I've ordered this ESP32-C6 board: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005008084095266.html
I have successfully compiled a custom ESPEasy firmware (the 20241222 one), with the P116 plugin, to be able to activate the onboard TFT.
Unfortunatly, the embedded TFT is a 172 x 320 one, driven by a ST7789.
This "configuration" is not available into the included plugin, and to make it "work" a little, i have to access i as a ST7735, with 135 x 240 pixel display attached.
This way, it works but with just a part of the center of the display, and everywhere around, it's like an "old TV fog".
Do you think a "mod" of the P116 version can be made ?
The unit is really interesting, really cheap, integrated display and USB C power/data port.
Thanks in advance !
ps: my project is to make this a temperature sensor (with a DHT22), and the temperature and humidity live displayed on it... I already have a complete DomoticZ system running for years, thanks to you