The variables cannot store strings. (as of now, is planned for future features)
However, you can use them as parameters in an event (perhaps not using a comma or space)
Just as a test to show you how to use it.
Sending an event via the Tools page (command input line)
And the rules to use them to create a log entry:
Code: Select all
on eventname do
LogEntry,'Values %eventvalue1% %eventvalue2% %eventvalue3% %eventvalue4%'
The entry in the log:
Code: Select all
65248 : Info : Webserver args: 0: 'cmd' length: 27
65260 : Info : EVENT: eventname=bla,2,3,4
So I guess you could place this sendToHttp all inside your own event wrapper and simply use it as if it is a function call.
Code: Select all
on mysendevent do
And call it using something like this:
Only thing I'm not entirely sure of is whether "%2b%eventvalue2%" will still work.
I guess it should work as the matching strings will be replaced and %2b% is not likely to match anything.