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RFid reader - Wiegand - Bug with noise-detection?

Posted: 15 Jan 2017, 11:41
by tozett
i ordered a longrange Reader from aliexpress, looks like its generally working.
It beeps at start and also recognizing a tag.

but the (probably) Wiegang-Signal is not recognized by ESPeasy.
(espEasy ver147 on wemos mini d1 and nodemcu ver1 boards. both dont work)

In the past i managed succesfully to get the Wiegand-signal from my fingerprint-Reader.
The fingerprint-reader is now perfectly working over 1/2 year. (espEasy ver145, wemods mini d1 board)

I dont know exactly how to debug this hardware/software issue.

i put a simple oscilloscope on the D0 and D1 wires, and i can see Waves coming in.
Looks like always the same pattern for the same Tag.

I show, what i have. Greatly appreciate any hint to go on from here to get this working with ESPeasy...
(i am somehow a noob... 8-) )

Re: RFid reader - Wiegand - Help needed

Posted: 16 Jan 2017, 11:15
by tozett
i got it working. with an arduino-leonardo.

i used this code "HID RFID Reader Wiegand Interface (2012)"
from here:

i decodes wiegand 26bit (sometimes not).

but in espeasy nothing showed up.
maybe some good developer sees differences/improvements for the ESPeasy code?

would like to hear something positive... 8-)

Re: RFid reader - Wiegand - Bug with noise-detection?

Posted: 16 Jan 2017, 12:43
by tozett
i splitted the plugin 008 (rfid-wiegand) out from the esp-source (ver147, core 2.3.0),
and let i run as a simple sketch on my wemos mini d1 (ver2.1).

instantly when i disable the noise-detection, i got a key-result. this works

i am somwhow a noob, so i cannot imagen what must be changed in the source, to get the wiegand-reader more bullet proof.
(my fingerprint-wiegang on the other door is still just fine with the original code of espeasy :roll: )...

any help appreciated...

Re: RFid reader - Wiegand - Bug with noise-detection?

Posted: 16 Jan 2017, 13:27
by tozett
i disabled the noise-detection in espeasy source ver 147 and get normal readings...

i dont understand the reset-loop... :roll:

start-condition for bitcount=0,prev=0 is true -> noise

but when the bitcounter increments, prev will get this value in the loop...
and than noise-dection triggers immediately ... hmm?

there must be some other thoughts after this...

at the moment it working without the noise-detection...
maybe a dev can comment on this? or confirm a bug?
how do i see, if it is considered as a bug?