Opentherm via Esp Easy?

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Opentherm via Esp Easy?

#1 Post by hvdwolf » 06 Nov 2016, 17:27

I did see the various hobby projects where people connected an esp8266 to an OTGW. I assume it can be done by connecting it to the RX and TX port of the nodemcu.
I also some some topics related to OTGW on this forum.
However, the posts were not really concrete in description and I'm not the type of soldering guy and not hardware technical.
So a few questions:
  • 1. Is it possible to connect an OTGW to Esp Easy?
    2. Is it indeed the serial OTGW via the RX/TX pins and does it matter which ones? (TXD0/RXD0 being GPIO1/GPIO3?)
    3. And if Yes: How do I configure it in Esp Easy?
    4. Useful info I forget to ask???

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