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This is the instance for the wind values:
This is the instance for the wind values:

Revision as of 12:47, 22 February 2017


The Plugin for the Ventus W266 is used to connect a Ventus W266 weather station to a home controller like Domoticz. The Ventus W266 is also sold as a RenkForce W205GU.



The weather station is delivered with 2 units and a power supply. The outdoor sensor unit is battery powered by 4 AA type batteries. It is recommended to use lithium type batteries so the power is stable during the winter.

The outdoor sensor unit containing the following functions:

  • Outdoor temperature
  • Outdoor humidity
  • Wind direction
  • Average wind speed
  • Gust wind speed
  • Cumulative rainfall
  • UV index
  • Cumulative number of lightning strikes
  • Distance of the nearest lightning strike

The indoor display unit is connected through a wireless 868MHz connection and has the following functions:

  • Indoor temperature
  • Indoor humidity
  • Barometric pressure
  • DCF77 clock

The plugin can only read the sensors of the outdoor unit.



Did we already say that using this plugin VOIDS YOUR WARRANTY? That is because to use this plugin you have to open up your display unit and solder the ESP inside.

VentusW266 Inside.png

The ESP is connected using 4 GPIO pins. The prototype used an ESP-12E with GPIO pins 4, 5, 12 and 14 and I2C/SPI disabled in the hardware tab of ESP Easy. But all pins are fine, just connect the GPIO lines and specify them when you add the plugin. However it is recommended to avoid using GPIO15 for the nSEL line because the ESP needs GPIO15 to be low at boottime and connecting it to nSEL means it will be high most of the times.

You can click on the image for a full size view of the inside of the display unit and the receiver module and the positions of the connections.

If your ESP module has it's own 3v3 regulator you could connect its power input to the optional power pin specified in the image. But the supplied power supply is not powerful enough to supply both the display with the backlight and an ESP while transmitting. You can exchange the power supply for a USB power supply. The display unit is working fine happy with just the 5 volts.

Be careful when you install the ESP unit. Although the space on the right seems to be perfect for placing the ESP it is close to the indoor temperature sensor and your readings on the display will be off by 2 degrees because of the heat generated by the ESP. A better position is all the way on the left where a bare ESP-12E fits perfect, then you just need to figure out the 3V3 regulator.

When using a bare ESP be sure to apply the ~10K pull up resistors to CH_PD (CD_EN), GPIO0 and a pull down to GPIO15 for stable performance.

It is at the moment not possible to read the indoor sensors using the plugin nor is it in development or planned.

ESP Easy

P186 Instances.png

This device plugin is multi functional and you want to install multiple instances of this plugin to get all sensor readings to your home controller. The outdoor unit has up to 9 sensors values and a minimum of 5 sensor types. Most home controllers, like Domoticz, can read multiple values per sensor type. The temperature sensor for instance also reads the humidity and the wind sensor combines both speeds and the direction. You'll need an instance per sensor type.

The plugin is intentionally written for use with (and tested on) Domoticz, which does not support custom multi value sensors at this moment. This means the lightning detection is send as two instances.

So to get started you need to add the device plugin and set the instance to Main + Temp/Hygro:

P186 MainInstance.png

Setup the GPIO pins for communicating with the receiver module in the display unit.

Although the instance shows three values only two will be send bij the plugin as specified in the additional explanation. Only the main plugin instance has the ability to read the display unit. You need one, and only one, main instance. All other instances read the buffer filled by the main plugin.

All instances have an explanation about the value use and how many decimals are supported so you can set the instance up accordingly.

This is the instance for the wind values:

P186 WindInstance.png

The plugin supports the following instances:

P186 Instanceslist.png

  • Main + Temp/Hygro - Gives the temperature with 1 decimal precision in degrees Celsius and the humidity in percent.
  • Wind - Gives the wind direction in degrees, the average and gust wind speeds in m/s times 10.
  • Rain - Gives the rain per mm per hour and the total rainfall (which will eventually roll over or reset if the batteries are changed).
  • UV - Gives the UV index with 1 decimal precision.
  • Lightning strikes - Gives the number of lightning strikes per hour during the last 5 minutes.
  • Lightning distance - Gives the distance to the closest lightning strike (stormfront). When no lightning is detected the value is -1.
  • Unknown 1, byte 6 - This value is partly unknown and observed to usually be 00. Turns to 01 when the battery of the outdoor unit is low.
  • Unknown 2, byte 16 - This value is unknown but observed to always be 00.
  • Unknown 3, byte 19 - This value is unknown but observed to always be 38 (decimal).