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128x64 0.96" Oled line height

Posted: 03 Sep 2018, 21:40
by Naesstrom
I want to add a small OLED display to my room sensors to increase the WAF. I have a spare 0.96" oled that I'm thinking of connecting but all the images I have seen it uses all the available 8 rows...
Since I only want to show temperature and humidity all I need is 2 rows, can I shange the row height in ESPEasy or am I stuck with the supersmall font?

I've tried searching but didn't see any recent threads so I was hoping it had changed in the mega releases :D

If it's not possible out of the box, can anyone point me at a simple guide how to add it from the font generator online?

Re: 128x64 0.96" Oled line height

Posted: 03 Sep 2018, 22:06
by TD-er
Have you tried the "Framed Oled" plugin?