P159 LD2410 Radar Presence Sensor

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P159 LD2410 Radar Presence Sensor

#1 Post by azonneveld » 14 Sep 2024, 22:30

To disable a gate, one should enter the maximum value for sensitivity: 100.
But this value is reached when an object is very clear, and therefor the disable is not working.

Please allow the maximum value for a gate to be set to >100, so it will never be reached.
Or f.i. add a disable/enable boolean to each gate

For now I mitigate the issue by using rules, but that's a 'dirty' solution.
Sensitivity, Gate 0 .. 8: For each type of detection, the sensitivity treshold can be set, range 0 .. 100, where 0 is the most sensitive, and 100 means it won’t trigger,
see: https://espeasy.readthedocs.io/en/lates ... /P159.html

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