Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

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Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#1 Post by grovkillen » 10 Sep 2018, 21:04

Hello you all!

I want to inform you that at the end of this week me and Gijs will pick twenty users that post in this thread explaining what they love about ESP Easy. Extra bonus to those who also provide an example how they use the FW, pictures are even better ;)

And don't forget to become a Patreon and/or Ko-fi bud! :) Read more here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5787

The programmers are CP210x (Silicon Labs) units with ESP Easy logo on them. The exact kind we're using ourselves.

So let us hear from you! You have until September 16th. Exact deadline in hours a bit vague, but 21:00CEST sounds cool.
Last edited by grovkillen on 08 Oct 2018, 09:28, edited 2 times in total.
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#2 Post by oisisi » 10 Sep 2018, 22:21

Temperature, ambient brightness, light switches (remote controlled and fixed ones), door bells, motion, IR, and much more - all this can be sensed or actuated with ESP easy. It is an out of the box Jack of all trades. There is not much missing (speaking of missing, AWS IOT GW/secure MQTT support would be awesome, continuous measuring/sensing would be nice).

But the the best is the community and your commitment, TD-er and grovkillen. I hope the project continues and grows. Thank YOU!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#3 Post by grovkillen » 11 Sep 2018, 22:12

oisisi wrote: 10 Sep 2018, 22:21 Temperature, ambient brightness, light switches (remote controlled and fixed ones), door bells, motion, IR, and much more - all this can be sensed or actuated with ESP easy. It is an out of the box Jack of all trades. There is not much missing (speaking of missing, AWS IOT GW/secure MQTT support would be awesome, continuous measuring/sensing would be nice).

But the the best is the community and your commitment, TD-er and grovkillen. I hope the project continues and grows. Thank YOU!
"Ahmehn" as I would say in Sweden. Super kind words, you're always gonna be the first poster. That is an extra point in its own. :)
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#4 Post by kenkoknz » 12 Sep 2018, 05:58

I don't want to post this just to be complementary to win something, but this is what I think:

The name says it all esp easy, it is EASY! Arguable the easiest and fastest platform to get something working fast with esp devices I came across.

1. Just load Espeasy firmware, hook up the hardware, configure wirelessly with the GUI what you want to do and it just works

2. After that, any config changes, rules, etc is wireless and firmware update is a breeze with OTA updates

3. Support from forum users is great and responsive

4. Support from developers are even better and more responsive than many paid services

Great for beginners and for the more technical, you can do clever things in rules with some pseudo programming in rules, and even develop plugins and compile your own binaries.

Sure there are some things that can be even better, but full respect for the developers who did it all on their own time.

Since finding out about Espeasy, just about all my esp devices been loaded with Espeasy firmware, it is also so easy to integrate with mqtt and node red.

Link to video of google voice control of sonoff loaded with espeasy firmware:

It is just so easy!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#5 Post by papperone » 12 Sep 2018, 07:30

I loved ESPEasy since 1st time I tried when I was looking and testing any ESP8266 firmware available!
It's exactly what's needed for makes, it's not limites to simple home automation and it's amazing what you can achieve using its unique "rules" features :)
Coming to me I am using it for some of my home automation in a kind of always-WIP-mode but I wnjoy it and I do it mostly for fun!
As well with my very, very, very limited free time try to contribute writing and (trying to...) maintaining fwe plugins that I had to come int outage in some of my projects and as well I like to design and build my own unique devices when I can't find anything on the market (you can check my wiki-page on the signature).
Great job guys, I'll setup Patreon support soon as I truly believe this is a great project that deserve recognition by its users!!
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#6 Post by ManS-H » 12 Sep 2018, 10:18

Thanks to Martinus and all other developers, it has become much easier to automate at home.

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#7 Post by jjansen » 13 Sep 2018, 16:09

ESPEasy was the first software I tried wen I entered the world of ESP. Unaware of the possibilities of ESP and unexperienced with Arduino etc. ESPEasy proved itself to be a great piece of software! By going through the code I learned about programming ESP devices.
I use ESPEasy to gather information about my utility consumptions.
For example
- Water consumption counter viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3003
- District heating energy consumption viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2828

For the last one I developed my own plugin :) This was very informative.

All was not possible without ESPEasy! So thanks guys (and girls)!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#8 Post by grovkillen » 13 Sep 2018, 18:41

Nice to hear from you all. Lets hope we get 20 participate ;)
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#9 Post by EDsteve » 13 Sep 2018, 22:37

It seems you still need to fill this thread. So here are my 2 cents:

I started my sensor-career with MySensors. That was already a amazing playground. Using the code provided by the (amazing) MySensors-community seemed to be the easiest way to flash your own sensors and actuators using Arduinos. Doing changes on the nodes required connecting it to your computer and flash a new firmware though. But that was a normal thing to do :)
After one year i decided to try the ESP8266 and i stumbled upon ESPeasy. During the first installation i couldn't believe how easy it was to configure almost everything via the web browser. And i could do changes OTA via browser without taking the sensor apart!! How cool is that??? There was no going back any more.
The feeling reminded me of my first smartphone. I always thought i don't need it... but the moment i had one i realized the impact it had for new possibilities and ways doing things. I felt very similar after i set up my first node with ESPeasy.

But i have to say that the two big guys here are doing a fantastic job which is needed to survive for a longer run.

I am glad to be here and happy to see the progress which is done here. It now became a "open source company" which develops a open source product... the future has arrived :D

Cheeers and thanks

P.S.: I use ESPeasy mostly on Sonoffs, weather station and other simple sensors. My projects which are worth taking a picture/video (chicken coop door, motion controlled designer lamp) don't use ESPeasy because the rules are not flexible enough for it or i just didn't see how i could have done it with ESPeasy ;)

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#10 Post by stefbo » 13 Sep 2018, 23:19

I started using ESPEasy as a data collector for my central heating. It replaced my own solution where I used my first ESP8266 to send temperature data to the cloud. What I really liked from the beginning was the high configurability of ESPEasy and the large amount of sensors that are supported. If something is not like I want I am also able to change it- the code is well structured. But, the whsh to change something becomes increasingly rare! The ESPEasy is extremly powerful!
Thanks to all contributers!
Now I have ~15 devices running measuring Temperatures, Humidity, soil moisture, air-pressure. Some of them are solar powerd (I ma looking forward about their performance in winter...) I collect data on a Raspi with influx and grafana.
I just became a Patron with the hope that this will boost the development even further!!!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#11 Post by bkhobby » 14 Sep 2018, 07:26

I posted pictures in another thread - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5777&p=31062#p31062, but I'm basically using ESPEasy to replace custom-written software I developed for the NodeMCU Kube multi-sensor. The switchover was super easy and a no-brainer once I realized how hard it would be to maintain a separate piece of software and add support for new sensors, while they are already supported by ESPEasy.

Loving it so far, keep up the great work!!


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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#12 Post by HansV » 14 Sep 2018, 11:29

At the moment I have 15 ESPEasy devices running in my house (mostly DTH22 temp/humidity sensors and Sonoff S20 switches), where the most complex device is the display that shows me the heating system (CV = 'centrale verwarming', central heating system):
The attachment cv-systeem.jpg is no longer available

Next monday I will give an introduction about Domoticz and ESPEasy for the Dutch computerclub 'HCC' (see ... xpo-lezing) .

This will be the 4th session that I will give for HCC members related tot ESP8266 and ESPEasy (and Domoticz). During such a session I show them how simple it is to flash ESPEasy, and then either to use it in a stand-alone situation, or to connect it to Domoticz. Both is indeed very easy ;-)

As an example of how simple it is to use ESPEasy, I tell them how I create fast solutions using ESPEasy:

Recently the painter came to paint my house, also painting my frontdoor. After that the frontdoor had to be left open for hours and hours. So I (re-)used the movement-detector that normally activates a display when I am in my hall, to send a buzzer command to a dedicated ESPEasy in my livingroom, connected to a buzzer. As soon as someone moved in the hall, I heard the tune, and was warned. The only thing I had to do was to flash a current image into the dedicated ESPEasy device (Wemos D1 mini), as the buzzer is a relatively new ESPEasy implementation. As flashing this update could be done OTA, that also was very easy.
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#13 Post by grovkillen » 14 Sep 2018, 11:41

It's so much fun reading about your experiencing and uses of our FW. It really boost our confidence that we're on the right path here :)

@HansV: how many do attend on these meetings? I'm happy to hear that you find the FW easy to use and demonstrate :)
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#14 Post by HansV » 14 Sep 2018, 12:26

grovkillen wrote: 14 Sep 2018, 11:41
@HansV: how many do attend on these meetings? I'm happy to hear that you find the FW easy to use and demonstrate :)
During the hcc!expo (a kind of mini-fair) there were about 100 persons, that attended my lecture. In most cases I give such an introduction at a monthly regional HCC computer meeting, where it varies between 10 to 20 persons, that attend (strongly depending on the amount of publicity by the regional organizer of the event)

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#15 Post by grovkillen » 15 Sep 2018, 08:16

Wow, cool that you have that many attending the event!

Tomorrow is the last day of the competition and by the looks of it all get a programmer ;)
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#16 Post by sasso » 15 Sep 2018, 12:30

I have been using ESPEasy for at least 2 years now and with every new release I am more and more confident that with time this is going to be the best solution for the iot diy stuff. It is easy and it is fun and it will test the noobs (my self included) to try new things and to get good results in the process.

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#17 Post by Shardan » 15 Sep 2018, 12:47

Just because it does everything I need.
On top:I'm FHEM user and no other firmware connects that easy as ESPeasy to FHEM.

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#18 Post by mrwee » 15 Sep 2018, 16:22

I really like the flexibility of ESP Easy:
- Lots of hardware devices supported
- Possibility of adding plugins
- Making the device act as I would like it, locally (Rules)
- Good network configuration (WiFi, NTP, fixed/ dynamic IP etc.)
- Good support for different controllers
- Stable
- Good community :D
- Good development pace with better features
- Easy to configure

I've got ~30 different devices running ESP Easy, but more are to be added 8-)

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#19 Post by Naesstrom » 15 Sep 2018, 20:00

Oh where should I start...

I have one set up in the greenhouse monitoring temp and humidity, it's also connected to a 4-channel relay that controlls all my irrigation in the summer... really sweet setup. (it's the left box)

I also have 5 "nodes" as I call them in the house so far that measures tem, humidity and movement that looks like this:
Giving me some really nice graphs in Graphana ofc

All nodes send information to my Home-Assistant install and with automations I controll all my lights and heating using that and ESPEasy througout the house!

Oh yeah, I also made a passage system using a electric magnet, rfid keypad and nodeMCU on a wemos D1 but don't have any pictures of that...
A couple of outdoor temp sensors that send the data to a online DB with temperatures, one in each direction of the house to avoid sunspikes.

So why I love it... because it's simply amazing, just a quick flash and then you can add what feels like a gazillion different devices, I've ordered a bunch of flow meters that I plan on attaching to the water system in the house to monitor that way when the dishwasher etc. starts and how much warm water is getting used... One idea is to have my Google Home Mini's telling whoever's in the shower that they should hurry up after using the hot water for more then 10 minutes! :twisted:
So this is not the end of my use of ESPEasy rather the start, I've ordered a bunch of Sonoffs that I plan to flash with it and a couple more NodeMCU's during the winter!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#20 Post by TD-er » 16 Sep 2018, 10:55

I will be leaving in a few hours to meet Jimmy and then we will pick a list of replies here.
Since I am quite visually minded, I guess pictures showing the project will slightly be in faveur ;)

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#21 Post by grovkillen » 16 Sep 2018, 19:43

Last hour bonus!

The one posting (a good post, no spam or bump) closest to 21:00:00CEST will get two programers!
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#22 Post by ManS-H » 16 Sep 2018, 21:59

To late, but my ledstrip with H801 and ESPEasy
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#23 Post by grovkillen » 16 Sep 2018, 22:12

ManS-H wrote: 16 Sep 2018, 21:59 To late, but my ledstrip with H801 and ESPEasy

You still closest to 21:00:00CEST :D
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#24 Post by grovkillen » 17 Sep 2018, 00:06

Here's the list of winners :) Please PM me with your address and we'll make sure to send them to you asap :mrgreen:

1: oisisi
AWS IOT GW - maybe not straight from the ESP8266 but through a "ESP Easy Gateway" maybe? The community is still growing and with that a even better commitment! :)

2: kenkoknz
Really nice feedback and thanks to the heads up on the responsiveness of the community. We try to give as much time as we can back to the forum but sometimes we forget to mention some basic stuff...
Regarding configuration hardware we will try to make this a more out of the box release with common hardware units already setup upon flash.

3: papperone
Thank you for mentioning that, we are really aiming for more than just home automation. We envision our users to create just about anything, not only home automation. We are very thankful for your commitment papperone, you're a well known user :)

4-5: ManS-H (2x)
The LED list looks great, and you where pretty close to 21:00 ;)

6: jjansen
Wow great story, we are really happy to hear how you learned to program by using our source code as examples. Wow wow wow :) Good job!

7: EDsteve
Cool to hear that we could convince you to ditch the competing FW :)

8: stefbo
Data collection is one of the areas we are trying to improve. Hopefully it will get even easier to upload data to the cloud, we have some ideas in that direction.

9: bkhobby
That box looks really nice! :)

10: HansV
Introducing it to tech enthusiasts is so cool, we would love to see a presentation live someday :)

11: sasso
Learning, it seems that this is a common positive effect of using ESP Easy. Happy to hear that, we must try to get even better at it.

12: Shardan
My fellow wiki writer, you're a really important member of this community and we are always eager to see what new project you have made.

13: mrwee
Rules is very powerful and we are planning on extending it even more in the future.

14: Naesstrom
Really nice build you got there!
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#25 Post by Naesstrom » 17 Sep 2018, 08:35

WOOHOO! Awsome!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#26 Post by papperone » 17 Sep 2018, 08:36

Thanks a lot! really apreciated!!! :D
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#27 Post by ManS-H » 17 Sep 2018, 08:43

:D Awesome, thanks.

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#28 Post by jjansen » 17 Sep 2018, 12:57

:D very nice! Thanks!!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#29 Post by sasso » 17 Sep 2018, 18:41

Awesome thank you..... :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#30 Post by Shardan » 17 Sep 2018, 18:47

Appreciate it... many thanks.

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#31 Post by grovkillen » 19 Sep 2018, 09:29

1: oisisi
2: kenkoknz
3: papperone
4-5: ManS-H (2x)
6: jjansen
7: EDsteve [address unknown]
8: stefbo [address unknown]
9: bkhobby [address unknown]
10: HansV
11: sasso
12: Shardan
13: mrwee
14: Naesstrom

If your name is denoted with "address unknown" please send me a PM asap and I will make sure to send them soon.

PS. picture from me and @TD-er's meetup in Stockholm. We had a great time and met up with some very interesting possible companies that might be interested in us adding support for their hardware. Let's keep our fingers crossed! :)
Last edited by grovkillen on 20 Sep 2018, 14:02, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#32 Post by mrwee » 19 Sep 2018, 09:42

YAY! Thx a lot! Just signed up as Patron as well :)

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#33 Post by grovkillen » 19 Sep 2018, 10:14

mrwee wrote: 19 Sep 2018, 09:42 YAY! Thx a lot! Just signed up as Patron as well :)
Thanks for that! :)
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#34 Post by Tecumseh » 19 Sep 2018, 10:41

Naesstrom wrote: 15 Sep 2018, 20:00I also have 5 "nodes" as I call them in the house so far that measures tem, humidity and movement that looks like this:
Can you explain more about these nodes? Perhaps better suited in a different thread. I would like to know more about the movement detection as that is something I didn't get working after many tries with various sensors.

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#35 Post by grovkillen » 20 Sep 2018, 20:25

Still missing three addresses. Tomorrow we will ship!

1: oisisi
2: kenkoknz
3: papperone
4-5: ManS-H (2x)
6: jjansen
7: EDsteve [address unknown]
8: stefbo [address unknown]
9: bkhobby [address unknown]
10: HansV
11: sasso
12: Shardan
13: mrwee
14: Naesstrom
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#36 Post by Naesstrom » 21 Sep 2018, 13:07

Tecumseh wrote: 19 Sep 2018, 10:41 Can you explain more about these nodes? Perhaps better suited in a different thread. I would like to know more about the movement detection as that is something I didn't get working after many tries with various sensors.
I'm just redoing them and adding a oled for displaying temperature but I'm taking photos and will publish more after that!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#37 Post by jjansen » 21 Sep 2018, 21:18

Received it today! Very fast :D
Thanks again!!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#38 Post by grovkillen » 21 Sep 2018, 21:27

jjansen wrote: 21 Sep 2018, 21:18 Received it today! Very fast :D
Thanks again!!
Thanks for letting us know 8-)
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#39 Post by grovkillen » 21 Sep 2018, 21:53

Two last ones

1: oisisi
2: kenkoknz
3: papperone
4-5: ManS-H (2x)
6: jjansen
7: EDsteve [address unknown]
8: stefbo
9: bkhobby [address unknown]
10: HansV
11: sasso
12: Shardan
13: mrwee
14: Naesstrom
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#40 Post by HansV » 22 Sep 2018, 10:57

I also received the programmer. Thanks!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#41 Post by Shardan » 23 Sep 2018, 18:11

Programmer arrived yesterday
Many thanks.

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#42 Post by oisisi » 24 Sep 2018, 18:43

Mine arrived as well. Thanks a lot!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#43 Post by grovkillen » 24 Sep 2018, 20:16

I hope they will be used a lot 8-)
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#44 Post by Naesstrom » 24 Sep 2018, 21:20

Got mine today to... now just to figure out how to use it! :D

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#45 Post by papperone » 26 Sep 2018, 14:31

Received mine today and already tested flashing a test unit I'm currently working with (an advanced LED Strip controller with 5 channels) and it worked just great!
It is now my default programmer on my workbench!
programmer.jpg (478.07 KiB) Viewed 161866 times
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#46 Post by grovkillen » 26 Sep 2018, 16:17

Looks great 8-)
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
ESP Easy Webdumper [easy screendumping of your units]
ESP Easy Netscan [find units]
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#47 Post by ManS-H » 26 Sep 2018, 19:57

This evening i came back from holiday and found a surprise behind the front door.
IMG_2632.JPG (4.37 MiB) Viewed 161838 times
Thanks, Herman

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#48 Post by grovkillen » 26 Sep 2018, 20:36

Great! Two as we promised! ;)
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
ESP Easy Webdumper [easy screendumping of your units]
ESP Easy Netscan [find units]
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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#49 Post by Meek » 27 Sep 2018, 21:10

You guys are unbelievable, if like spending your free time in developing this magnificent piece of software wasn’t enough, now you’re also providing us gifts! You guys are incredible!!

I know that your devotions and dedications are much appreciated within this great forum but I do know that your work is also much appreciated outside this online community!
In the near future, I hope to return the favor!

A HUGE thanks for the developers, keep up the good work!

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Re: Giveaway! 20pcs of programmers

#50 Post by grovkillen » 27 Sep 2018, 21:20

Meek wrote: 27 Sep 2018, 21:10 You guys are unbelievable, if like spending your free time in developing this magnificent piece of software wasn’t enough, now you’re also providing us gifts! You guys are incredible!!

I know that your devotions and dedications are much appreciated within this great forum but I do know that your work is also much appreciated outside this online community!
In the near future, I hope to return the favor!

A HUGE thanks for the developers, keep up the good work!
Thanks for this great feedback, it means a lot to us. And your implementation of our FW is super exciting. All success to you!
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
ESP Easy Webdumper [easy screendumping of your units]
ESP Easy Netscan [find units]
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