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Openhab and RFlink

Posted: 08 Aug 2017, 22:37
by great-dane
Hi - just bought into RFlink and have it up an running - sniffing away at the 433mhz devices in the neighbourhood. I also linked it to wifi with a WEMOS D1 mini - with EspEasy. All seem to work fine.

Now, I would like to call myself an experienced user of Openhab - with several sensors and devices there already - and am astonished that no real binding exist as of today. Learning that, I am equally surprised that RFlink in its present version state does not have a MQTT client included for publishing messages to the outside world..?

How are those of you using RFlink with Openhab doing it ?

Re: Openhab and RFlink

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 23:18
by AndrewZ
You can use the serial binding as I described here.