Yes, as you can see on the forum and GitHub, we are very active in development and support for ESPEasy.
So all Patreon money is more than welcome as it allows for less time spent on "billable hours" which not always result in ESPEasy time
Just to give an impression of my "working days".
As mentioned before here on the forum, I did start my own company to develop rapid prototypes.
For these prototypes I use ESPEasy.
The business model is really simple.
- Hours spent on the client product directly are billed at 100%
- Hours spent on software development which is allowed to end up in the Open Source GitHub are billed at 50%.
- I try to make enough money to pay the bills and have enough time left for working on ESPEasy.
So the "side income" like Patreon, make it easier for me to decide to work on ESPEasy instead of billable hours.