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GPIO-09 problem?

Posted: 12 Nov 2015, 20:10
by Backbone
If I use the GPIO-09 port from the dropdown menu I get all sort of problems.
I troubleshoot it first intensively but come back to this portnumber causing problems only sofar on a ESP 8266-201.
Problems are when I choose this port and click SUBMIT the browser blocks.
After a while the browser kicks in again and shows 9 out of 10 times on the port used GPIO-02 as the 09 was not accepted.
However when it shows the port GPIO-09 in use, the ESP201 keep rebooting after a while.
When I remove the GPIO-09 port when it is reachable the ESP201 becomes stable again.
Knipsel.JPG (54.71 KiB) Viewed 3482 times
Attched the message that was captured in the serial monitor.

Does any one has the same problem?


Re: GPIO-09 problem?

Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 22:33
by chrille
Backbone wrote:If I use the GPIO-09 port from the dropdown menu I get all sort of problems.
I troubleshoot it first intensively but come back to this portnumber causing problems only sofar on a ESP 8266-201.
Problems are when I choose this port and click SUBMIT the browser blocks.
GPIO 09 is connected to the flash and can't be used for normal I/O, even if it's available on a pin on modules like 201 and ESP-12E. If you really wan't to use it, it should be possible to program the flash in DIO mode, which uses fewer I/O pins than QIO mode - you might want to read this thread:

- Jan

Re: GPIO-09 problem?

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 10:37
by Backbone
Hi Jan,

Thanks for the message.
I found out although Martinus already mentioned in a other thread about GPIO-9 and GPIO-10.
I can use GPIO-10 without any problem in all my ESP-201.
If there other GPIO pins that can not be used it would be swell to make a list so new bies (like me) do not have to try and error and pull hairs.

I will make a new entry in the hardware section called ESP-201 pinnumbers to be used.
