smartesp android app

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smartesp android app

#1 Post by smartesp » 28 May 2018, 22:24

smartesp youtube video

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IP camera


Nodemcu and PZEM module

TJC USART HMI touch screen

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Last edited by smartesp on 29 May 2018, 00:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: smartesp android app

#2 Post by TD-er » 28 May 2018, 22:34

Looks nice and I see some "ESPeasy_0" in the available wifi networks. (I guess, I can't read Turkish)
But I don't see how it interacts via ESPeasy.
How does it interface with the present sensors?

For those who also cannot read the text below the video, a Google translate output:
The home automation system I have developed so vigorously
I have introduced wireless motion and door sensors all wirelessly and wireless sensors
read and command wireless devices via android app
you can, for example, read a code from a wireless commander and assign it to a button and control it on the application,
you can easily introduce wireless detectors so you do not have to compile arduino ide and re-create it easily via web server.
I introduced the wireless devices on the application in the previous version but when I reset the device, I need to re-create the application in a database and restore it with a key, but I did not think it was better
I use the PZEM module for electrical energy

the system is running with server and client logic so I can connect as much esp8266 as I want esp only 1 esp I can see and control all client devices by opening ports in modem for esp
server can send commands to all client escs via esp and I can trace the data
modul support is virtually unlimited so you can add every module and sensor that you can think of.

I have added a wireless IP camera to the application, and again, the settings can be determined here, for example, when the door knocks,

I set up the esp server network settings in arduino yada web server instead of esp, so in order to connect to esp local network, you need to enter and save your local network settings and send and receive e esp.

I have used esp duckdns for fixed ip sees in practice videos, test duskdns domain actually updated esp.
the application automatically checks the connection to the local network 4g.
esp changing ip address to AP mode via application.

I made the alarm siren wirelessly and I also made wireless PIR and temperature humidity sensor with attiny85
I can develop it according to the GPS data

I've tried a different method for this because the notification comes in even though the phone screen is locked off on the yard because I'm doing the app with the inverter and sleeping in practice while in the background in arctapark ie the phone is in sleep mode. how many days have I been dealing with it at the end

If you calculate the electricity of the house, you may get wrong result because I forgot to set it :)

esp led screen oled screen yada nextion touch screen can be added ı tried to complete the touch screen ı have not finished yet ı am lazy because the graphic part is a bit boring

temperature, humidity values, can control relays in a timely manner, can remotely copy and control RF and IR control codes.
and they send commands directly to the esp rather than via the android app, so the process continues even if the app is closed.

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Re: smartesp android app

#3 Post by smartesp » 28 May 2018, 23:35

sorry my english is weak
a complex algorithm
so it is a little difficult to answer english

i introduce sensors with rf receiver

i will try to translate english

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Re: smartesp android app

#4 Post by smartesp » 29 May 2018, 00:08

I will post an eSpeasy android app soon for everyone to use

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