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AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 06 Nov 2016, 12:55
by ManS-H
Since yesterday the window of my lavatory is onder full control of ESP Easy and Domoticz. For ESP Easy I used a Witty Board and a 2 channel relay board with opto.
WC Raam.jpg
WC Raam.jpg (97.25 KiB) Viewed 23839 times
ESP12F & Relais_rev01.jpg
ESP12F & Relais_rev01.jpg (115.92 KiB) Viewed 23839 times
I modified a AXA wall switch and connect it with the relay board.
Schakelaar.jpg (27.77 KiB) Viewed 23839 times
The relays switched on for 2 seconds with a rule. In Domoticz i used a switch, type blinds. This works perfect for me.

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 06 Nov 2016, 19:34
by Dylantje
jaloers :-)

Great job!!!

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 17:35
by Otje

i want to do the same in my house, i bought already the relais and ESP but i have a question:

i see that you used the AXA wallsender to connect to the relais. do you actually need this extra wallsender? it makes it a bit more expensive. it looks that this wallsender has no active components, so i want to check if you can wire the relays directly to the Axa unit? can you share your experience?

Also, the Axa unit needs 7V i believe, did you use 1 supply and from this supply you derived the 5V for the ESP?

thank you so much for helping me


Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 09 Jan 2017, 02:04
by ManS-H
Otje wrote:Hi

i want to do the same in my house, i bought already the relais and ESP but i have a question:

i see that you used the AXA wallsender to connect to the relais. do you actually need this extra wallsender? it makes it a bit more expensive. it looks that this wallsender has no active components, so i want to check if you can wire the relays directly to the Axa unit? can you share your experience?

Also, the Axa unit needs 7V i believe, did you use 1 supply and from this supply you derived the 5V for the ESP?

thank you so much for helping me

The wallsender and the remote control send both encrypted info so directly connect the relays to the AXA Remote isn't possible. Another possibility is using the remote control with the relays. In my case it used batteries. Maybe in de summer i will change it and use a power supply.

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 00:50
by Otje

I managed to connect the serial port from esp to the axa directly, using a Lin convertor. Through http calls i can open, close en stop the device. No need for relais en you can avoid bying the wall unit as well. The 7.5v power supply that feedx the axa is used to power the esp as well, using a step down module. I am happy with the results amd also total costs is quite low. Amazing chips the Esp...

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 09:59
by ManS-H
Otje wrote:Hi

I managed to connect the serial port from esp to the axa directly, using a Lin convertor. Through http calls i can open, close en stop the device. No need for relais en you can avoid bying the wall unit as well. The 7.5v power supply that feedx the axa is used to power the esp as well, using a step down module. I am happy with the results amd also total costs is quite low. Amazing chips the Esp...
Good to hear that your windows works automatic. But can you give me a litle bit more info how you did it? I appreciate that.

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 12:45
by Otje

i connected the ESP chip as per the diagram attached. i found this on the EU domotic forum. these are the only components i used. i connected Tx and Rx from the Wemos D1 mini to this MCP chip as shown. In my code (i use the Arduino compiler) i setup a HTTP connection with my homeautomation system but you can also connect to a webbrowser. from the webbrowser or automation system i am polling any information received. i took this code from the general Arduino example sketches.

based on the text it receives from the webpage, it determines what code to send to Axa. it will send OPEN, CLOSE or STOP just using normal Ascii over this serial interface.

i can not get access to this code now, but i will post it this evening.

OOPS: i can not attached attachments, i dont know why, the schematic is shown on this page: ... #msg304710

hope it helps.

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 19:48
by Otje
please find the arduino code below..

i send the http command in the web browser like this :

depending on the cable length you may want to repeat the code. now it sending CLOSE in one go with 20ms delay, in my case i repeated this 3 times. from time to time i found the AXA was not responding but with this delay all is OK

the code is:

* This sketch reads a command through a http connection
* depending on the text received it will send open, stop or close
* commands to the Esp8266. the ESP8266 is connected to the Axa Remote 2.0 electric window opener

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

const char* ssid = "your SSID here";
const char* password = "";

// Create an instance of the server
// specify the port to listen on as an argument
WiFiServer server(80);

void setup() {
// Connect to WiFi network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
// Start the server

void loop() {

// Check if a client has connected
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (!client) {

// Wait until the client sends some data

// Read the first line of the request
String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');

// Match the request
int val;
if (req.indexOf("/open") != -1)
if (req.indexOf("/close") != -1)
else if (req.indexOf("/stop") != -1)

else {
Serial.println("invalid request");

void open_axa() {

void close_axa() {

void stop_axa() {

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 20:11
by ManS-H
Otje wrote:please find the arduino code below..

i send the http command in the web browser like this :

depending on the cable length you may want to repeat the code. now it sending CLOSE in one go with 20ms delay, in my case i repeated this 3 times. from time to time i found the AXA was not responding but with this delay all is OK
Thats for the code Otje.

i wil try it on a ESP. Thanks for your help.

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 10 Mar 2017, 13:37
by munkusdk

Very nice. Can you post some video and pics to see the installation and see it in "action" - Otje?


Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 17 Mar 2017, 12:26
by Otje

sorry for delayed reply, i did not see the post.

I have attached the print that i made (test print, i will make proper PCB later on as i need to control 4 AXA modules...) and the housing i printed on my 3d printer....
you can see the RJ25 housing, here i connect the cable to the AXA module. it controls the aXA but also powers it.
only limited amount of components necessary.

i will make a video at home, but basically not much to see. you press the button and it moves. let me post this in the weekend
Axa_print.jpg (199.04 KiB) Viewed 23038 times
Axa_housing.jpg (187.33 KiB) Viewed 23038 times

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 11:20
by Otje
i tried to make vide but the size is too large. if there is intrest to see it i can probably share via yousendit or something...

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 21 Jun 2017, 18:19
by cranphin
Otje, have you got any diagrams for how you wired this?
I'm mainly interested in how the MCP2003 (I assume you used one?) connects to the ESP, and how the MCP2003 is powered.
My big concern is voltage levels.
ESP power should be 3.3v, and logic levels of the ESP should be 3.3v.
MCP2003 data sheets seem to say it needs to be powered 6-30v, and output logic levels (on the uart/ESP side) will be close to it's power voltage.
So did you power the MCP2003 from the 7.5 volt AXA power supply, or do you power it the same as the ESP, at 3.3v?
And if you used 7.5 volt on the MCP2003, did you add any level converter or such?

Also, can someone confirm if the AXA needs to be powered from a AXA power supply (their not that cheap! :)) for the LIN bus to work?
Or does it also work on battery?
I've seen that mentioned, but not convincingly so.

Thanks!! :)

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 19:16
by cranphin
Well, I know some things by now :)
- The serial output of the MCP2003 is open drain, which means it only connects to ground, and you set the voltage with a pull up resistor, which can go to 3.3V, yay for that :)
- The MCP2003 thus would be powered from the 7.5v used by the AXA.
- I don't know if the LIN bus works from just battery, I just got a cheap 7.5v switching power supply (much cheaper than the official one, and still better quality by the looks of it), which now powers the ESP8266 through an LM1117, and the AXA. I can use just one wire between the AXA and the board for both power and data to the AXA :)

I've seen some response from the AXA, yay! :)
But it's very unreliable, and I seem to get each character I send echo'd back to me (even without AXA connected). So I think somethings wrong.
So I'd still be very interested in exactly how you wired it :)

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 21:23
by cranphin
Wel, learned more still. Seems that getting each character back is normal, RXD follows the LIN bus, which includes what you send yourself :)
And things seem pretty stable when you send characters slowly, at full speed it almost doesn't work, with a delay (right now how fast I type, using putty :) ) it works most of the time, so nearly there! :)
I'd like to know why that delay is needed tho, I've got a feeling it's got to do with how LIN works/deals with congestion?

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 22:57
by cranphin
And something new again :) Just spotted that at the bottom of the hyperterminal window in the 'AXA pdf', it shows two stop bits! :)
Using that I no longer need the delay :)

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 02 Jul 2017, 23:26
by cranphin
Yup, rock stable with 2 stop bits, been running a load test sending a version command each 1/4'th second, each one gives the correct reply :)
Only if I don't send anything for ~10 seconds, the first command isn't recognized.. :(

I'm hoping that's something to do with the usb<>serial converter I'm using at the moment though :) Mayby it powers down after a while?
So will see how that works out when connected to the ESP again.

Wish I had a scope.. :D Would be interesting to see if/what happens on the LIN bus :)

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 28 Oct 2017, 21:35
by warrior
Hi Guys & girls.

I have a Axa window opener, which i want to operate from Domoticz.

My Axa is connected to this Home linbus arduino shield kit :
Image ... 1524803718

I have a NodeMcu Lua WIFI Board ESP8266 CP2102 Module on which i have installed esp easy.


Now it possible to control the Axa by making ports high and low on the linbus board .
Now my question is how to connect the linbusd board to the NodeMCu , and what settings i should use in esp easy.
so i can control the axa from domoticz ( i know how to set up the part in domoticz with virtual devices etc.

Since you guys have connected the axa before, im asking a bit of help ?

Thanks in advance


Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 29 Oct 2017, 10:49
by Otje
Hello All

i havent been looking on this post for quite some time as for me the AXA works with ESP as i descibed in the posts on page 1 of this topic. the schematic was also posted but i will attach it here as well. i use standard ESP8266 firmware, i am not using ESP Easy as i wants some flexibility. i also dont use domoticx so i can not really help, i use Vera Zwave controller.

i use a standard power supply that can deliver 2A, i did not buy the more expensive ones from AXA itself. i also use WEmos more and more, as i like this concept, but it is based on same ESP platform.

on the schematic: i connect the Tx and Rx from ESP8266 to the Rx and Tx from the AXA schematic. i also posted the arduino code and as you can see i just transmit the text open close or stop to the axa. sometimes it may not work i expect because of the sensiitivity of the cable i had connected to Axa (6m cable for linbus), but i just repeat the code twice to make sure.

it is actually fairly simple if you use the schematic and the standard ESP firmware and the arduino environment. i hope this helps.

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 31 May 2018, 07:49
by Arsenius
Hi Otje.

What Lin bus are you using?
You said that you made your own PCB? you happen to have a spare i could take over?

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 09 Sep 2018, 10:21
by SteV
Hoi Otje,

Ik ben ook aan het proberen om mijn raamopeners te bedienen met behulp van Wemos d1 mini pro/en de lin bus driver. En step down module
Ik gebruik jou Arduino code voor de wemos.
Krijg alleen geen verbinding met de server.
(Ben aardig nieuw met het arduino script)
Heb andere code uitgeprobeerd om te testen en heb wel een server verbinding tot stand gekregen.

Misschien kan jij me hierbij helpen?
Bedankt alvast

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 14 Sep 2018, 12:12
by Otje

what do you mean no connection to the server? (from your dutch tekst below)

""Ik ben ook aan het proberen om mijn raamopeners te bedienen met behulp van Wemos d1 mini pro/en de lin bus driver. En step down module
Ik gebruik jou Arduino code voor de wemos.
Krijg alleen geen verbinding met de server.
(Ben aardig nieuw met het arduino script)
Heb andere code uitgeprobeerd om te testen en heb wel een server verbinding tot stand gekregen.""

i did not do anything special. just have to ensure Arduino knows the library for ESP, which you can download.
not sure if i can help your furher

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 09 Oct 2018, 00:18
by SteV
Hi Otje,

I send comment (open) no response from the server. Checked my router for ip.
Does server only respond if lin bus and Axa opener has power (7.5v)? (Because i was testing the module only with USB powered wemos)

Sorry for the late reaction!
Thought you were dutch, sorry for that! 😉

Hope you can help me with this project !

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 09 Oct 2018, 00:23
by SteV
Btw, i tested the wemos with led on off script from arduino. So there should be no problem with uploading your arduino code.

Re: AXA Remote 2.0 and ESP Easy

Posted: 09 Dec 2018, 11:48
by remko2000
Finally I make progress with my axa remote 2.0 which I want to control with domoticz. I bought a linbus converter on superhouse: ... h8hKy-Rx39

I connected it with a wemos d1 and use the arduinoscript from: ... php?t=2245

I'm almost there but I have noticed that I have to repeat every command. I have no knowledge of arduino coding.
How do I adjust this scripts so that every command repeat one time (of two)?

Code: Select all

* This sketch reads a command through a http connection
* depending on the text received it will send open, stop or close
* commands to the Esp8266. the ESP8266 is connected to the Axa Remote 2.0 electric window opener

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

const char* ssid = "your SSID here";
const char* password = "";

// Create an instance of the server
// specify the port to listen on as an argument
WiFiServer server(80);

void setup() {
// Connect to WiFi network 
WiFi.begin(ssid, password); 
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
// Start the server

void loop() {

// Check if a client has connected
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (!client) {

// Wait until the client sends some data

// Read the first line of the request
String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');

// Match the request
int val;
if (req.indexOf("/open") != -1)
if (req.indexOf("/close") != -1)
else if (req.indexOf("/stop") != -1)

else {
Serial.println("invalid request");

void open_axa() {

void close_axa() {

void stop_axa() {