Omitting errors from DS18B20 sensors

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Omitting errors from DS18B20 sensors

#1 Post by dannybloe » 18 Dec 2015, 14:36

Hiya folks,

Last night I put my first EspEasy board to the test holding two DS18B20 sensors in series measuring water flow temperature in my heating system at home. So far so good. I think though that I didn't connect the sensors 'clean' enough because sometimes it registers the notorious 85C readings indicating there's some kind of error:
The 85 degree reading is the power-up state of the DS18B20 & DS1822 sensors see datasheet page 7 This means that the temperature sensor has either not received an instruction to do a temperature conversion, or it has not had the time or the power to do a conversion.
Would it somehow be possible to detect this and not send this value to the remote system (Domoticz in my case)?



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