Migration from ESPEasy to RPIEasy

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Migration from ESPEasy to RPIEasy

#1 Post by vladurash » 24 May 2021, 14:35


I'd like to migrate from ESPEasy to RPIEasy, but I face some issues. It's seems that not all existing plugins from Arduino board was migrated to python. Also, some of them have different name that in ESP webform.

What I want to do is to add some moisture sensors. Tried to link via P002 (Input - PiAnalog (EXPERIMENTAL)) but there is no data updated. I don't find any digital input plugin to select it.

Also, it would be nice if it can be publish some tutorials how to migrate ESP plugins to python.

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Re: Migration from ESPEasy to RPIEasy

#2 Post by enesbcs » 28 May 2021, 20:14

vladurash wrote: 24 May 2021, 14:35 I'd like to migrate from ESPEasy to RPIEasy, but I face some issues. It's seems that not all existing plugins from Arduino board was migrated to python.
Raspberry Pi is not Arduino, for example, Raspberry has no analog input pin. But there are several other differences, such as RPI GPIO handling is way slower than an Arduino, etc. Please try to know your hardware, before use.
https://www.tomshardware.com/features/r ... vs-arduino

On the other hand, i am the only developer of RPIEasy and i can only add plugins for devices which i have.
vladurash wrote: 24 May 2021, 14:35 Also, some of them have different name that in ESP webform.
Yes as RPIEasy is not ESPEasy, just a program for similar purposes.
vladurash wrote: 24 May 2021, 14:35 What I want to do is to add some moisture sensors. Tried to link via P002 (Input - PiAnalog (EXPERIMENTAL)) but there is no data updated. I don't find any digital input plugin to select it.
"Pi_Analog" is a hack which is approximating analog values by timing 1->0 digital changes, using some resistors, please see:
(this link also provided on the plugin page, you need two input GPIO pin which can be configured at Hardware settings page for Input)

Or for example, you can use an I2C ADC extender for analog input readings.
vladurash wrote: 24 May 2021, 14:35 Also, it would be nice if it can be publish some tutorials how to migrate ESP plugins to python.
You can clone an existing python plugin, and code the new one in pure python... Usually i does that in the same way.
If you do not know python, you have to learn before:

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