Wireless Switches for domoticz

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Wireless Switches for domoticz

#1 Post by Grumpf » 14 Dec 2021, 17:13

I'm looking for simple 2.4GHz wifi wall switches. Something to put on a wall without MAINS.

Hi everyone, I have several 433MHz radio switches & probes. RFLink & RFXCom seem to be dead projects, no FW update, Forum silent... Recently my RFLink on my VM works very capriciously, dunno why. Fortunately, the slave Raspi with a RFXCom transceiver still works fine.

But I'm afraid this technology is already obsolete.

I'm looking for battery operated wall switches that can send simple MQTT/HTTP command (maybe with Espeasy on them) without the need of yet another gateway and certainly without the use of a Chinese/Russian spy service in the "cloud".

A simple cheap CR2032 white switch with a 8255 and Espeasy will be ideal...

It's to put on a WAF ruled zone. So, sure I can do PCBs, solder & 3D print a case but that won't do.

Suggestions ?

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Re: Wireless Switches for domoticz

#2 Post by TD-er » 14 Dec 2021, 20:56

Running an ESP on coin cells is sadly not very practical.

The new "Next thing" seems to be devices running "Matter" and "threads".
"Matter" is a protocol to interface IoT devices and ESPEasy will also support this protocol too.
"Threads" is the link between existing Zwave (or Zigbee, always mix those up, even though I know they are not the same) and "Matter" devices.

I think you will end up running some battery powered (or even battery-less) wall switch that sends a Zwave/zigbee message to one or more "threads" nodes in your network, which will then communicate further using "Matter".

However, this will not be released to the masses until I think Q2 2022.
But I tell you, this will be big, as almost all company currently in the market with IoT like appliances is now working together in developing "Matter".
Think about Amazon, Google, Apple, Ikea, Infineon, NXP, Huawei, Schneider Electric, Somfy, ST, TI, etc. (and a few 100 more)

Espressif will launch the ESP32-H2 probably in Q3 next year and I already contacted them for test silicon, but I don't think they are willing to send it to me.
This ESP32-H2 chip does also have the hardware for the "threads" layer.
Matter can be implemented on any node that can handle IPv6, so I could already start on that one ( ;) )

Not sure if you should switch right now, but if you do, you could look for Ikea stuff as they probably will make a firmware upgrade for their Ethernet gateway to support Matter and if not, the worst that kan happen is that you have to buy a new gateway that does support it.

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Re: Wireless Switches for domoticz

#3 Post by Grumpf » 16 Dec 2021, 11:48

Thanks. I'm going to read a bit about Matter, the new H2 ESP32 & ZigBee then, I see that Risc V is everywhere now.

I've seen some EnOcean batteryless switch but those are really expensive.
My system works so I can wait before upgrading. Let's read and I'll come back to you as a SME if I have some questions ;)

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Re: Wireless Switches for domoticz

#4 Post by stephanvdplas » 07 Jan 2022, 14:41

Maybe this is an interesting development: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/flic ... iue97aCQ#/

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Re: Wireless Switches for domoticz

#5 Post by Grumpf » 07 Jan 2022, 14:56

Does look interesting but needing a phone to configure it is a no go for me. Inevitably the software will need subscription or won't be maintained. On the other hand, I like the fact they want to make grandiloquent appearances thanks to Vamsi, the Costumer care !

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