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Using ESP Easy on LAN - no internet access

Posted: 10 Jul 2017, 20:50
by billymac
I have built (working on) a lighting solution using EspEasy.
I can control the individual lights using http commands to the specific IP addresses of each Esp device- no problem.
I also have Node-Red and Mosquitto MQTT running on a Raspberry Pi 3.
I am able to control my Esp's from Node-Red no problem- each ESP listens for MQTT messages from the Mosquitto IP address.

Now my question...

If I want to take my lighting solution to a location that does not have Internet access, what are my best options?
I assume if I bring along my own router it should work with no internet access because everything will route over the local LAN and because the IP addresses used by the ESP's and the Raspberry Pi were set using that router... and should be the same if I move it.
If that is the normal solution, I don't mind making my router a part of the solution in which case I assume I should hard- code the ip addresses/subnet mask etc in the EspEasy configs?

Otherwise is there a better/easier solution?
...Such as creating an Ad-hoc wireless hotspot on the Pi (already running Node Red and MQTT) so I don't need additional hardware (router)
... or I could do the same on my laptop but again, more hardware

I am not in need of Internet connection to talk to other servers at the moment but may later- such as calling out to web services etc

Re: Using ESP Easy on LAN - no internet access

Posted: 11 Jul 2017, 16:37
by bobbybeans
I did a similar thing for a presentation and had to use my own router with no internet. it will work fine as long as all of them are on the same subnet. I bought a TP link nano router, that was powered by usb and plugged the pi into the only socket then turned the router into bridge mode. After I connected the esps to that wifi name and boom all fine. As long as you're not relying on any outlide functions or logging