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Hi From Germany

Posted: 23 Nov 2021, 11:06
by Jimswin
Hi all,

I Have just finished putting together the RFLink project.

I am an 'Old Rabbit' in Germany learning new tricks from you clever guys here. Looks like some really good info on ESP Easy too!

Pi server with Node REd and other bits and pieces up and running

I am Intending connecting up my smaller Arduino and smart switch projects into a smart home setup.

Any recommendations on choice, Homeassist or Domoticz or other ?

Excellent info and discussions here, looking forward to doing some 'serious work' at the christmas break. :D

Re: Hi From Germany

Posted: 23 Nov 2021, 11:38
by Ath

Please feel welcome, both RFLink and ESPEasy are interesting projects, though I'm only using, and working on, ESPEasy :)

The choice of Home automation platform is somewhat 'politically charged', as everyone can have their own opinion on that, so I'll not go into that, but as most platforms are fine, choosing one that is being actively developed should give you the best outlook on the future.

Re: Hi From Germany

Posted: 23 Nov 2021, 12:54
by TD-er
I do think Home Assistant does have more active development, so if I would start now, I guess that would be my choice.
However, when I tested it like 3 years ago, you still had to edit a lot of YAML files manually. One typo (tab vs space for example) would render the reload fail.
But given the extremely active development I guess that manual editing is something of the past.

Another contestant is OpenHAB, but that seems to enjoy popularity mainly in some regions like Germany.

Re: Hi From Germany

Posted: 23 Nov 2021, 21:48
by ingoiot
iobroker is relatively widespread in germany.
for me it is easier to set up than the others and quite extensive

Re: Hi From Germany

Posted: 24 Nov 2021, 01:23
by padrino
Yes, iobroker is my way to go, too. =)