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Re: wifi problems, for the hundredth time

Posted: 17 Nov 2022, 15:55
by FourIdGeek
I've been lurking in the background on this and was quite excited to see that a potential fix has been found.
It's *really* appreciated in all the work and testing done (and I do try to help out, both $ and info),
was just wondering when a new release with the "strict" options may be provided on GitHub?

Re: wifi problems, for the hundredth time

Posted: 17 Nov 2022, 21:20
by TD-er
The latest GitHub Actions builds all use the PlatformIO "strict" library finder options.

I am working on making a new release as the last one was giving some issues quite soon (as in hours) after making the build.
Apart from that I wasn't even able to make the separate build I always make on my PC to yield smaller download ZIP files, due to the fact WSL on Windows 11 is so incredibly slow.
Checkout of the Git repository took 2 (!!!!) hours, where it takes seconds on an Intel NUC running Linux.
Building on WSL on my dev. machine used to take 30 - 40 minutes, now it was not even done after 6 hours.
N.B. my dev machine is an AMD Ryzen 9 with 12 cores.

Re: wifi problems, for the hundredth time

Posted: 17 Nov 2022, 21:38
by FourIdGeek
Well, whenever Micro$oft decides to let you use your machine again will be soon enough. :shock: :lol:
I wasn't trying to rush you, just curious since the last 2 GitHub releases were ~3 months apart.

Re: wifi problems, for the hundredth time

Posted: 17 Nov 2022, 22:25
by TD-er
Yep, and that 3 months was for sure not planned.
it was more like "this issue needs to be fixed before we make a new build" and then some others were found which got the same "label".

So you can probably imagine my feeling when only hours after making a new build some serious issues were reported...