin_090_Action(event->TaskIndex, ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[4], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[5], ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[6]);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/_P092_Nodo.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_092(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P092_Nodo:71: error: 'portTX' was not declared in this scope
             portTX.beginPacket(sendIP, Settings.UDPPort);
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/__CPlugin.ino: In function 'void CPluginInit()':
__CPlugin:118: error: 'CPluginCall' was not declared in this scope
/root/Arduino/ESPEasy/__Plugin.ino: In function 'void PluginInit()':
__Plugin:1038: error: 'PluginCall' was not declared in this scope
   PluginCall(PLUGIN_DEVICE_ADD, 0, dummyString);
exit status 1
'emergencyReset' was not declared in this scope

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

What can i do?

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Posts: 88
Joined: 26 Aug 2015, 15:11
Location: Horsens, Denmark

Re: ESPEasy from github can't build...

#2 Post by chrille » 21 Jan 2016, 20:44

gorec2005 wrote:Help please!
i can't build ESPEasy from github - tryed latest arduino ide (today nigthly-build)


What can i do?
You need to use Arduino IDE 1.6.5 for now to build ESPEasy.

- Jan
Jan Chrillesen, Denmark

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