Feature Request collection/list

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Re: Feature Request collection/list

#191 Post by themanfrommoon » 28 Aug 2017, 21:38

Feature-Request: Feature request - "RPM Task" plugin


it would be nice to have a RPM Task (or tachometer or speedmeter) (RPM = Revolutions Per Minute)
I tried some things here:
But in the end it does not really work very accurate.

It would be great to count the pulses for 60 seconds, then use this value as output and reset the counter to zero to start the procedure again.
One rpm value every 60 seconds (or adjustable period) would be sufficient.

for example:
after 60 seconds: output is "3994" rpm
after 120 seconds: output is "3995" rpm
after 180 seconds: output is "3991" rpm
after 240 seconds: output is "3993" rpm
and so on

Maybe this should be a new task or an enhancement of the existing counter task.

Thanks for your support and this great software!

best regards,

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Re: Feature Request collection/list

#192 Post by TD-er » 01 Sep 2017, 22:21

I think you will need some external counter which you can read out after some interval.
Perhaps even 2 counters, of which one has a known frequency connected to the count input pin.
Then you can trigger the "count enable" (after reset count) and after some time trigger both counters to disable counting and then read both counted values.
Otherwise it is really hard to make the ESP chip trigger at an exact interval and thus the counted frequency will fluctuate a lot.

That's probably the only way to somewhat accurate count the frequency.

I guess there must exist several I2C chips that allow to count external pulses and read the counters via I2C.

Perhaps this chip can be used for your usecase: http://www.horter.de/doku/PCF8583_NXP.pdf
You can program it to signal an output line after a fixed number of input triggers.
So as a test run you can set it to a low count first to get an initial value (measure time between pulses output by this chip) and then increase the set value in the counter-IC to get an interval which can be measured with sufficient accuracy.
e.g. once every second.

In other words, you can set it to act as a predefined frequency downscaler.

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Re: Feature Request collection/list

#193 Post by sasso » 09 Sep 2017, 21:06

Feature request - sensor values on main page

I have 12 espeasy devices in and around the house and I would like to have the readings on main page because I would like to be able to just click on the listed unit's name and see the values on that device without navigating to devices page.

If this is not in the todo list I would like to know where and how the values and value names are stored and since I have a a little bit more than the basic knowledge of coding I would like to try to solve this by myself.

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Re: Feature Request collection/list

#194 Post by manjh » 26 Oct 2017, 23:32

I second that. With the R-Pi type 3 there is a BT function, but since BT does not carry very far, it would be much better to enable a sensor on ESPEasy! (My R-Pi is located in my office two floors upstairs, with RFLink/LAN in the living room so I can cover the devices)

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Re: Feature Request collection/list

#195 Post by 1985joedever » 24 Nov 2017, 06:12

houk008 wrote: 31 May 2017, 23:09 Feature-Request: Bridge betwen atmega/arduino/other microcontroller to domoticz via espeasy reading from uart.

Sending from microcontroller named values like
or any other named value defined by field name and parsed from uart to domoticz idx device.
Of course with ability to deepsleep for minute or more, source device will send values over and over again every one second and esp will wake, read values and send it to domo and go to sleep.
This feature have great potential, from weather stations based on sensor like this complex usage with hand made custom solutions. http://www.powerjackmotion.com/
Or simply please add sparcfun weather station based on documentation to this sensors provided from sparcfun :D.
With esp going to deepsleep to save battery power there is no option for counting gust or rain properly and for that is my idea to read it from uart.
This is what I'm looking for. I can't thank you enough. :D

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Re: Feature Request collection/list

#196 Post by Drum » 25 Nov 2017, 10:55

sasso wrote: 09 Sep 2017, 21:06 Feature request - sensor values on main page

I have 12 espeasy devices in and around the house and I would like to have the readings on main page because I would like to be able to just click on the listed unit's name and see the values on that device without navigating to devices page.

If this is not in the todo list I would like to know where and how the values and value names are stored and since I have a a little bit more than the basic knowledge of coding I would like to try to solve this by myself.
Have you tried just opening the device on the devices tab rather than on main? should work, with your device ip of course.
Alternatively, use mosquitto & nodered to put the readings of all your devices on one page. Charts & graphs are possible too. I run both and more on a raspberry pi 3.

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Re: Feature Request collection/list

#197 Post by Prutsium » 29 Aug 2018, 11:38

msev wrote: 15 Mar 2016, 09:59 RC522 Rfid reader support would be cool :) (https://github.com/Jorgen-VikingGod/ESP8266-MFRC522)
Is there any plan for this still?
i accidentally bought the 522 instead of the 532 and bit of stuck now :)

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Re: Feature Request collection/list

#198 Post by goldriver » 17 Dec 2018, 13:08

I would like if support for the PZEM-004T energy monitor would be added to espeasy. There used to be a plugin available in the playground that used to work with previous releases but the serial library have been all messed up and now there is no way to compile with this plugin


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