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I want to learn - Seeking instruction

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 03:56
by GasPath
void setup() {
I'm one of the old guys (I had a TRS-80 and Commodore 64). Even though my career had nothing to do with computers, they have always been my hobby.

My programming skills likely date me as well. TI-990 Basic, Lingo, and for the last few years, VB.Net. I've come here because I have several projects I wish to build. I mean real working projects that I need for things I want to do. So I've been looking into Arduino and Raspberry, and just came across the ESP-12e a few months ago. I've been trying to learn some of the language, but you guys who can see actions in the C++ syntax are way better than me. I mean var== and var++ makes my eyes hurt. :/ Give me var = var + 1 any day! I likely have a C++ book around here and I guess I'll have to try that again.

So I'll likely be camper for awhile as I try to learn myself before asking questions. I hope those with a willingness to teach will spend some time with the tutorials. I've been gleaning the web looking for all I can. Who knows, I might even write a few if I get smart enough.

Re: I want to learn - Seeking instruction

Posted: 06 Oct 2015, 09:08
by BertB
Welcome to the club.
Hope you have plenty of fun here.
