Source Code?

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Source Code?

#1 Post by jbraam » 09 Feb 2016, 00:00

Where can I find the latest source code of the RFLink gateway?

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Re: Source Code?

#2 Post by Stuntteam » 09 Feb 2016, 17:40

The latest public source code is available here:
Note that this is not the same version as the latest release.
It is however all you need to develop and test your own plugins.

If you are interested in joining the development team you can send a mail to
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Re: Source Code?

#3 Post by alex11235 » 12 Feb 2016, 16:19

Stuntteam wrote:The latest public source code is available here:
Note that this is not the same version as the latest release.
Can you tell us a bit more about this ? It is a bit unusual to offer a package on sourceforge as the latest official release without showing the sourcecode.

I would expect at least an 'official' release (which might lag behind some other , still tested release) that relates 1-to-1 to the source code of that release.

Thanks for any information.

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Re: Source Code?

#4 Post by alex11235 » 14 Feb 2016, 19:29


I think it would be highly beneficial if you could comment on this topic.
Privacy is a big issue. All kind of brand offering 'cloud gateways' to your home , which is of great cause of concern. IP cameras 'phoning home'. Home Automation is a very scary field without 'openness'.
We really need to be able to trust our domotica system.
Domoticz tries to provide this by being open: It is open source, and changes can be tracked. One of the (perceived) advantages of rflink is that they at least 'endorse' this kind of openness ( being on an open source platform etc).

I think I do understand (although vaguely) there might be possible reasons to keep ( part of the) code secret for *some* time, but on the other hand I think it should be under clear condition.
However, no policy is clear, the forum is closed ( you need permission PER POST), and the current release does not represent the current source code. This is strange, and ( I think) unwanted.

I really appreciate all the work you are doing. Also, I think it would add a great deal to the reputation of RFLink would be one of an open solution in competition with other( closed) solutions. As far as I am concerned, openness (at least about the reasons and duration that code is kept in sectret) would actually benefit you and RFLink.

Thanks for any reaction regarding the open source policy, and the questions stated above ( and elsewhere...).


PS: And thanks for all your efforts to keep rflink working and up-to-date.

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Re: Source Code?

#5 Post by costo » 15 Feb 2016, 02:19

alex11235 wrote:Hi,
Privacy is a big issue. All kind of brand offering 'cloud gateways' to your home , which is of great cause of concern. IP cameras 'phoning home'. Home Automation is a very scary field without 'openness'.
We really need to be able to trust our domotica system.
After reading your post I'm getting a little worried about the latest release of the RFLink gateway. :lol:
I wonder how it will phone home.?
Will it try to do it over 433 MHz, or maybe even a viruslike plugin that over USB would go right into the Raspberry Pi's tcp-ip interface ?

But being serious, wellcome in the real world where the established order will often try to cheat, lie or dis-inform you.

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Re: Source Code?

#6 Post by Stuntteam » 15 Feb 2016, 10:20

A few issues were mentioned:

Source code:
Publishing and/or keeping the source code on sourceforge up-to-date does not have a priority right now.
Sourceforge is used as a means to publish and is no longer used as development tool since the major downtime of Sourceforge some time ago.
We prefer to put priority on adding new features, fixes and end-user support.
We have a development team with access to the actual code tree.
We are not a closed group, people who want to join the development team can apply for it.
Good developers are always welcome!
Note that people who want the source to use parts of our code for commercial solutions are not welcome.
Some of the plugins might contain watermarking to track abuse.

At the moment the source code on sourceforge does not have the latest changes but is functional and can be used to create, test and debug your own plugins. Note that specific plugins might or might not become open source, this depends on the wishes of the specific author.
The aim is still to have the full source available for download on github or sourceforge.

The RFLink Gateway code does not have any connection to the outside world. RFLink is not a gateway to the cloud! It is a gateway between RF devices and home automation programs like Jeedom, Domoticz, Domotiga, Pimatic etc.. For security concerns about the home automation programs you should visit their forums. The only way RFLink communicates is via RF and via a text based and fully described protocol over the serial port and via the RF signal with devices. There is no communication to the internet via the USB interface.
The devices that RFlink communicates with via RF use RF (315/433/868/915 mhz) as their main and only communication method. There is no connection to the internet via those devices. Having the source code available or not does not change these facts.
In fact, the source code currently available on sourceforge is close enough to the current code to represent general communication and security.

In general, security of 433mhz devices is not something well developed. Since RFlink just copies signals you need to check the original devices for their security. However, in most cases there is no security! In case of support of keeloq and similar protocols, note that this is only one way. RFlink is able to receive the transmitted signals and you can connect tasks to these signals but you can not send valid signals.
This means you can catch the gate/garage door opener signal and turn on the lights in the garage on... but you can not open the door with RFLink.

However, if you have a 433mhz keeloq device and you are concerned about security or you even believe you are secure, then you probably should read a bit more on the keeloq hacks and know that burglars have easy ways to enter your house with small remote controls that catch two signals and automatically calculate the keys.. Also note that ZWave and Zigbee have similar issues!

"the forum is closed ( you need permission PER POST)"
Not true. The forum is open to read for anyone who vistis, it is open to post for anyone who registers with a clean IP address (eg. not used for spamming).
The FIRST post has to be approved by a moderator since we had to deal with a lot of spam.
If your first post was normal, your account gets unlocked and further posts are direct and do not need to be approved.
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Re: Source Code?

#7 Post by jbraam » 16 Feb 2016, 15:31

Still, there is a (theoretical) possibility that the compiled code contains a backdoor that for instance allows a non-documented, specific remote to switch off all motion detectors. Without source there is no way to check...

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Re: Source Code?

#8 Post by Stuntteam » 16 Feb 2016, 17:58

There is also a (theoretical) possibility that you connect the data line of an RF send unit to VCC which will result in a RF signal jammer.
Disturbing all RF signals in the area.. including alarm sensors..
In fact, that is more likely to happen than the existence of backdoors in any RF gateways.
Which are all designed to automate simple tasks around the house and report states of devices.
No such RF gateway should be the center of an alarm system. Did you ever see a "Klik Aan" door lock?

If you own a 'decent' alarm system, such scenarios would trigger an alarm anyway.. because wireless devices have to "call" home to show that they are alive and report their status. Besides that, a decent alarm system would combine wireless with wired zones.
It is generally known that one-way 433mhz RF devices are not secure. Also the gateways are not directly connected to the Internet.

I would be more worried if you put your trust in ZWave or Zigbee. Both are systems that are hacked. ZWave was updated but if you have one weak device in your network you still are at risk.
Or what about wifi.. plenty of issues with routers.. but people are using Wifi and bluetooth door locks..

Thanks for voicing your concerns.
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Re: Source Code?

#9 Post by alex11235 » 17 Feb 2016, 07:15

Hi Stunteam,

Thanks for your open and fair explanation.

I understand you have to make practical/pragmatical choices, and I appreciate your priority is with adding functionality.

For me, openness of the ecosystem as a whole is of importance. Domoticz is just one part , but it can remove the need for all those proprietary boxes that:
-provide vendor lockin ( remember the 'philips firmware update' just before christmas that renderd third party zigbee lights unusable), and
-that phone home to 'gather information so we can be of further service to our customers' ( i.e. spy on you for ads and upselling).

To gain openness , also firmware of other connected devices should be open if possible. I understand this is far from common.
However, for such a solution as RFLink, it can be a 'selling pointy' by being such an open devices.

So, I appreciate you are making pragmatical choices since you are the ones putting effort in it.
I just think keeping the source available ( maybe with some delay if you think that is better) would add to the 'positives' of such a solution compared to others.

In any case: thanks for explaining your point of view and for your effort in making RFLink!

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Re: Source Code?

#10 Post by alex11235 » 17 Feb 2016, 07:17

Stuntteam wrote: The FIRST post has to be approved by a moderator since we had to deal with a lot of spam.
If your first post was normal, your account gets unlocked and further posts are direct and do not need to be approved.
My posts somehow do not appear after posing, but only after some time. ( so I am probably on your 'spam' list :-) )

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Re: Source Code?

#11 Post by WilcoVertegaal » 17 Mar 2016, 11:06

It looks as if the entire project has been revoked from SourceForge now? Anywhere else that we can get the source code from? I would just like to tinker with my Arduino Nano to control my KaKu hardware, for my own use.

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Re: Source Code?

#12 Post by Stuntteam » 17 Mar 2016, 12:34

Hello Wilco,

Indeed we are not using SourceForge anymore!

Obviously the firmware will not fit onto a Nano.
But for your needs it should be fine to compile without most of the other plugins.
Besides the kaku plugin make sure you keep plugin 1 as well...

Look on this page, near the bottom, for a link to a development tree/source code archive:
Mail to if you need help with modifications etc.
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Re: Source Code?

#13 Post by WilcoVertegaal » 17 Mar 2016, 14:55

Excellent, thank you very much!

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Re: Source Code?

#14 Post by tarends120 » 03 Oct 2016, 09:28

Hi all,

I have been working on a nano project with rflink for a while that runs stable, i'm glad for all the work you guys did. But last weekend i wanted to install some new hardware "promax" switches and i noticed that these were not compatible with the source code that i find on the website. is there any possibility that i can get te source code for the latest firmware?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Source Code?

#15 Post by tarends120 » 15 Oct 2016, 19:38

Hi all,

I still have not found a solution, a big arduino has been ordered to run the latest framework without modifications (but chinese delivery takes a while to get to holland). Any chance that someone can share the source code with me (via PM or something).
I need the plugins for the promax 75.006.14 55010x10

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Source Code?

#16 Post by debnie » 07 Nov 2016, 22:47

Just like tarends120, I would like the (most recent) source code if it's possible.
I have an Ikea Ansluta light and would like to use multiple remotes with one light (unsupported).
I think it's overkill to use an atmega for controlling only one device, so i would use an atmega328 (cheap).
So if I could get the plugin file, it would save a lot of time. ;)

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Re: Source Code?

#17 Post by Stuntteam » 08 Nov 2016, 00:51

debnie wrote:I have an Ikea Ansluta light and would like to use multiple remotes with one light (unsupported).
RFlink supports u pto 65000 Ansluta remotes and can control the same number of lights..
However, You can not use multiple remote controls with 1 single light as the light will only learn 1 remote control address.
When you use Domoticz you can make some script that will tie multiple remote controls to one light (or a series of lights).
There are no modifications needed to RFlink for that.
debnie wrote:I think it's overkill to use an atmega for controlling only one device, so i would use an atmega328 (cheap).
The Atmega is only 5 euros. We currently do not support any other platforms.
We might however expand to something else in the future... most likely something with wifi like wemos etc.
The 328 is too small to hold the full RFLink firmware. Only a cut down version would do it but it does not make sense to spend time on that.
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Re: Source Code?

#18 Post by debnie » 08 Nov 2016, 13:33

RFlink supports u pto 65000 Ansluta remotes and can control the same number of lights..
However, You can not use multiple remote controls with 1 single light as the light will only learn 1 remote control address.
Couldn't I use RFlink to pair to a light and then clone the adress so I would use an Atmega and wireless module per remote?

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Re: Source Code?

#19 Post by Stuntteam » 08 Nov 2016, 14:28

Just looking at original items:
The original remotes (transmitter) have a unique address, the light (receiver) is put in pairing mode and learns the address of the remote.
After pairing the light will only respond to the remote control address that it was paired to.
The light is only able to store 1 address, so you can not make it listen to multiple remotes.

RFlink is able to receive commands from ANY remote control. It will tell the controller if it received a command from a remote control.
This means you could for example use 4 remote controls and hang them in different corners of the room when buttons are pressed rflink will see all the signals..

You can also pair RFLink as a remote control to the light. You select an address that is not the same as the 4 you put in the corners. Thus RFlink becomes a 5th remote.
The light will only respond to RFlink because the light has stored the address that you gave RFLink.

To make your light respond to the buttons in each corner, you have to use the controller software (like Domoticz or so) and use a scene/script.
This scene has to be triggered when each of the 4 remotes is triggered and as an action has to turn on the light.

The above is currently possible, no modifications have to be done to the rflink code.
However, note that the original remote controls have 3 states: OFF, ON at medium strength and ON
It cycles through these states as follows:
lamp is off, 1 press lamp goes to medium strength, 1 press lamp is full strength, 1 press lamp goes to medium strength, 1 press lamp is off

If you do not like this, you can also use a different (non-ikea) remote with just ON/OFF
or use the web interface to directly pick the right mode.
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Re: Source Code?

#20 Post by debnie » 08 Nov 2016, 19:26

...The original remotes (transmitter) have a unique address, the light (receiver) is put in pairing mode and learns the address of the remote.
After pairing the light will only respond to the remote control address that it was paired to.
The light is only able to store 1 address, so you can not make it listen to multiple remotes.
You can also pair RFLink as a remote control to the light. You select an address that is not the same as the 4 you put in the corners. Thus RFlink becomes a 5th remote.
The light will only respond to RFlink because the light has stored the address that you gave RFLink..
I get what you mean, and it's a good solution for my problem but I would like to do it simpler.
In this setup I would need an RFlink on an atmega, a CC2500, a controller (ex Raspberry Pi) and another remote (and they al need to be powered all the time).
I would like to strip the RFlink code to be stand-alone, so just an Atmel connected to a CC2500 (powered by batteries).

You say that you can pair the light and the RFlink (the RFlink act as an Ansluta remote with a fixed address). I presume the signals the RFlink (CC2500) emmits to the light is fixed.
So I could make another RFlink which emmits the same signals as the other (already linked to the light).
So basically I'm looking for an easy way to immitate the wireless signals from the remote (with the fixed address).

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Re: Source Code?

#21 Post by Dr_Genestealer » 04 Feb 2017, 02:36

It sounds like you just want this: "Ansluta-Remote-Controller" from :D

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