A new maker from the USA

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A new maker from the USA

#1 Post by maxwaynet » 24 Mar 2017, 04:25

I am really glad that I discovered ESP Easy. I started out using the Windows flash tool to load R147rc8 on a NodeMCU board. That worked well with a DHT11 for our server room at work. So next I followed the great instructions, installed Platformio, and got the latest Mega code. So far, I have flashed a Wemos D1 Mini, and a Witty Cloud board with Mega. Playing around with a variety of both I2C and analog sensors.

So far I am just publishing to a stand alone MQTT server on an RPi using the OpenHAB selection. I have tried a couple of Android apps to build dashboards based on MQTT. I still have a lot to learn, but so far I am impressed.

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