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espeasy + ?? vent/damper control

Posted: 09 Feb 2017, 19:39
by waspie
I'll start off by saying i don't really know what im doing quite yet. i just got an arduino a week ago and have done some basic sketches.

my goal is to use an ESP8266 to take the temperate of a room and based on that temperate adjust the opening on either a damper or vent (some dampers in basement not reachable so some vents will be controlled instead).

prior to finding this i was at least able to make a sketch that took an analog input temp sensor and based on the temp it would put a servo at a certain spot (say open or closed).

i installed espeasy on my huzzah esp and ive connected and configured a temp sensor so ive at least gotten that far.

my question is, is what i'm trying to do possible with this? what do i use to control this? open hab? can it do what i'm asking?

so very lost right now

Re: espeasy + ?? vent/damper control

Posted: 09 Feb 2017, 22:30
by toffel969
you should be able to achieve your goals by using rules + dummy devices. you can enable the rules section under advanced tab.then check the rules tutorial in the wiki + dummy device.

Re: espeasy + ?? vent/damper control

Posted: 10 Feb 2017, 21:15
by waspie
this one is all fairly new to me. how in the rules do i use a value coming in via an analog input or anything really?


Re: espeasy + ?? vent/damper control

Posted: 10 Feb 2017, 22:53
by toffel969
waspie wrote:this one is all fairly new to me. how in the rules do i use a value coming in via an analog input or anything really?


Check ... rial_Rules
Under the pir and sc-hr example.
In your case it should be something like [tempp#analog1]

Also check viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2682

Re: espeasy + ?? vent/damper control

Posted: 10 Feb 2017, 23:09
by waspie
I did see what you're talking about in the serial monitor, thank you!