Different names of the same device, is it normal?

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Different names of the same device, is it normal?

#1 Post by akasma74 » 18 Apr 2018, 11:45

I have a weather (outdoor temperature) sensor.
Initially I turned automatic_add on in my Home Assistant, found its name (oregonv1_000f_temp) and configured as a separate rflink sensor.
It worked great, but stopped updating when I had to recharge its batteries.
When I had a look in the debug log of HA, I noticed data coming from oregonv1_0008_temp.
I took out batteries and put them back again, it resulted in a new names, they basically cycle from 0 of f in place of X: oregonv1_000X_temp

Why is it happening and is there a way to have a constant name?

I have another similar situation:
I put a SONOFF RF bridge and an RF wall switch in learning mode, look in rflink component log file and push a button on a 433MHz remote controller.
Note down name received by rflink - eurodomest_258dfa_00
Make RF bridge issue the command and note down what rflink component receives - eurodomest_058dfa_00
Then I create 2 lights in HA, one with eurodomest_258dfa_00 id and the other with eurodomest_058dfa_00.
When I toggle the former one in HA, my wall switch remains off.
When I toggle the latter one, the wall switch turns on/off.
If I put another RF wall switch in learning mode and toggle the former in HA, the switch picks up a code and then I can control the switch from HA.

Apparently eurodomest_258dfa_00 and eurodomest_058dfa_00 are codes for the same original code, but why are they different and why one of them always works but the other one does not?

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Re: Different names of the same device, is it normal?

#2 Post by KevoCan » 19 Aug 2018, 01:55

This seems to be a common issue with RFlink. As I am experiencing the same problems.
I am using the Arduino mega, Version R48 with the SRX882.
By the way, the SRX882 has a much cleaner output when compared to RXB6

This following is a decoded message from one motion sensor:


This is RFlink's response to allowing us to manage the protocols:
Q: Do I need to enable / disable protocols?
A: No, RFLink is capable to do this for you. We only have 1 single firmware file that can do it all.
Also, RFLink has a very sophisticated mechanism that will put priority to the most used protocols.
This means that RFLink will adapt to your environment. Protocols that are not used are automatically pushed to the background but remain active in case they are needed.

If I could specify the protocol I would not be having this issue. Which is EV1527.

Here is another response from RFLink:
Q: My device is recognized differently multiple times or is detected with different protocols or ON/OFF is swapped, can this be fixed?
A: Yes, from R46 RFlink has a 'RF Signal learning' ability for some protocols.

Where they finish off with this:

Q: Why is my device is not recognized by the RFFind method?
A: For now we implemented this for some selected protocols only. Like for example ARC, Chuango, EV1527, PT2262 and similar, devices that often are available via Aliexpress and where the manufacturer does not care much about compatibility with other devices and protocols. If it works well we might add this for other protocol types as well.

Ok Great, does it work, here is the output.
By the way this is the same motion sensor as above.


I did get RF find to work once with a remote control but only once.

I feel RFlink has a fantastic bit of code here, they have clearly invested a great deal of time and effort.
But the fact that it is so locked down and are unwilling to give users the control over the protocols leave me no choice but to move on.

I'm currently looking at Zigbee devices as the foundation for my Security system. Xiaomi has some great and inexpensive products.
And the following looks like a great solution for the Zigbee gateway.
https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/w ... ng-started

There are other options for Zigbee gateways. What I like about the above example is that it is hardwired via USB straight it to the RPI.
This is also the same reason I like RFLink, Straight into the RPI via USB.
There are many people developing Wifi gateways for both 433Mhz and Zigbee, but for use in home security one wireless component is enough.
I do not want to add Wifi on top of this for an additional point of failure.
Personally for me I am always looking for home automation solutions that are point to point. Keeping Wifi and Ethernet out of the mix at the control level.
This is my opinion and what I prefer.

RFLink, Please consider giving users the option to select the protocols.

Or turn them all back on,

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Re: Different names of the same device, is it normal?

#3 Post by Stef-Aap » 19 Aug 2018, 16:12


sad that RFLink isn't open source anymore !!

Making it open source again, would probably speed up the development of the program significantly.

my 2 cents,
best regards, Stef

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