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Solved: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller - Now Working Using RFFind

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 23:51
by Justblair
*** Edit as of version R46 this remote is working using RFFind, though it is possible to also perform a very simple hardware mod to get it to recognise ***

Hi there. Loving this project, successfully taking codes from a weather station, X10RF kit and a chinese keyfob. but not this...

Bought this one ... 57759.html

Tried it out, but I am getting the following.... Gives me the same Doorbell code each time for every button, Occaisionally I get random other devices but mostly what I have below

Is this easy to cater for?

I think that I managed to get all the presses there.

Code: Select all


Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 09 Aug 2016, 18:13
by Stuntteam
Ok, we will take a look..

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 10 Aug 2016, 01:26
by Justblair
Thanks for looking

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 18 Aug 2016, 11:45
by Justblair
I had a look last night at the debug codes. Here is what I discovered wonder if it helps

Code is repeated a different number of times, probably corresponding to the length of the key press

The first transmit of the code (the one rflink starts recording about half way in) has looser timings than the rest. The timings seem to settle

The code begins with a long pulse of around 5500 uSec

A long pulse is around 150 uSec which I have guessed is a 1
A short pulse is around 60-90 uSec which I have guessed is a 0

The entire message is 49 bits long, though I guess the final bit is an end of message, making the message 6 bytes long

The final byte contains the state information for a button press. The first to bytes indicate on or off, the other 6 the button number

1 On 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 10100101 0
1 Off 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 01100101 0
2 On 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 10011001 0
2 Off 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 01011001 0
3 On 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 10010110 0
3 Off 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 01010110 0
4 On 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 10100110 0
4 Off 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 01100110 0
5 On 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 10011010 0
5 Off 10011010 10010101 01010110 01011001 01010101 01011010 0

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 18 Aug 2016, 12:14
by Stuntteam
Thanks, that helps!

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 18 Aug 2016, 12:17
by Justblair
Is there anything else that I can do?

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 09:41
by Justblair

I can't make out the chip, but I wondered if you might?


Original source ... rettyPhoto

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 11:07
by costo
My guess this chip is the EV1527 encoder. It has a 20 bit unique ID, the first 20 bits and the last 4 bits encode 4 keys or 16 possibe codes.

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 16:14
by Justblair
Would it not then show up as such?

I could easily work with it in openhab if this was the case

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 16:38
by costo
If RFLink will decode it depends on the timing. This particular protocol seems to have a basic timing of ca. 510uS/bit

RFlink apparently has a problem with such a relatively long timing.

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 19:22
by Stuntteam
RFlink will have a modification to properly recognize the Digoo..

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 20:26
by Justblair
costo wrote:If RFLink will decode it depends on the timing. This particular protocol seems to have a basic timing of ca. 510uS/bit

RFlink apparently has a problem with such a relatively long timing.
I'm interested from a learning point of view, is the timing a separate thing from the protocol?

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 20:28
by Justblair
Stuntteam wrote:RFlink will have a modification to properly recognize the Digoo..
Cool. I notice a few other "brands" using the same kit...

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 23:48
by costo
Justblair wrote: I'm interested from a learning point of view, is the timing a separate thing from the protocol?
See datasheet ... EV1527.pdf
The encoding protocol is the same for every EV1527 device. 24bit total, the first 20 bit is the ID or address and the last 4 bit are data.
The timing is the duration of one bit (bit length) and is defined as 256 clock cycli. A resistor and a capacitor define the frequency of the clock oscillator. It is explained in the datasheet.

Decoding is done in software and usually the software needs an estimate of the bit length and if the actual bitlength differs too much from the estimation the software will fail to decode it. Different devices have different timing estimations. The timing will determine the type/brand of device.

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 12:12
by Justblair
Thanks Costo

I took the remote apart this morning and checked the chip... It is indeed a EV1527.

It took me a bit to understand this... I did not click when I was looking at the timings that the debug was giving me the duration for both the highs and lows.

I am unused to dealing with this stuff, so far I have only transmitted and recieved X10 code on an arduino and with better documentation of the protocol to hand.


Above is the correct interpretation of the datastream...

What I think the datasheet shows that is interesting is that the 4 bits of data directly relate to the pin states on the input. You can just about work out the circuit design on the remote just from the data. I will be ordering more of these remotes for some hacking fun..... I should be able to run 15 buttons on one of these.

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 15:16
by Justblair
I should think that I could also tune the remote by altering that resistor value until it is recognised

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 16:51
by Stuntteam
No, bad idea.. keep it original..

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 18:03
by Justblair
I will definitely keep one original, but I am going to play around with a second one once it is delivered :)

These are so cheap, but they are kind of nice, the buttons have a nice tactile feel to them.

My plan is to get a few and spray paint them, think they will look better. I might also use them as the basis of some cnc'd remotes rather than make my own pcb...

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 18:16
by Justblair

I know you are a busy team and I am super excited about the new features that you have added recently.. (Got a CC2500 on order). But I grew impatient and decided to modify the remote controls.

If anyone else is looking to use one of these remotes (nice clicky buttons), I managed to get mine working by hacking in a new resistor value to replace R4 on the remote control. I used a value of 330K replacing the 150K resistor that was originally there.

Obviously I dont expect this remote to work with the switches it was designed for now. But I bought the remote on it's own, so who cares.

Still have one in it's packet for testing when the team get round to supporting it.

Re: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller

Posted: 17 Mar 2017, 09:04
by Justblair
Just a follow up for anyone who is interested in this remote.

In the latest version R46 this remote is still behaving in the same way straight out the box, However, using the learning function of the remote detailed here...

I was able to get an unmodified Digoo remote working.

Thanks to the developer again.

However I am still going to modify my remotes with the resistor modification, it's quicker than learning the device and less hassle overall. With the limit of 32 learned commands on the rflink you could only run 3 digoos in your household (i am using 5 of them currently) If you are not happy using a soldering iron, I would still thoroughly recommend buying this remote and using the learning function.

Re: Solved: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller - Now Working Using RFFind

Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 13:27
by MRTjilie
I have same sort off remote but RFfind doesn't work for me

When I push the buttons I get the following response in RFlinkloader:

instead off something like this:
20;22;RFFind;x;151557;B;1E;1; (with a different remote I do get this response)

What could case this / how can I solve this

Re: Solved: Digoo RC-13 Smart RF Cotroller - Now Working Using RFFind

Posted: 18 Feb 2018, 20:35
by gn0st1c
maybe these help to add support for this device. it's very stable and cheap.

From Sonoff RF Bridge (with espurna firmware)

Code: Select all

button 3 on

button 3 off
and from rc-switch 2.6.2

Code: Select all

button 3 on
Decimal: 8781065 (24Bit) Binary: 100001011111110100001001 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 143 microseconds Protocol: 1
Raw data: 4472,448,128,160,432,148,424,160,420,156,428,448,136,148,428,452,128,456,124,456,128,452,128,456,132,456,128,452,132,148,424,448,136,152,424,160,424,156,428,152,424,448,132,156,432,148,428,464,112,

button 3 off
Decimal: 8781057 (24Bit) Binary: 100001011111110100000001 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 142 microseconds Protocol: 1
Raw data: 4448,484,104,180,392,180,400,184,400,176,404,472,112,176,412,464,108,476,104,480,104,472,112,472,116,476,100,472,112,172,416,464,112,172,412,168,412,172,404,172,416,160,416,168,412,164,408,320,104,