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Reset ESP8266 to WAP-mode

Posted: 06 Apr 2024, 00:09
by Ton_vN
:? :( Probaly something very simple, but (fortunately) have no routine on this subject .....

Trying to restart an ESP8266 with ESPEasy apparently made an error during change of setup of that ESP8266 with ESPEasy,
because after reboot that ESP8266 is not visible as independent WAP, nor as Client on the destination-LAN.
Complete reflash obviously is a solution,
but what is alternative, easiest/quickest method to reset to WAP-status (then visible as ESP-2, or similar) while keeping the other aspects of the setup?
Long press of 'Reset'-button to get factory reset, or what is 'next best' approach?

Re: Reset ESP8266 to WAP-mode

Posted: 06 Apr 2024, 10:22
by Ath
Easiest way to fix this is to connect the ESP to a serial connection on your computer, f.e. using the web-flasher at or putty, and send these commands via serial:

Code: Select all

NB: When using putty, or another terminal software, you won't see what you type until you press the Enter key, and you can't correct any typos. The web-flasher console feature does show what you type, + allows corrections, and only sends it to the ESP when pressing Enter.