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DHT22 no longer working in release 20220427

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 13:31
by wim16
I just upgraded from release 20220328 to 20220427 and see that my DHT22 is no longer working. The log states 'DHT protocol timeout'.
20220328 was working fine (and is again after downgrade).

I used binary files ESP_Easy_mega_20220427_normal_ESP8266_4M1M.bin
and ESP_Easy_mega_20220328_normal_302_ESP8266_4M1M.

Greetz, Wim

Re: DHT22 no longer working in release 20220427

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 13:35
by TD-er
OK, that plugin really needs to have settings fields to finetune the extremely timing critical parameters as we keep on fine tuning them by user requests, but this makes some users happy and others absolutely not.

Anyhow, can you make a GitHub issue for this, as it is bound to get lost (or at least hard to find) on the forum.

Re: DHT22 no longer working in release 20220427

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 21:13
by wim16
Ok, I created issue #4026