Hoe beginnen / How to start

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Hoe beginnen / How to start

#1 Post by dirkjanl » 20 Apr 2024, 20:01

ENGLISH see below.

Ik wil een themostaat voor de infraroodpanelen: Salus RT 520 TX met RF 868 MHz, koppelen aan Home Assistant.
SalusThermostaatSchema.h.png (59.5 KiB) Viewed 2072 times
In Home Assistant, via "Instellingen > Ingeraties" en dan zoeken naar RFLink ben ik gekomen tot deze pagina: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/rflink
RFLInkInfo.png (198.55 KiB) Viewed 2072 times
Maar dan, wat moet ik dan doen?
Ik heb het idee dat ik een ontvanger moet koppelen aan mijn Thin Client (of ergens anders aan?) waar Home Assistant op draait. (Mijn opstelling, zie mijn welkom: viewtopic.php?t=10148)
Maar geen idee wat en hoe te doen.
En dan moet er wat in "configuration.yaml" gewijzigd / toegevoegd worden.
StudioConfig.png (107.07 KiB) Viewed 2072 times
Ik snap dat er daar wat dient te gebeuren, maar weet niet hoe en snap ook niet wat er op de pagina https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/rflink wordt gezegd.
1.herschaald.png (14.77 KiB) Viewed 2072 times
Ergens heb ik gelezen dat StudioCodeServer daarvoor handig is, maar weet niet meer waar. Dat heb ik via Add-Ons toegevoegd in Home Assistant. [url][img]https://community.home-assistant.io/t/h ... ode/107863

Is het überhaupt mogelijk om de Salus Thermostaat die RF868 MHZ gebruikt op te nemen in Homeassistant?
Indien ja: Ik wil in iedergeval in Home Assistant de thermostaat kunnen lezen.
Beter: maar het liefst ook kunnen bedienen.
Welke stappen dien ik dan te zetten?
Moet ik iets aanschaffen?
Wat en hoe koppel ik dat.
En aan welke computer, aan de Thin Client of aan de PC waarmee ik Home Assistant benader?

I want to connect a thermostat for the infrared panels: Salus RT 520 TX with RF 868 MHz to Home Assistant.

In Home Assistant, via "Settings > Ingerations" and then searching for RFLink, I arrived at this page: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/rflink

But then, what should I do?
I have the idea that I need to connect a receiver to my Thin Client (or to something else?) that Home Assistant is running on. (My setup, see my welcome: viewtopic.php?t=10148)
But no idea what and how to do.
And then something needs to be changed/added in "configuration.yaml".

I understand that something needs to be done there, but I don't know how and I don't understand what is said on the page https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/rflink.

I read somewhere that StudioCodeServer is useful for this, but I can't remember where. I added that via Add-Ons in Home Assistant. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/h ... ode/107863

In concrete terms:
Is it even possible to include the Salus Thermostat that uses RF868 MHZ in Homeassistant?
If yes: I want to be able to read the thermostat in Home Assistant in any case.
Better: but preferably also able to operate.
What steps should I take?
Do I need to purchase anything?
What and how do I link that?
And on which computer, the Thin Client or the PC with which I access Home Assistant?

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Re: Hoe beginnen / How to start

#2 Post by dirkjanl » 09 Jun 2024, 09:36

I have not been able to find a thermostat that can be operated manually on the thermostat itself and that can be accessed via WIFI and HomeAssistant, where the maker’s cloud solution can be disabled.

The options that were also indicated here are not feasible for me: Or I do not have the knowledge, for example to create scripts myself via HA; or the operation is not in accordance with my wishes.

Yesterday I visited a large ‘heating’ supplier to discuss the thermostats they have, but as soon as I say “own management” they don’t respond. I have the impression that they do not want to investigate that area and do not want to work on it.

Thanks for reading this post, I quit, to difficult for me.

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