Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

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Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#1 Post by spynet » 26 Mar 2019, 23:22


i want to flash the ESPEasy Software to my NodeMCU (Amiva V2)
Therefore I`ve downloaded the Version "ESPEasy_mega-20190315"
With "ESP.Easy.Flasher.exe" and" ESP_Easy_mega-20190315_normal_ESP8266_4M.bin" it works fine.

Now I try to flash it with Arduino IDE, because I want to make some changes. But before doing the changes, I will test it.
I've done it using this tutorial: "https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/inde ... are_Upload"

But I get an Error Message when I try to upload the sketch:

Code: Select all

StringProvider:1:33: error: StringProviderTypes.h: No such file or directory

 #include <StringProviderTypes.h>


compilation terminated.

exit status 1
StringProviderTypes.h: No such file or directory
I can see, that the files are available in ESPEasy Folder, but I dont know, how I can solve this.
Is there a library I have to install or something else?

I am grateful for any help.
kind regards

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#2 Post by ThomasB » 27 Mar 2019, 01:16

Hmm, StringProviderTypes.h appears to be a new addition in the latest release. You can either:

1. Leave StringProviderTypes.h in your project directory and edit StringProvider.ino's include on line #1 so that it looks like this:

Code: Select all

#include "StringProviderTypes.h"
2. Move the StringProviderTypes.h file to the library directory.

- Thomas

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#3 Post by spynet » 27 Mar 2019, 18:56


thanks for the quick reply.

changing the "include" definitely made a difference.

But now there are a lot of other errors.
It seems as if it has something to do with the same Library because StringProvider is shown very often.

Should that work in general, what I'm trying to do here?

Code: Select all

Arduino: 1.8.9 (Windows 10), Board: "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Flash, Disabled, 4M (1M SPIFFS), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"

WARNUNG: Kategorie 'LED' in der Bibliothek CHT16K33 LED Matrix Library ist ungültig und wird auf 'Uncategorized' festgelegt
WARNUNG: Kategorie 'Input' in der Bibliothek MechInputs ist ungültig und wird auf 'Uncategorized' festgelegt
WARNUNG: Kategorie 'Input' in der Bibliothek SerialSensors ist ungültig und wird auf 'Uncategorized' festgelegt
WARNUNG: Bibliothek LiquidCrystal_I2C behauptet auf (avr) Architektur(en) ausgeführt werden zu können und ist möglicherweise inkompatibel mit Ihrem derzeitigen Board, welches auf (esp8266) Architektur(en) ausgeführt wird.

StringProvider:3:25: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

 String getInternalLabel(LabelType::Enum label) {


StringProvider:7:17: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

 String getLabel(LabelType::Enum label) {


StringProvider:98:17: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

 String getValue(LabelType::Enum label) {


WebServer:2930:23: error: variable or field 'addRowLabelValue' declared void

 void addRowLabelValue(LabelType::Enum label) {


WebServer:2930:23: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

WebServer:2935:28: error: variable or field 'addRowLabelValue_copy' declared void

 void addRowLabelValue_copy(LabelType::Enum label) {


WebServer:2935:28: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

WebServer:3185:22: error: variable or field 'addFormCheckBox' declared void

 void addFormCheckBox(LabelType::Enum label, boolean checked, bool disabled) {


WebServer:3185:22: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

WebServer:3185:53: error: expected primary-expression before 'checked'

 void addFormCheckBox(LabelType::Enum label, boolean checked, bool disabled) {


In file included from C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.5.0\cores\esp8266/Arduino.h:29:0,

                 from C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\ESPEasy.ino:2:

WebServer:3185:62: error: expected primary-expression before 'bool'

 void addFormCheckBox(LabelType::Enum label, boolean checked, bool disabled) {


WebServer:3189:31: error: variable or field 'addFormCheckBox_disabled' declared void

 void addFormCheckBox_disabled(LabelType::Enum label, boolean checked) {


WebServer:3189:31: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

WebServer:3189:62: error: expected primary-expression before 'checked'

 void addFormCheckBox_disabled(LabelType::Enum label, boolean checked) {


WebServer:4484:36: error: variable or field 'stream_next_json_object_value' declared void

 void stream_next_json_object_value(LabelType::Enum label) {


WebServer:4484:36: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

WebServer:4488:36: error: variable or field 'stream_last_json_object_value' declared void

 void stream_last_json_object_value(LabelType::Enum label) {


WebServer:4488:36: error: 'LabelType' has not been declared

_Plugin_Helper_serial:3:47: error: 'ESPeasySerialType' has not been declared

 static String serialHelper_getSerialTypeLabel(ESPeasySerialType::serialtype serType) {


_Plugin_Helper_serial:30:1: error: 'ESPeasySerialType' does not name a type

 ESPeasySerialType::serialtype serialHelper_getSerialType(struct EventStruct *event) {


In file included from C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\StringProvider.ino:1:0:

StringProviderTypes.h:95:46: error: 'String getInternalLabel(LabelType::Enum)' redeclared as different kind of symbol

 String getInternalLabel(LabelType::Enum label);


StringProvider:3:8: error: previous declaration of 'String getInternalLabel'

 String getInternalLabel(LabelType::Enum label) {


In file included from C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\StringProvider.ino:1:0:

StringProviderTypes.h:96:38: error: 'String getLabel(LabelType::Enum)' redeclared as different kind of symbol

 String getLabel(LabelType::Enum label);


StringProvider:7:8: error: previous declaration of 'String getLabel'

 String getLabel(LabelType::Enum label) {


In file included from C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\StringProvider.ino:1:0:

StringProviderTypes.h:97:38: error: 'String getValue(LabelType::Enum)' redeclared as different kind of symbol

 String getValue(LabelType::Enum label);


StringProvider:98:8: error: previous declaration of 'String getValue'

 String getValue(LabelType::Enum label) {


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\StringProvider.ino: In function 'String getInternalLabel(LabelType::Enum)':

StringProvider:3:46: error: 'String getInternalLabel(LabelType::Enum)' redeclared as different kind of symbol

 String getInternalLabel(LabelType::Enum label) {


StringProvider:3:8: error: previous declaration of 'String getInternalLabel'

 String getInternalLabel(LabelType::Enum label) {


StringProvider:4:43: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   return to_internal_string(getLabel(label));


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\StringProvider.ino: In function 'String getLabel(LabelType::Enum)':

StringProvider:7:38: error: 'String getLabel(LabelType::Enum)' redeclared as different kind of symbol

 String getLabel(LabelType::Enum label) {


StringProvider:7:8: error: previous declaration of 'String getLabel'

 String getLabel(LabelType::Enum label) {


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\StringProvider.ino: In function 'String getValue(LabelType::Enum)':

StringProvider:98:38: error: 'String getValue(LabelType::Enum)' redeclared as different kind of symbol

 String getValue(LabelType::Enum label) {


StringProvider:98:8: error: previous declaration of 'String getValue'

 String getValue(LabelType::Enum label) {


StringProvider:129:104: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     case LabelType::IP_CONFIG:              return useStaticIP() ? getLabel(LabelType::IP_CONFIG_STATIC) : getLabel(LabelType::IP_CONFIG_DYNAMIC);


StringProvider:129:145: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     case LabelType::IP_CONFIG:              return useStaticIP() ? getLabel(LabelType::IP_CONFIG_STATIC) : getLabel(LabelType::IP_CONFIG_DYNAMIC);


StringProvider:134:89: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     case LabelType::IP_ADDRESS_SUBNET:      return String(getValue(LabelType::IP_ADDRESS) + F(" / ") + getValue(LabelType::IP_SUBNET));


StringProvider:134:133: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     case LabelType::IP_ADDRESS_SUBNET:      return String(getValue(LabelType::IP_ADDRESS) + F(" / ") + getValue(LabelType::IP_SUBNET));


StringProvider:137:84: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     case LabelType::DNS:                    return String(getValue(LabelType::DNS_1) + F(" / ") + getValue(LabelType::DNS_2));


StringProvider:137:124: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     case LabelType::DNS:                    return String(getValue(LabelType::DNS_1) + F(" / ") + getValue(LabelType::DNS_2));


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_root()':

WebServer:990:47: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:993:49: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

       TXBuffer += getValue(LabelType::LOCAL_TIME);


WebServer:998:43: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:1009:45: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:1034:46: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:1063:53: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_config()':

WebServer:1246:43: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   addFormTextBox( getLabel(LabelType::SSID), F("ssid"), SecuritySettings.WifiSSID, 31);


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void addRowLabelValue(LabelType::Enum)':

WebServer:2931:29: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'



WebServer:2932:29: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   TXBuffer += getValue(label);


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void addRowLabelValue_copy(LabelType::Enum)':

WebServer:2936:34: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'



WebServer:2937:29: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   TXBuffer += getValue(label);


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void addFormCheckBox(LabelType::Enum, boolean, bool)':

WebServer:3186:33: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   addFormCheckBox(getLabel(label), getInternalLabel(label), checked, disabled);


WebServer:3186:58: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   addFormCheckBox(getLabel(label), getInternalLabel(label), checked, disabled);


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_wifiscanner_json()':

WebServer:4264:59: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     stream_next_json_object_value(getLabel(LabelType::SSID), WiFi.SSID(i));


WebServer:4265:60: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     stream_next_json_object_value(getLabel(LabelType::BSSID), WiFi.BSSIDstr(i));


WebServer:4266:62: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     stream_next_json_object_value(getLabel(LabelType::CHANNEL), String(WiFi.channel(i)));


WebServer:4267:64: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     stream_next_json_object_value(getLabel(LabelType::WIFI_RSSI), String(WiFi.RSSI(i)));


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_wifiscanner()':

WebServer:4304:45: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:4305:46: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void stream_next_json_object_value(LabelType::Enum)':

WebServer:4485:47: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   stream_next_json_object_value(getLabel(label), getValue(label));


WebServer:4485:64: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   stream_next_json_object_value(getLabel(label), getValue(label));


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void stream_last_json_object_value(LabelType::Enum)':

WebServer:4489:47: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   stream_last_json_object_value(getLabel(label), getValue(label));


WebServer:4489:64: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum&)'

   stream_last_json_object_value(getLabel(label), getValue(label));


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_advanced()':

WebServer:4921:94: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     setLogLevelFor(LOG_TO_SYSLOG, getFormItemInt(getInternalLabel(LabelType::SYSLOG_LOG_LEVEL)));


WebServer:4922:94: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     setLogLevelFor(LOG_TO_SERIAL, getFormItemInt(getInternalLabel(LabelType::SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL)));


WebServer:4923:91: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     setLogLevelFor(LOG_TO_WEBLOG, getFormItemInt(getInternalLabel(LabelType::WEB_LOG_LEVEL)));


WebServer:4944:91: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:4945:110: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:4946:85: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:4947:92: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:4948:93: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:4994:61: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   addFormLogLevelSelect(getLabel(LabelType::SYSLOG_LOG_LEVEL),  getInternalLabel(LabelType::SYSLOG_LOG_LEVEL), Settings.SyslogLevel);


WebServer:4994:109: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   addFormLogLevelSelect(getLabel(LabelType::SYSLOG_LOG_LEVEL),  getInternalLabel(LabelType::SYSLOG_LOG_LEVEL), Settings.SyslogLevel);


WebServer:4996:61: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   addFormLogLevelSelect(getLabel(LabelType::SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL),  getInternalLabel(LabelType::SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL), Settings.SerialLogLevel);


WebServer:4996:109: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   addFormLogLevelSelect(getLabel(LabelType::SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL),  getInternalLabel(LabelType::SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL), Settings.SerialLogLevel);


WebServer:4997:58: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   addFormLogLevelSelect(getLabel(LabelType::WEB_LOG_LEVEL),     getInternalLabel(LabelType::WEB_LOG_LEVEL),    Settings.WebLogLevel);


WebServer:4997:106: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   addFormLogLevelSelect(getLabel(LabelType::WEB_LOG_LEVEL),     getInternalLabel(LabelType::WEB_LOG_LEVEL),    Settings.WebLogLevel);


WebServer:5035:63: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   addFormNumericBox(getLabel(LabelType::CONNECTION_FAIL_THRESH), F("cft"), Settings.ConnectionFailuresThreshold, 0, 100);


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_sysinfo_json()':

WebServer:6554:78: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     json_prop(F("dhcp"), useStaticIP() ? getLabel(LabelType::IP_CONFIG_STATIC) : getLabel(LabelType::IP_CONFIG_DYNAMIC));


WebServer:6554:119: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

     json_prop(F("dhcp"), useStaticIP() ? getLabel(LabelType::IP_CONFIG_STATIC) : getLabel(LabelType::IP_CONFIG_DYNAMIC));


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\WebServer.ino: In function 'void handle_sysinfo()':

WebServer:6712:41: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6724:43: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6795:42: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6804:43: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6810:39: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6818:57: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6819:55: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'

   TXBuffer += getValue(LabelType::LAST_DISC_REASON_STR);


WebServer:6852:50: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6857:55: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6878:46: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6887:50: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6909:49: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6915:48: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6940:55: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6944:49: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6950:52: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6955:51: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6966:53: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6972:47: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



WebServer:6980:46: error: no match for call to '(String) (LabelType::Enum)'



C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\_Plugin_Helper_serial.ino: In function 'String serialHelper_getSerialTypeLabel(ESPeasySerialType::serialtype)':

_Plugin_Helper_serial:3:84: error: 'String serialHelper_getSerialTypeLabel(ESPeasySerialType::serialtype)' redeclared as different kind of symbol

 static String serialHelper_getSerialTypeLabel(ESPeasySerialType::serialtype serType) {


_Plugin_Helper_serial:3:15: error: previous declaration of 'String serialHelper_getSerialTypeLabel'

 static String serialHelper_getSerialTypeLabel(ESPeasySerialType::serialtype serType) {


C:\ProgramData\Shared Space\ESPEasy_mega-20190315\source\ESPEasy\_Plugin_Helper_serial.ino: In function 'void serialHelper_webformLoad(EventStruct*, bool)':

_Plugin_Helper_serial:57:55: error: no match for call to '(String) (ESPeasySerialType::serialtype&)'

       option = serialHelper_getSerialTypeLabel(serType);


exit status 1
'LabelType' has not been declared

Dieser Bericht wäre detaillierter, wenn die Option
"Ausführliche Ausgabe während der Kompilierung"
in Datei -> Voreinstellungen aktiviert wäre.

kind regards

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#4 Post by ThomasB » 27 Mar 2019, 22:03

I suggest reverting the file back to its original state and use Platformio to compile (rather than Arduino). With Platformio the mega-20190315 release compiles OK.

Getting started with Platformio can be frustrating. But it is the preferred compiler for ESPEasy.

- Thomas

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#5 Post by schnurzel59 » 28 Mar 2019, 10:05

Hi Thomas B,I tried now. PlatformIO has made sure that the last gray hair has turned white now.
After I had pushed all the files into the correct folder, it ran on the first attempt to this result.
But see the following picture. "SUCCESS". Pictures say more than words.
PlatformIO.jpg (170.8 KiB) Viewed 10456 times
It would only be nice if such messages were to be seen for more than a second. In general,
all warnings and messages disappear within a very short time. This window is only visible
for 1 second, then it is gone. Do you have other experiences or a helpful tip?
Greetings Martin

Oh God, my English is horrible.

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#6 Post by ThomasB » 28 Mar 2019, 15:46

"SUCCESS". Pictures say more than words.
In general,all warnings and messages disappear within a very short time. This window is only visible
for 1 second, then it is gone. Do you have other experiences or a helpful tip?
I use the Platformio IDE extension in VSCode. Its compile success messages are retained until I close the terminal window.

Your installation is the Atom version and I don't have first hand experience with it. But I found the answer for you. It is discussed here:
https://github.com/platformio/platformi ... /issues/23

- Thomas

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#7 Post by schnurzel59 » 28 Mar 2019, 21:57

Thank you.
As you said, starting with "PlatformIO" is a challenge. Yes.
You have to look a little deeper into the system to see all the possibilities.
So again a big change for me. But a compiler run without warnings and mistakes
compensates for everything. Now I can finally flash my ESP according to my ideas.
Greetings Martin

Oh God, my English is horrible.

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#8 Post by spynet » 29 Mar 2019, 00:01


today I've tested Atom and PlatfprmIO tools.
I've found the plugin that I want to add manually in development area ("define_plugin_sets.h" -> #define USES_P124 // NeoPixelBusFX)

So I've done "PIO Build (dev_ESP8266_4M)
and then "PIO Upload (dev_ESP8266_4M)

Then I've connected the NodeMCU to the WIFI.

In System Info I can see the following:
System Libraries:⋄ ESP82xx Core 2_4_2, NONOS SDK 2.2.1(cfd48f3), LWIP: 2.0.3 PUYA support
Plugins:⋄ 77 [Normal] [Testing] [Development]
Build Time:⋄ Mar 28 2019 23:35:32
Binary Filename:⋄ Self built!

But in "Device" P124 is missing.

If anyone has a tip, I would be very happy.
I still have some ideas but unfortunately, I can continue with test not before next week.
But now I wanted to announce the actual state.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#9 Post by ThomasB » 29 Mar 2019, 00:27

Plugins:⋄ 77 [Normal] [Testing] [Development]
But in "Device" P124 is missing.
Plugin P124 has been pre-defined in the PLUGIN_SET_EXPERIMENTAL section in file define_plugin_sets.h. So you'll want to build the Experimental release to take advantage of this.

For a less risky build you can add the #define USES_P124 to the PLUGIN_SET_TESTING section and build the Testing release instead.

- Thomas

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#10 Post by spynet » 03 Apr 2019, 23:18


now it finally works.
Thanks for the support.
However, it was not that easy for someone who is not a programmer and uses the PlatformIO for the first time.

First I had to download the NeopixelBusFX Plugin here: "https://github.com/djcysmic/NeopixelBusFX". Then I had to place the Files in Projekt Folder -> \source\src
Then I had to download the NeoPixelBus Library in PatformIO Home, because some files were still missing.
In the File _P124_NeoPixelBusFX.ino I had to change #define METHOD NeoEsp8266Uart800KbpsMethod to #define METHOD NeoEsp8266Uart1800KbpsMethod
It is described here: "https://github.com/Makuna/NeoPixelBus/w ... NeoMethods"

Then Upload to NodeMCU was possible.

regards Jens

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Re: Flash ESPEasy with Arduino IDE -> Missing Library

#11 Post by jlduss » 12 May 2019, 03:17

Hi, I get espeasy may version.
I open it in arduino IDE, with same error
"StringProvider:1:33: error: StringProviderTypes.h: No such file or directory
#include <StringProviderTypes.h>"

I change the include, and Get also many new errors.
then I follow advise using platformIO, same error in 2 cases.

then I get espeasy 190315 to, on platformIO.
excactly the same verify error with <StringProviderTypes.h>, renamed on "StringProviderTypes.h" and again the same lot of error as arduino IDE.
I spend 2 hours to replace, copy, change many things, but without results...
thx for your help...

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