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ESP Easy does not send data to Domoticz

Posted: 24 Apr 2019, 22:46
by drako
Hello all,

First of all thank you for this great piece of software. I am new to this, searched a lot on internet to figure it out but no results. I am trying to establish EPS Easy communication to Domoticz and I hope that it will be a simple one.
My set up:
Raspberry PI with Domoticz (virtual switch on/off (based on http://xxxxx/xx=gpio,12,1 or 0), Local Networks (no username/password): Enabled)
NodeMCU v3 with ESP Easy (switch, tried Controllers: Domoticz HTTP with IP and Host name but not yet with MQTT)

I have configured Domoticz and ESP Easy as described, so far so good. I am able to toggle NodeMCU GPIO through Domoticz and it works, it is also visible in both log files. When I toggle GPIO and Ground the value changes on ESP Easy but not in Domoticz. I have attached three screenshots with controller configuration(on the screenshot you see dummy IP and Port, within ESP I used PI IP and Domoticz Port), device config, esp log file. In the log file you can see HTTP toggle from Domoticz, SW toggle by toggling GPIO and Connect Failures (I guess that this error is shown due to communication problems with controller).

My question is how can I establish data communication from ESP Easy to Domoticz? Have I missed something on HTTP setup or should I use Domoticz json API to send GPIO value to Domoticz server?

Thank you.

Re: ESP Easy does not send data to Domoticz

Posted: 25 Apr 2019, 22:05
by drako
Solution was very easy. HTTP was not enabled in my Domoticz setup, HTTPS only.
For the newbies like me make sure that HTTP is enabled in /etc/init.d/

Check via json on virtual switch:
http://<yourIP>:8080/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=<yourIDX>&switchcmd=Off (On/Off)

Check .sh file:
DEAMON_ARGS= "DEAMON_ARGS -sslwww XXXX" (XXXX-your ssl port)

Re: ESP Easy does not send data to Domoticz

Posted: 05 Nov 2023, 21:21
by DomoticaRob
For many years I have a Domoticz home automation system based on Raspberry PI 3B+ and several ESPEasy modules.
Because of problems I made a complete new installation on the Raspberry Pi and now my Domoticz is running version 2023.
So far so good.

From the Domoticz I can send data to the ESPEasy modules. So, I can (de)activate relays in the Sonoff (with ESPEasy) modules.
Unfortunately the data from the ESPEasy modules to Domticz doesn’t work.

By hand I can send data to Domoticz.
For instance:

This line will show 20 and 80 in the Domoticz dummy temp/hum device:

Code: Select all;80;2
This line will switch the Domoticz dummy switch device:

Code: Select all
In the ESPEasy the controller settings are the same as in the past.

The Devices in ESPEasy have the proper Ctrl(IDX).

What is the solution?

Controller.jpg (121.21 KiB) Viewed 1386 times
Device.jpg (104.07 KiB) Viewed 1386 times

Re: ESP Easy does not send data to Domoticz

Posted: 05 Nov 2023, 22:11
by Ath
This has been discussed before.
There is a new setting in Domoticz to allow access to the API, see: viewtopic.php?t=9762#p66465

Re: ESP Easy does not send data to Domoticz

Posted: 06 Nov 2023, 10:07
by DomoticaRob
Yes, that is the solution.

Many thanks.
HTTP.jpg (134.73 KiB) Viewed 1363 times