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MQ-2 Gas Sensor - Espeasy

Posted: 20 Oct 2023, 11:36
by Beowolf
Hello everyone.

I would like to connect an MQ-2 gas sensor to a Wemos D1 mini with espeasy. How do I do this and how do I get the values?


Re: MQ-2 Gas Sensor - Espeasy

Posted: 20 Oct 2023, 13:45
by Ath
We have P145 - Gases - MQxxx (MQ135 CO2, MQ3 Alcohol) available in Collection F builds, that supports the MQ2, MQ3, MQ4, MQ5, MQ6, MQ7, MQ8 and MQ135 sensors.

They seem to be connected to the Analog input of the ESP (haven't used these myself), but this implies that connecting the sensor should be rather easy. Just assure that the input voltage can be handled by the ESP, as some unit accept the default 0..1V range, while others. most notably the NodeMCU units, seem to accept 0..3.3V range on the analog input. You should check that in the documentation of your ESP.
Another GPIO pin is used to connect to the heater pin of the sensor. (The plugin page, linked above, has some quite useful info on that).