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ESP Easy firmware can be upgraded using OTA (Over The Air). So instead of using the serial port and a direct connection to the ESP, you can use the Wifi connection to remote units. All you need is a binary image file that can be downloaded from this website. You can also build this binary yourself. Both options are explained here.

Download from our website

Just follow the link from our main page to the download area.

Store this file somewhere on your computer. It should be a file named: ESPEasy_Rxx.zip. Unpack this zipfile into a temporary folder. It contains three bin files:


From menu tools, select the firmware load button

EasyOTA 2.png

Locate the bin file:

EasyOTA 3.png

Select the bin file size for your ESP module. If you don't now this, the flash size can be found in the main ESP page.

And press the update button.

In a short while it will show a short message "ok" in your web browser.

Now give the ESP 10 to 20 seconds to restart and connect again to your network.

Check the main page and verify that the build number corresponds to the bin file just uploaded.

Build your own binary image

From within the Arduino IDE we will export the binary file so it can be uploaded using the ESP Easy webgui.

EasyOTA 1.png

When the Arduino IDE has finished, locate your sketch folder (where the ESP Easy source files are located).

If you have selected a NodeMCU board, it should contain this file: ESPEasy.cpp.nodemcu.bin

EasyOTA 4.png