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Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 09 Oct 2016, 17:16
by felixm
Hi guys,

first of all i was very impressed of EspEasy as i started to use it days ago. I had some WemoS D1 mini ordered months ago for smart home applications and now it was so easy to get them to fhem.

During flashing the first chips i tried the "Stable" R120 Download which has a flashscript for windows users in the zipfile. As i'm a strict Linux-user i just ported the windows batch to Linus shell and wanted to share it here. If this and the binary for espttol could've been added to the download this could make it way easier for linux systems. (There is a confusing different kind of "esptool" available with complete different syntax).

Cheers from germany


Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 10 Oct 2016, 08:23
by NietGiftig
Linux user since 2 months here


Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 11 Oct 2016, 00:38
by costo
felixm wrote: ........
As i'm a strict Linux-user i just ported the windows batch to Linus shell and wanted to share it here. If this and the binary for espttol could've been added to the download this could make it way easier for linux systems. (There is a confusing different kind of "esptool" available with complete different syntax).
Thank you for this tool, I like the idea of being able to flash ESPEasy from within my linux environment.

It must be my ignorance but sadly I cannot make this tool/command do what it is supposed to do.
Is it possible that you provide a sort of helpfile, explaining how to use this tool ?

Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 19 Nov 2016, 13:21
by felixm
Hei guys,

at first sorry for the late answer, so much to do, so little time. :roll:

Basicly i tried to make the use similar to the windows tool.
Obviously it's to simple ;) : Just start the script without any params, everything will be asked at runtime.

The script asks for: Serial Port (Default: "/dev/ttyUSB0"), Flash Size (Depending on BoardVersion, for me on Wemos D1 mini 4096K) and Build number (Default 120 because its the latest stable).
The file is expected in the current directory. If it's there it will be flashed.


Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 25 Feb 2017, 11:41
by thonshic
Saw your script too late, so wrote my own one.
This one looks for
* esptool
* firmware images
and presents a list of found ones, so it should also work for other releases.

Code: Select all


for i in ESPEasy*bin
	selectst="$i $i off $selectst"

# check for esptool
esptoolbin=$(which esptool)
if [ ! -x "$esptoolbin" ] ; then
	if [ -x "./esptool" ] ; then
		eardu=$(find $HOME/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/esptool/* -name esptool|sort|tail -1)
		if [ -x "$eardu" ] ; then
			echo "found esptool: $eardu"
if [ ! -x "$esptoolbin" ] ; then
	echo "esptool not found, you can link it here or put in \$PATH"
	exit 2
	echo "using esptool $esptoolbin"

read -e -p "serial device, (USB2serial devices: $(ls /dev/ttyUSB*)):" -i "/dev/ttyUSB0" serdev

if [ ! -r "$serdev" ] ; then
	echo "device '$serdev' does not exist"
	exit 2

if [ -n "$(which dialog)" ] ; then
	cmd=(dialog --radiolist "Select firmware" 22 76 16)
	choice=$("${cmd[@]}" ${selectst} 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
	# bash only, do it with an array
	while [ $cnt -lt $nfa ]
		echo $cnt ${fa[$cnt]}
	read -p "choose number of firmware file to flash [0-$((nfa-1))]: " nsel
	if [ ! -f "$choice" ] ; then 
		echo "cannot find file \"$choice\", exiting"
		exit 2

echo "----"
read -p "flash $choice? [Y/n]" yn
if [ "$yn" != "n" ] ; then
    "$esptoolbin" -vv -cd nodemcu -cb 115200 -cp "$serdev" -ca 0x00000 -cf "$choice"

Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 25 Feb 2017, 11:43
by thonshic
Is there any place/repo for a pull request?

Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 25 Feb 2017, 14:07
by NietGiftig
thonshic wrote:Is there any place/repo for a pull request?
Best to place it in the wiki
A good place would be here: ... are_Upload

Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 17 Jun 2020, 18:01
by obod0002c
nothing of any importance but maybe helpful for beginners who are struggling with other problems.

the binaries must have been renamed, so none of the bin-files will be selected, by none of the two really helpful scripts described here: ... ript_linux

Super simple reason: '_' missing ... not in the zip-archive's name but the binaries stored within the zip's.

Scripts are looking for filenames like 'ESPEasy', name of the bin's: 'ESP_Easy'

Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 22 Jul 2020, 20:57
by thonshic
Thanks for the bug report @obod0002c, I edited it in the wiki, hopefully it works now (untested)...

Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 08 Dec 2020, 16:46
by michaudjp
Did esptool had major changes since you wrote the script? I have following error:

Code: Select all

esptool: error: argument --chip/-c: invalid choice: 'p' (choose from 'auto', 'esp8266', 'esp32')
I'm using February 2020 2.8 ... .1.en.html

Re: Flash script for esptool on Linux

Posted: 08 Dec 2020, 17:25
by michaudjp
Fixed it quickly:

Code: Select all

   echo "----"
   read -p "flash $choice? [Y/n]" yn
   if [ "$yn" != "n" ] ; then
       "$esptoolbin" -b 115200 -p "$serdev" write_flash 0x00000 "$choice"
Best would be to integrate esptool actions (write_flash, erase_flash...) in a choice list first if someone has some time.