ESP32 custom build fails

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ESP32 custom build fails

#1 Post by Spoff » 13 Dec 2020, 19:37

Hello! I just bougt a M5Stack core to play around with and I saw the display controller is an ILI9341 available from an "non standard" plugin. So naturally I want to build a custom image with it included, thing is, I can't build ESP32 images anymore. I keep getting this "ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)". Esp8266 images buld just fine, Here's the complete message:
Generating factory bin for genuine esp units
*** [.pio\build\custom_ESP32_4M316k\ESP_Easy_mega_20201213_custom_ESP32_4M316k.bin] ValueError : too many values to unpack (expected 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\ak756\.platformio\packages\tool-scons\scons-local-4.0.1\SCons\", line 1280, in execute
result = self.execfunction(target=target, source=rsources, env=env)
File "F:\SPG ING\Yggdrasil\GitHub\ESPEasy-1\tools\pio\", line 11, in esp32_create_factory_bin
sect_adr,sect_file = section.split(" ")
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
Have I missed something? I tried updating everything... Thanks.
Awesome firmware by the way, became a patreon a few weeks ago :)

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#2 Post by TD-er » 13 Dec 2020, 19:42

Have you installed all Python packages in your virtualenv as mentioned in the requirements.txt file?
So in your IDE (VS code for example) you open the terminal and in there you run:

Code: Select all

pip install -r requirements.txt
Also what Python version do you have?

And what have you changed for your special build?
Custom.h or the Python file?

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#3 Post by Spoff » 13 Dec 2020, 19:59

I indeed use VScode, i'm not used to python and PIO at all so it may be a dumb mistake. I ran the requirement command and tried to build again and got the exact same error. I had Python 2.6 and 2.7 before and now I uninstalled them and installed a fresh copy of Python 3.8.2. I changed custom.h and I use the custom_ESP32_4M316k environment.

in custom.h I have the following plugins defined:
P001, P004, P015, P025, P026, P028, P037, P053, P068, P074, P081, P082, P083, P090, P094, P095, P097, P098
The following controllers are defined:
C005, C008, C011, C013, C018, C019

All ESP32 builds are failing at the factory.bin step not just the custom one.

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#4 Post by TD-er » 13 Dec 2020, 21:47

Can you attach the Custom.h file (remove any passwords if you set them) so I can test here

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#5 Post by Spoff » 13 Dec 2020, 21:53

Sure! here it is:

Code: Select all


    To modify the stock configuration without changing the EspEasy.ino file :

    1) rename this file to "Custom.h" (It is ignored by Git)
    2) define your own settings below
    3) define USE_CUSTOM_H as a build flags. ie : export PLATFORMIO_BUILD_FLAGS="'-DUSE_CUSTOM_H'"


   Your Own Default Settings

    You can basically ovveride ALL macro defined in ESPEasy.ino.
    Don't forget to first #undef each existing #define that you add below.
    But since this Custom.h is included before other defines are made, you don't have to undef a lot of defines.

    Here are some examples:

#ifdef BUILD_GIT
# undef BUILD_GIT
#endif // ifdef BUILD_GIT

#define BUILD_GIT           "MyBuild: "  __DATE__ " "  __TIME__

#define DEFAULT_NAME        "ESPEasy"                             // Enter your device friendly name
#define UNIT                0                                        // Unit Number
#define DEFAULT_DELAY       60                                       // Sleep Delay in seconds

// --- Wifi AP Mode (when your Wifi Network is not reachable) ----------------------------------------
#define DEFAULT_AP_IP       192, 168, 4, 1                           // Enter IP address (comma separated) for AP (config) mode
#define DEFAULT_AP_SUBNET   255, 255, 255, 0                         // Enter IP address (comma separated) for AP (config) mode
#define DEFAULT_AP_KEY      "secret"                         // Enter network WPA key for AP (config) mode

// --- Wifi Client Mode -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define DEFAULT_SSID                         "[REDACTED]"          // Enter your network SSID
#define DEFAULT_KEY                          "[REDACTED]"            // Enter your network WPA key
#define DEFAULT_USE_STATIC_IP                false                   // (true|false) enabled or disabled static IP
#define DEFAULT_IP                           ""          // Enter your IP address
#define DEFAULT_DNS                          ""           // Enter your DNS
#define DEFAULT_GW                           ""           // Enter your Gateway
#define DEFAULT_SUBNET                       ""         // Enter your Subnet
#define DEFAULT_IPRANGE_LOW                  ""               // Allowed IP range to access webserver
#define DEFAULT_IPRANGE_HIGH                 ""       // Allowed IP range to access webserver
#define DEFAULT_IP_BLOCK_LEVEL               1                       // 0: ALL_ALLOWED  1: LOCAL_SUBNET_ALLOWED  2:
//#define DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME               "admin"
//#define DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASS                   "secret"

#define DEFAULT_WIFI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT      10000 // minimum timeout in ms for WiFi to be connected.
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_FORCE_BG_MODE           true  // when set, only allow to connect in 802.11B or G mode (not N)
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_RESTART_WIFI_CONN_LOST  true  // Perform wifi off and on when connection was lost.
#define DEFAULT_ECO_MODE                     false // When set, make idle calls between executing tasks.
#define DEFAULT_WIFI_NONE_SLEEP              true  // When set, the wifi will be set to no longer sleep (more power
// used and need reboot to reset mode)
#define DEFAULT_GRATUITOUS_ARP               true  // When set, the node will send periodical gratuitous ARP
                                                   // packets to announce itself.
#define DEFAULT_TOLERANT_LAST_ARG_PARSE      true  // When set, the last argument of some commands will be parsed to the end of the line
                                                   // See:
#define DEFAULT_SEND_TO_HTTP_ACK             false // Wait for ack with SendToHttp command.

// --- Default Controller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define DEFAULT_CONTROLLER         true                                     // true or false enabled or disabled, set 1st controller
                                                                            // defaults
//#define DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_ENABLED true                                     // Enable default controller by default
//#define DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_USER    "user"                                 // Default controller user
//#define DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_PASS    "pass"                             // Default controller Password

// using a default template, you also need to set a DEFAULT PROTOCOL to a suitable MQTT protocol !
#define DEFAULT_PUB         "%sysname%/%tskname%/%valname%" // Enter your pub
#define DEFAULT_SUB         "%sysname%/#"                   // Enter your sub
//#define DEFAULT_SERVER      ""                                  // Enter your Server IP address
//#define DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST "mybroker.hostname"                                              // Server hostname
#define DEFAULT_SERVER_USEDNS true                                          // true: Use hostname.  false: use IP
#define DEFAULT_USE_EXTD_CONTROLLER_CREDENTIALS   false                     // true: Allow longer user credentials for controllers
#define CONTROLLER_DEFAULT_CLIENTID "%sysname%_%mac_int%"

#define DEFAULT_PORT        1883                                            // Enter your Server port value

#define DEFAULT_PROTOCOL    5                                               // Protocol used for controller communications
                                                                            //   0 = Stand-alone (no controller set)
                                                                            //   1 = Domoticz HTTP
                                                                            //   2 = Domoticz MQTT
                                                                            //   3 = Nodo Telnet
                                                                            //   4 = ThingSpeak
                                                                            //   5 = Home Assistant (openHAB) MQTT
                                                                            //   6 = PiDome MQTT
                                                                            //   7 = EmonCMS
                                                                            //   8 = Generic HTTP
                                                                            //   9 = FHEM HTTP
#ifdef ESP8266
#define DEFAULT_PIN_I2C_SDA                     4
#define DEFAULT_PIN_I2C_SCL                     5
#ifdef ESP32
#define DEFAULT_PIN_I2C_SDA                     13
#define DEFAULT_PIN_I2C_SCL                     16

#define ESP32_SER1_RX                           36
#define ESP32_SER1_TX                           4

// ETH config

#define DEFAULT_ETH_PHY_TYPE                    EthPhyType_t::LAN8710
#define DEFAULT_ETH_PHY_ADDR                    0
#define DEFAULT_ETH_PIN_MDC                     23
#define DEFAULT_ETH_PIN_MDIO                    18
#define DEFAULT_ETH_PIN_POWER                   5
#define DEFAULT_ETH_CLOCK_MODE                  EthClockMode_t::Int_50MHz_GPIO_17_inv


#define DEFAULT_PIN_STATUS_LED                  (-1)

#define DEFAULT_USE_RULES                       true              // (true|false) Enable Rules?
#define DEFAULT_RULES_OLDENGINE                 true

#define DEFAULT_USE_ESPEASYNOW                  false

#define DEFAULT_MQTT_RETAIN                     false             // (true|false) Retain MQTT messages?
#define DEFAULT_MQTT_DELAY                      100               // Time in milliseconds to retain MQTT messages
#define DEFAULT_MQTT_LWT_TOPIC                  ""                // Default lwt topic
#define DEFAULT_MQTT_LWT_CONNECT_MESSAGE        "Connected"       // Default lwt message
#define DEFAULT_MQTT_LWT_DISCONNECT_MESSAGE     "Connection Lost" // Default lwt message

#define DEFAULT_USE_NTP                         true              // (true|false) Use NTP Server
#define DEFAULT_NTP_HOST                        ""                // NTP Server Hostname
#define DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE                       60                // Time Offset (in minutes)
#define DEFAULT_USE_DST                         true              // (true|false) Use Daily Time Saving

#define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_IP                       ""                // Syslog IP Address
#define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_LEVEL                    0                 // Syslog Log Level
#ifdef ESP8266
#define DEFAULT_SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL                LOG_LEVEL_NONE    // Serial Log Level
#ifdef ESP32
#define DEFAULT_SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL                LOG_LEVEL_INFO    // Serial Log Level
#define DEFAULT_WEB_LOG_LEVEL                   LOG_LEVEL_INFO    // Web Log Level
#define DEFAULT_SD_LOG_LEVEL                    0                 // SD Card Log Level
#define DEFAULT_USE_SD_LOG                      false             // (true|false) Enable Logging to the SD card

#ifdef ESP8266
#define DEFAULT_USE_SERIAL                      false             // (true|false) Enable Logging to the Serial Port
#ifdef ESP32
#define DEFAULT_USE_SERIAL                      true             // (true|false) Enable Logging to the Serial Port

#define DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD                     115200            // Serial Port Baud Rate
#define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY                 0                 // kern

#define DEFAULT_SYNC_UDP_PORT                   0                 // Used for ESPEasy p2p. (IANA registered port: 8266)


#define USES_SSDP


   Special settings  (rendering settings incompatible with other builds)


   Your Own selection of plugins and controllers


 ###########     Plugins

// #define USE_SERVO

 #define USES_P001   // Switch
// #define USES_P002   // ADC
// #define USES_P003   // Pulse
 #define USES_P004   // Dallas
// #define USES_P005   // DHT
// #define USES_P006   // BMP085
// #define USES_P007   // PCF8591
// #define USES_P008   // RFID
// #define USES_P009   // MCP

// #define USES_P010   // BH1750
// #define USES_P011   // PME
// #define USES_P012   // LCD
// #define USES_P013   // HCSR04
// #define USES_P014   // SI7021
 #define USES_P015   // TSL2561
// #define USES_P017   // PN532
// #define USES_P018   // Dust
// #define USES_P019   // PCF8574

// #define USES_P020   // Ser2Net
// #define USES_P021   // Level
// #define USES_P022   // PCA9685
// #define USES_P023   // OLED
// #define USES_P024   // MLX90614
 #define USES_P025   // ADS1115
 #define USES_P026   // SysInfo
// #define USES_P027   // INA219
 #define USES_P028   // BME280
// #define USES_P029   // Output

// #define USES_P031   // SHT1X
// #define USES_P032   // MS5611
// #define USES_P033   // Dummy
// #define USES_P034   // DHT12
// #define USES_P036   // FrameOLED
 #define USES_P037   // MQTTImport
// #define USES_P038   // NeoPixel
// #define USES_P039   // Environment - Thermocouple

// #define USES_P040   // RFID - ID12LA/RDM6300
// #define USES_P041   // NeoClock
// #define USES_P042   // Candle
// #define USES_P043   // ClkOutput
// #define USES_P044   // P1WifiGateway
// #define USES_P045   // MPU6050
// #define USES_P046   // VentusW266
// #define USES_P047   // I2C_soil_misture
// #define USES_P048   // Motoshield_v2
// #define USES_P049   // MHZ19

// #define USES_P050   // TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor with IR filter and White LED
// #define USES_P051   // AM2320
// #define USES_P052   // SenseAir
 #define USES_P053   // PMSx003
// #define USES_P054   // DMX512
// #define USES_P055   // Chiming
// #define USES_P056   // SDS011-Dust
// #define USES_P057   // HT16K33_LED
// #define USES_P058   // HT16K33_KeyPad
// #define USES_P059   // Encoder

// #define USES_P060   // MCP3221
// #define USES_P061   // Keypad
// #define USES_P062   // MPR121_KeyPad
// #define USES_P063   // TTP229_KeyPad
// #define USES_P064   // APDS9960 Gesture
// #define USES_P065   // DRF0299
// #define USES_P066   // VEML6040
// #define USES_P067   // HX711_Load_Cell
 #define USES_P068   // SHT3x
// #define USES_P069   // LM75A

// #define USES_P070   // NeoPixel_Clock
// #define USES_P071   // Kamstrup401
// #define USES_P072   // HDC1080
// #define USES_P073   // 7DG
 #define USES_P074   // TSL2561
// #define USES_P075   // Nextion
// #define USES_P076   // HWL8012   in POW r1
// #define USES_P077   // CSE7766   in POW R2
// #define USES_P078   // Eastron Modbus Energy meters
// #define USES_P079   // Wemos Motoshield

// #define USES_P080   // iButton Sensor  DS1990A
 #define USES_P081   // Cron
 #define USES_P082   // GPS
 #define USES_P083   // SGP30
// #define USES_P084   // VEML6070
// #define USES_P085   // AcuDC24x
// #define USES_P086   // Receiving values according Homie convention. Works together with C014 Homie controller
// #define USES_P087   // Serial Proxy
 #define USES_P090   // CCS811
 #define USES_P094   // CUL Reader
 #define USES_P095   // ILI9341
 #define USES_P097   // Touch (ESP32)
 #define USES_P098   // ESPEasy-Now Reader

// Special plugins needing IR library
// #define USES_P016   // IR
// #define P016_SEND_IR_TO_CONTROLLER false //IF true then the JSON replay solution is transmited back to the condroller.
// #define USES_P035   // IRTX
// #define P016_P035_Extended_AC // The following define is needed for extended decoding of A/C Messages and or using standardised 
                                 //common arguments for controlling all deeply supported A/C units
// #define P016_P035_USE_RAW_RAW2 //Use the RAW and RAW2 encodings, disabling it saves 3.7Kb
// #define USES_P088   // Heatpump IR

 ###########     Controllers

// #define USES_C001   // Domoticz HTTP
// #define USES_C002   // Domoticz MQTT
// #define USES_C003   // Nodo telnet
// #define USES_C004   // ThingSpeak
 #define USES_C005   // Home Assistant (openHAB) MQTT
// #define USES_C006   // PiDome MQTT
// #define USES_C007   // Emoncms
 #define USES_C008   // Generic HTTP
// #define USES_C009   // FHEM HTTP
// #define USES_C010   // Generic UDP
 #define USES_C011   // Generic HTTP Advanced
// #define USES_C012   // Blynk HTTP
 #define USES_C013   // ESPEasy P2P network
// #define USES_C014   // homie 3 & 4dev MQTT
// #define USES_C015   // Blynk
// #define USES_C016   // Cache controller
// #define USES_C017   // Zabbix
 #define USES_C018   // TTN/RN2483
 #define USES_C019   // ESPEasy-Now

 ###########     Notifiers

 #define USES_N001   // Email
 #define USES_N002   // Buzzer


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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#6 Post by TD-er » 13 Dec 2020, 23:56

I tested with this Config.h (and please remove this _Custom.h file and base it on Custom-sample.h) and it builds just fine.

So it must have something to do with the installed packages in your Python virtual environment.

The steps to take:
- Make sure to run Python 3.8
- uninstall PlatformIO from the IDE (to make sure no old left-over config is left to interfere)
- Restart PC (Just to be sure)
- Start VS code
- install PlatformIO
- Open ESPEasy repo
- open terminal in VS code
- run "pip install -r requirements.txt"

If you can't run the last command directly from the prompt without adding a path, then you opened the ESPEasy repo at the wrong level :)

I really suspect you're not using Python3.x but still use Python 2.x

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#7 Post by Spoff » 14 Dec 2020, 03:51

Well you're having scratching my head a lot here! I did what you suggested without success I found some python 2.7 remnants that I deleted, I uninstalled VScode, tracked and deleted its remants and platformIO (whew!) rebooted, reinstalled to have the exact same result.

Now now... I uninstalled Python 3.8 from my machine tried to build like that and... same error. Clearly I don't understand how this works, does platformIO have its own Python runtime? How can I update it? When I do "update-all" I have this:
Updating platformio/contrib-piohome 3.3.1 @ ~3.3.1 [Up-to-date]
Updating platformio/contrib-pysite 2.37.191020 @ ~2.37.0 [Incompatible 2.39.201019]
Updating platformio/tool-unity 1.20500.200612 @ ~1.20500.0 [Up-to-date]
Updating platformio/tool-scons 4.40001.0 @ ~4.40001.0 [Up-to-date]

Platform Manager
Platform espressif32
Updating platformio/espressif32 2.0.0 [Outdated 2.1.0]
Platform Manager: Installing platformio/espressif32 @ 2.1.0
Platform Manager: espressif32 @ 2.1.0 has been installed!
Tool Manager: toolchain-xtensa32 @ 2.50200.80 is already installed
Tool Manager: Installing platformio/tool-esptoolpy @ ~1.30000.0
Downloading [####################################] 100%
Tool Manager: tool-esptoolpy @ 1.30000.201119 has been installed!
Platform Manager: Removing espressif32 @ 2.0.0
Platform Manager: espressif32 @ 2.0.0 has been removed!
Updating platformio/toolchain-xtensa32 2.50200.80 @ ~2.50200.0 [Up-to-date]
Updating platformio/framework-arduinoespressif32 3.10004.201016 @ ~3.10004.191002 [Up-to-date]
Updating platformio/tool-esptoolpy 1.30000.201119 @ ~1.30000.0 [Up-to-date]
Tool Manager: Removing tool-esptoolpy @ 1.30000.201119
Tool Manager: tool-esptoolpy @ 1.30000.201119 has been removed!

Platform espressif8266
Updating platformio/espressif8266 2.6.2 [Up-to-date]
Updating platformio/toolchain-xtensa 2.40802.200502 @ ~2.40802.191122 [Up-to-date]
Tool Manager: Removing tool-esptoolpy @ 1.20600.0
Tool Manager: tool-esptoolpy @ 1.20600.0 has been removed!

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#8 Post by TD-er » 14 Dec 2020, 09:15

What do you get when opening a terminal and checking the Python version?

For example:

Code: Select all

PS C:\GitHub\TD-er\ESPEasy> python --version
Python 3.7.7

And one other thing I just thought of while writing this reply....
Do you have any space in the path where you have located your code?

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#9 Post by Spoff » 14 Dec 2020, 15:06

I reinstalled Python and I get this:

PS F:\SPG-ING\ESPEasy> python --version
Python 3.9.1

I have 825GB space left in that drive.

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#10 Post by TD-er » 14 Dec 2020, 17:14

And no space in the path anymore?
Still not working?
Previous errors you gave showed a path with a space in them.

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#11 Post by Spoff » 14 Dec 2020, 18:11

Indeed I suspected the space in the path so I changed it and still have the error. I installed VS and PIO on another machine and it build fine (Python 3.7.7). I'm not sure what to try anymore, I guess I'll try uninstalling everything I can related to VScode and install everything again. I will also try moving the repo to my main drive.

EDIT: I just noted that you meant space as a character and not as available space in the drive in your previous posts, my bad :roll:

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#12 Post by TD-er » 14 Dec 2020, 19:05

Yep, the error suggests a wrong amount of parameters and a space is generally used as a parameter-separator :)

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#13 Post by Spoff » 14 Dec 2020, 23:42

It compiles! Yay! I removed space characters, the "-" and I uninstalled python 3.9 again. Python --version shows 3.7.7. Not sure what from all this did the trick but now I have to make this plugin work with the 2" M5Stack display :geek:


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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#14 Post by TD-er » 14 Dec 2020, 23:56

Looking forward to the PR :)

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Re: ESP32 custom build fails

#15 Post by Ath » 15 Dec 2020, 08:18

Spoff wrote: 14 Dec 2020, 23:42 I have to make this plugin work with the 2" M5Stack display...
The display seems to be an ILI9342, a close relative to the already supported ILI9341 but with some subtile differences. A lot of useful info can be found here: (but you may need to include the Adafruit ILI9341 library in the project to include those (quite useful, IMHO, M5 Stack is pretty popular) adjustments.
/Ton (

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