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Adafruit Motorshield v2 with Stepper Motor

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 00:29
by fbrors
dear friends,

I tried to give the modified http-command

http://<ESP IP address>/control?cmd=MotorShieldCMD,Stepper,<Motornumber>,<Forward/Backward/Release>,<Steps>,<SINGLE/DOUBLE/INTERLEAVE/MICROSTEP>

But nothing happens with the motor:(

But the Log says

"139347: HTTP: MotorShieldCMD,Stepper,1,Forward,150,SINGLE
139381: Stepper1->Forward Steps: 150 SINGLE

I use the chinese "Adafruit_Motor_Shield_v2" with chinese Wemos D1 R2 (Arduino Uno size)

i already
- checked motor and wires with arduino
- mod the Motorshild to 3v

Any Idea?

Re: Adafruit Motorshield v2 with Stepper Motor

Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 03:08
by ThomasB
Within the last month you're the second person to report problems getting that board configuration to work with ESPEasy. And it doesn't appear that the problem was solved because the open topic has not been updated. So this motor shield board might not be the best choice until someone shares detailed instructions on how to make it work with ESPEasy.

Here's the previous discussion:

EDIT: There have been some software maintenance changes made to the plugin over the last few months (Mar 2018, Jan 2019, etc). There is a chance that the plugin wasn't fully validated (tested with real hardware) after being updated. It may be necessary to try a release from before Feb 2018, but start with a Dec 2018 release first.

- Thomas