ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

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ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#1 Post by Oxyandy » 12 Mar 2018, 16:14

Only ESPeasy Firmware has been able to achieve the task I need, internal timing routine which will start / stop regardless of WiFi connection
a switch across GPIO14 going from NC / NO to stop that timer cycle early when switch is triggered.
When WiFi is active it works like clockwork..
But I have hit a serious snag, if for some reason the WiFi signal drops the Sonoff will respond slowly to a switch going from NC to NO across GPIO14
This change should turn the relay off instantly, but instead it will then not respond, sometimes up to 30 seconds later...
This is disastrous behaviour !
What causes this ? Is there a source code change I can make to stop this lag ?
Can it be called a bug ?
Guessing sending a WiFi signal has greater priority than an internal rule.
Thoughts please
Source used - dated 23 Feb 2018

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#2 Post by TD-er » 13 Mar 2018, 22:51

What was the previous version used, that did perform like it should?

There are some parts taking a lot of time, especially when they will fail.
Things like DNS lookup, controller reconnects (especially MQTT) and also WiFi retries.

Recently (last 2 weeks) a few of these issues were changed to make them affecting performance less severely.
Could you please try a newer build?

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#3 Post by Oxyandy » 14 Mar 2018, 02:41

Thanks for the response TD-er, I am new to the scene, so this is the first build I have tried.
I love it after trying others..
I have replaced the firmware with a precompiled archive I downloaded from github
I did an erase & flashed this directly via a cable, configured it and is running
Close to a time the internal rules are due to turn on the device, I will kill the wifi to simulate loss
& see how switch on GPIO14 & it's rule to turn off responds and report back..
Had meant to do this yesterday..

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#4 Post by Oxyandy » 14 Mar 2018, 19:52


nuts.jpg (66.37 KiB) Viewed 26532 times
This firmware is nuts ! The other firmware was fine, only a problem if WiFi was ever lost.
It's supposed to get better, not worse, lol
Everything starts out ok, on boot it knows my switch across GPIO14 is N/C - great device starts 0 (zero)
If on boot switch is not connected or jammed etc, an error is noted & a notification is sent, working also perfectly.
It starts the timing cycle, everything goes fine, limit is reached switch goes N/O, GPIO14 becomes 1, rule fires & turns relay turns off, perfect.
2 seconds later Switch resets to N/C, perfect.

Then 10 seconds later without reason GPIO14 becomes 1 again - no way !
I checked everything physical, it's fine..
Now it stays 1 and stops the next timing cycle, <insert face palm here>
I am watching Sylog for output.
Ok it is not always 10 seconds, but I have seen GPIO14 becoming 1 - and then stuck there -- frequently on this firmware ^^^
A new problem
More to observe and report and geee an all nighter - now nearly 6AM
Last edited by Oxyandy on 14 Mar 2018, 23:23, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#5 Post by moebius » 14 Mar 2018, 20:42

What exactly is connected at Gpio14?

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#6 Post by TD-er » 14 Mar 2018, 21:44

Please note there has been an issue with rules parsing (with spaces at the end of a rule line)
There has been a fix submitted to Mega just about an hour ago.
Not sure if that's causing your issues here.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#7 Post by Oxyandy » 14 Mar 2018, 23:35

At 9.26AM few hours sleep - kid to school and back at it, I must get this 'trust-able'

moebius, a float switch ;) as water rises goes from NC to NO, a few seconds later lowers and returns to NC (If rule responds quickly otherwise -it floods)

TD-er I am looking at the rules very carefully and reducing overhead as much as possible..
logs suggesting either lock-up or crash.. need to study everything in more detail...

Happy to update (can I use OTA and rules etc stay same ?) not tried yet, will back-up existing 'as is' first
However really want to see which part is causing this so adding some
Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"TEXT_%systime%"}

Just to make it clearer
EDIT: found a couple of spaces after rules "endon "
Last edited by Oxyandy on 16 Mar 2018, 22:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#8 Post by Oxyandy » 14 Mar 2018, 23:48

stuck_again.jpg (92.98 KiB) Viewed 26499 times
FULL_Pump_Tray_2 stuck again... 1 as in pic.. it's a lie
How in a rule can I request the 'true state' of something ?
Like at start up, it's knows if switch is NO or NC..

Can we downgrade with OTA too ?
Thanks for taking the time to reply to me
much appreciated

EDIT: (WRONG) OK, I may have found a poor connection, I have a cable coming out of sonoff with 2 female sockets & 2 males that plug in..
These are good the first time you push them together & slowly get looser with each in/out - amazing what a difference daylight makes :D
tweaked - back to testing and watching syslog output, hoping it is quieter
to do list: don't be so cheap, use a more durable plug / socket

Now I can get back to original issue: does a drop in WiFi cause a delay when GPIO14 changes from NC to NO
or does it instantly turn relay off based on what my rule tells it to do.. Not losing focus !

EDIT 2: Nope, I could not be so lucky, it is still happening :( However replacing cable joiner with a shiny brand new RCA plug & a socket
that will eliminate any doubt on the 'joiner'

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#9 Post by Oxyandy » 16 Mar 2018, 21:52

TD-er wrote: 14 Mar 2018, 21:44 Please note there has been an issue with rules parsing (with spaces at the end of a rule line)
Had more time to evaluate the effects this newer firmware had over the previous one, it is much more than a space at the end of a line..
I came up with a solution while I slept over night...
I will modify the core way the firmware works compile a new firmware & runs new tests today..
I am surprised no-one else has come across this issue previously, but I guess a delay with turning off a light wouldn't really matter.
I can think of many scenarios where this 'Bad Behaviour' could do real damage, such as an electric gate with a brake /limit switch
when switch is triggered - gate motor would just continue past it's stops..
argh.. really
This flaw in the firmware, prevents many serious uses..
Now to see if my solution makes a difference

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#10 Post by Oxyandy » 17 Mar 2018, 07:55

After seeing many recent 'rules fixes' in release notes since last version I had loaded, I thought I had better try...
Because the device was in 'use' I attempted an OTA firmware update
'fail' version number had not changed but was 'reset' to default, great..
Was still running 'buggy' ESP_Easy_v2.0-20180312_normal_ESP8266_1024_DOUT.bin
I probably should have serial cable backed up the firmware as is..
noted & learnt..
removed the device from it's physical location and using a cable 'upgraded' to
It behaved badly and wouldn't show the web-page reliably..
tried everything - reset - gave up... sigh

Took a brand new module which I pre-flashed with a 'known by me to be working older firmware'
Powered it up and it's web-server worked quickly..
Cable flashed over it with
cool, it seemed doing it this way it retained the 'pre-flashed settings' great time saver ;)
noted & learnt..
Connected to MQQT as reported on serial monitor, but then MQQT: Connection Lost messages, slam, slam, slam
web-server not responding to any requests, played for a while.. nah.. sob..
Issued reset cmd via serial
Issued serial commands to connect to my wifi & then save, then wificonnect
Serial monitor says Connected To MY_SSID IP
WIFI : Connected! IP: (ESP_Easy_0)
Visit - nothing, again, nothing, again -again -agai -aga -argh = no response
<-take an aspirin for my now devolving headache->
Come back again ? Nope web-server not responding..
Check Router
New Bitmap age (5).jpg
New Bitmap age (5).jpg (13.31 KiB) Viewed 26389 times
Yeah there it is.. But not responding to any requests
But hey, cold booted, routers off, this - that - you name it, must be 'me' I grabbed a file from the release page, yep - check
So enough, restore my 'known by me to be working older firmware'
go to IP as reported by serial & there is a webpage staring back at me..

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#11 Post by Oxyandy » 17 Mar 2018, 10:12

Excuse my ramblings, is my very real experience - I have but one goal
and that is to automate a simple task, which uses a switch to stop a pump when that switch is triggered.
No lag, IE relay shuts off 30 seconds after switch has been triggered..
Switch triggered, relay "instantly off"... **Always**,
not 99.9999% of the time & then 'glitches' when wifi is busy, lags or drops

Had a great dinner with family now I return to the task
Web server running and visible - instantly after flashing
Now to test this versus other firmwares

I hope this firmware is my soulmate :D

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#12 Post by Oxyandy » 17 Mar 2018, 15:22

After some time constructing a whole fresh unit, re-writing rules (slightly) and testing different possible scenarios of points of failure, I have feedback.

If Sonoff had a WiFi signal, then no WiFi at all: LED is flashing internal timers are still functioning & if a switch state change occurs the rule reaction is instant = sensational !
If Sonoff has a WiFi signal, internal timer by rule starts, then during that timer cycle WiFi is lost, LED is solid green Sonoff has not yet noticed the loss & switch state change occurs there is still a lag, the longest count of 8 seconds. This is a manageable lag for me as I simply could lower the float slightly to allow for this BUT the likelihood of a cycle starting, then suddenly losing WiFi.. while possible, much less likely than the above scenario.
Actually further testing has shown even while LED is still solid green, rule has been firing instantly & the lag was difficult to produce ?
Huh ? Too excited to do more testing on the bench, more interested in field testing, I'll come back to it.

So come on, someone has quietly been reading my posts and changed something, surely this can not be a coincidence ??
Someone needs to raise a hand, so I can thank them personally.....

Just to show myself how different the current functioning is compared to previous firmware, I am happy to retest my original version & bench test the results as a comparison, is easy as I still have one outside with the original firmware I started with & I have now have the right tools & experience to simulate the tests.

I have been seeing whole tanks of water overflow because of this issue & my initial bench testing says this serious issue might be resolved..
A tank which should have been good for 10 to 14 days, empty in just a few days, testing pushed with internal timer rules firing every 15 minutes.
I will not be waiting, 2 new units will be replacing existing ones to test in the 'real world' this evening..

DSCN2404.jpg (122.89 KiB) Viewed 26203 times

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#13 Post by TD-er » 17 Mar 2018, 18:47

Well there have been some serious rules processing improvements last week. (not my work)
But not yet when WiFi is unavailable.
That's still on my to-do list.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#14 Post by Oxyandy » 18 Mar 2018, 22:08

TD-er wrote: 17 Mar 2018, 18:47 Well there have been some serious rules processing improvements last week. (not my work)
But not yet when WiFi is unavailable.
That's still on my to-do list.
How do I say this..
First, I am learning & evolving - more experience means a better understanding of what I am looking at..
I told you I added 'publish commands' inside some of my rules.. These have sure helped
I have seen lag from when the switch changes state to when it deactivates the relay
But it seems that is not my biggest issue..
I thought in logical sense
All I am trying to do is what I thought was a simple task 'water plants in a tray using technology that made it safer & more reliable'
& including some reporting of data that allows a human to glance over and say 'yep, everything is working as it should'
Well, I have had glitches, not all the time, that would be easy to identify the cause, but rather a bit random..
I have tried to identify the cause & now I am thinking maybe I was wrong..
To water plants, pump needs to turn on a cycle, that cycle needs to be consistent, if a watering is missed, health can suffer.
So I like the internal timing routines ESP Easy offers, I thought with those, if WiFi drops, plants will still get water, great
Overall I think they work well too.
Ok my first flash of ESP Easy I think worked the best & I feel with newer versions the problems have got worse :(
My flow:
Timing cycle begins - Pump on, water rises until float switch changes from NC to NO, rule is triggered pump turns off
Float switch (FULL_Tray_4#Switch) changes from NO back to NC, awaiting next cycle..
Sounds simple enough.
So you would think this would work, well it does..

Code: Select all

 on FULL_Tray_4#Switch do
  if [PUMP_Tray_4#Switch]=1
But, if for some non-logical reason 'sometimes' the firmware thinks after the cycle that FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1
then the next time the pump turns on the above rule fails at turning off the pump, right...
I see /hear this happening while I am out there, pump on, float switch not stopping pump & blame the wrong thing..
(but, I really have seen lag with one firmware, switch changes state, then delay)

The switch is NC after a cycle, it should be =0 why is firmware reporting =1 ?????
The switches purpose is never to turn on, only to turn off, so is this better ?

Code: Select all

 on FULL_Tray_4#Switch do
How can I read the 'true state' of the GPIO, like it does at boot ?
I have seen command 'TaskRun' is this helpful ?
The 'true state' is what I need always, like at boot - but how ?

SYSLOG, why is it so 'busy' - filtered just float switch for one timing event..
Pump ON at 7.45, it took 2 minutes & 32 seconds for the water level to reach the 'float switch'
Once float switch has been activated & has turned pump off, it takes just a second to lower as water level is already dropping back down.

Code: Select all

Mar 19 07:47:32	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:39	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Unfiltered, I have limited experience, but it just also feels 'too busy' ??? Just one cycle.. ON 7.45

Code: Select all

Mar 19 07:45:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,07:45
Mar 19 07:45:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
Mar 19 07:45:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
Mar 19 07:45:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : Switch state 1 Output value 1
Mar 19 07:45:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Button#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
Mar 19 07:45:02	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
Mar 19 07:45:02	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:02	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Button#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:02	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
Mar 19 07:45:02	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
Mar 19 07:45:02	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:03	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Button#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:03	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
Mar 19 07:45:03	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
Mar 19 07:45:03	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:03	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Button#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:03	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
Mar 19 07:45:03	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
Mar 19 07:45:03	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:45:11	Strawberry_Tray_4 WD   : Uptime 666 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 16704
Mar 19 07:45:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 WD   : Uptime 667 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 16704
Mar 19 07:46:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,07:46
Mar 19 07:46:11	Strawberry_Tray_4 WD   : Uptime 667 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 16704
Mar 19 07:46:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 WD   : Uptime 668 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 16704
Mar 19 07:47:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,07:47
Mar 19 07:47:11	Strawberry_Tray_4 WD   : Uptime 668 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 16704
Mar 19 07:47:32	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : Switch state 1 Output value 1
Mar 19 07:47:32	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:32	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:32	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:32	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : Switch state 0 Output value 0
Mar 19 07:47:32	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : Switch state 0 Output value 0
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:33	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:39	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:39	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:39	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Button#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:40	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Button#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Button#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Button#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:41	Strawberry_Tray_4 WD   : Uptime 669 ConnectFailures 1 FreeMem 15104
Mar 19 07:47:44	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:44	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: FULL_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:47:45	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:48:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,07:48
Mar 19 07:48:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
Mar 19 07:48:01	Strawberry_Tray_4 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
Mar 19 07:48:11	Strawberry_Tray_4 WD   : Uptime 669 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 16704
Last edited by Oxyandy on 18 Mar 2018, 22:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#15 Post by TD-er » 18 Mar 2018, 22:17

Just looking at the last log, I would say the switch may show some 'bumpy' behavior.
It is triggering switch events on sub-second base.
You may want to add a small capacitor over the switch input to reduce the effects of this on/off/on/off behavior.

Perhaps the switch input plugin may benefit from some selectable filtering.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#16 Post by Oxyandy » 18 Mar 2018, 22:39

Ok, yeah I was thinking same thing about a capacitor ..
For the moment, I will run a timing cycle without the float switch..
Instead I will replace it with a physical switch, stand there & manually simulate the float switch with a real switch
just to see if that changes the log by much
Thanks again for replying TD-er, I'd feel very alone without a response

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#17 Post by Oxyandy » 19 Mar 2018, 00:15

And No, doing that manually resulted in no change in the log...
If I manually move the switch up / down - up / down
Even slowly, trying to make it 'bumpy' I only see positive change

Code: Select all

SW   : Switch state 0 Output value 0
SW   : Switch state 1 Output value 1
SW   : Switch state 0 Output value 0
SW   : Switch state 1 Output value 1
SW   : Switch state 0 Output value 0
SW   : Switch state 1 Output value 1
SW   : Switch state 0 Output value 0
SW   : Switch state 1 Output value 1
SW   : Switch state 0 Output value 0
Nothing like what I see on logs while rules in operation
which is like:
And some of those '1's are long after switch has already met the rest stop of the switch, several seconds after.
I will build another unit, place a 4.7k pull-up resistor & a 100nF cap across contacts and try again..
Full of determination, but desperate for a solution.
Last edited by Oxyandy on 19 Mar 2018, 01:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#18 Post by TD-er » 19 Mar 2018, 00:27

The thing is, an input state will trigger an interrupt to which the software will react.
But I am not sure the state change is recorded along with the interrupt. So then the software has to look at the state by the time it is able to handle the interrupt and that may be after the next change.

And it may very well be the state is not read once and stored in a variable, but read more often.

If you have a bit more info, could you please add an issue on Github about this?
It is hard for me to find a "todo" list on the forum, but it is somewhat manageable on the issue list of Github.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#19 Post by Oxyandy » 19 Mar 2018, 01:44

Ok I will do that - I promise :P
First I need to be 100% on what I am seeing so I don't steer people in the wrong direction
This is a timing cycle started by a rule from 11:30 to 11:33, I did not connect the pump, so we should never see the float switch - I still think it is too busy !
Why does it show 5 times ON & 5 times OFF, isn't that a waste of resources in a tiny ESP8266 module ??

Code: Select all

11:30:02 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,11:30
11:30:02 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
11:30:02 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
11:30:02 SW   : Switch state 1 Output value 1
11:30:02 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
11:30:04 EVENT: Button#Switch=1.00
11:30:04 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
11:30:04 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
11:30:04 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
11:30:04 EVENT: Button#Switch=1.00
11:30:04 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
11:30:04 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
11:30:04 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
11:30:05 EVENT: Button#Switch=1.00
11:30:05 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
11:30:05 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
11:30:05 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
11:30:05 EVENT: Button#Switch=1.00
11:30:05 ACT  : GPIO,12,1
11:30:05 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
11:30:05 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=1.00
11:31:02 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,11:31
11:32:02 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,11:32
11:33:02 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,11:33
11:33:02 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
11:33:02 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
11:33:02 SW   : Switch state 0 Output value 0
11:33:02 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
11:33:03 EVENT: Button#Switch=0.00
11:33:03 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
11:33:03 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
11:33:03 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
11:33:03 EVENT: Button#Switch=0.00
11:33:03 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
11:33:03 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
11:33:03 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
11:33:04 EVENT: Button#Switch=0.00
11:33:04 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
11:33:04 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
11:33:04 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
11:33:04 EVENT: Button#Switch=0.00
11:33:04 ACT  : GPIO,12,0
11:33:04 SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
11:33:04 EVENT: PUMP_Tray_4#Switch=0.00
11:34:02 EVENT: Clock#Time=Mon,11:34

Normal user
Posts: 95
Joined: 09 Mar 2018, 08:45

Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#20 Post by Oxyandy » 19 Mar 2018, 11:54

Had enough of my float switch getting stuck as '1'
When it gets stuck as '1' the Domoticz dashboard never shows it as this state: (have syslogs)
It only shows as '1' on the firmware's web server
I have tested the switches, watched voltages across float switch - you name it - the firmware is reporting it wrong

Anyhow, hoping this FORCED GPIO14,0 resets the proper state after a timing cycle
Even with 0.1 uF capacitor across contacts and a 4.7K ohm resistor pulling it high.. It still happens..
Logs seem to suggest my switch works as normal, but a few seconds after it has fully returned to NC (only when it glitches) is left as '1'
I will dissect the logs later and log for distinct patterns & points of failure of my switches output..

Hoping my work around in my rule at least gets them watered...
I use the same Sonoffs from the same batch without capacitors & pull-up resistors
(seems silly on 99.99% of time with a N/C switch anyway, only N/O for a max of 2 seconds)
on Tasmota Firmware and the correct state of these switches is always shown on the Domoticz dashboard..
But ESP Easy seems like adult firmware in comparison & the best safety for my task..

Code: Select all

on Clock#Time=All,**:00 do
  if [FULL_Tray_4#switch]=1
   notify 1
   Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"FULL_4_00_%systime%"} //TEXT Domoticz Log - so I know when to examine syslog
on Clock#Time=All,**:03 do
  if [FULL_Tray_4#switch]=1 // If switch still '1' which screws the next pump cycle - then
   Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"NEXT PUMP CYCLE SAVED"} //TEXT Domoticz Log - so I stop suffering.....

Normal user
Posts: 95
Joined: 09 Mar 2018, 08:45

Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#21 Post by Oxyandy » 20 Mar 2018, 00:08

Forcing GPIO14 to zero helped... (makes it safer for my plants)
I added lots more publish commands within rules & there must be something wrong, to me - they shouldn't fire so often..

I now know that this latest release is MOST definitely worse than the earlier one I started with..
I am losing patience with this simple task using ESP Easy... and so are the people around me
I need something that works...

Is there a way - like when device is first powered up - that I can call the true state of my switch
At boot GPIO14 is '1' if my NC switch is not connected & '0' if it is
How can I check in a rule the 'true state' just as I fire the rule ?

Maybe time for a firmware from 3 months ago... just for a try..

Core team member
Posts: 8846
Joined: 01 Sep 2017, 22:13
Location: the Netherlands

Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#22 Post by TD-er » 20 Mar 2018, 19:32

I was thinking... do you use pull-up resistors (either internal or external)?
Sometimes a switch may 'hover' around the flipping point. Especially with longer wires.
With a pull-up resistor (or pull down, depending on your schematics) the signal stability may improve a lot.

Later builds are a lot faster in reacting to rules, which may explain why things get worse in your situation.
So please test with pull up/down resistors (depending on your circuit) to see if things get better.
Or post some drawing indicating the circuit used.

Normal user
Posts: 95
Joined: 09 Mar 2018, 08:45

Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#23 Post by Oxyandy » 20 Mar 2018, 22:23

TD-er wrote: 20 Mar 2018, 19:32 I was thinking... do you use pull-up resistors (either internal or external)?
Sometimes a switch may 'hover' around the flipping point. Especially with longer wires.
With a pull-up resistor (or pull down, depending on your schematics) the signal stability may improve a lot.

Later builds are a lot faster in reacting to rules, which may explain why things get worse in your situation.
So please test with pull up/down resistors (depending on your circuit) to see if things get better.
Or post some drawing indicating the circuit used.
I have internal ticked
I added a pull-up 4.7K from 3.3v to GPIO14
I added a 0.1uF capacitor from GPIO14 to GND

Switch in it's resting state is 'NC' so pulling GPIO14 down
After the switch rises, the contacts open - for approximately 2 seconds.
then it returns to it's resting state 'closed contacts'
The wires are only short under 50CM & twisted pair..

The addition of extra components made no difference..

My publish commands inside my rules show what is happening...
I wanted to know what rules, fire when & how often

Code: Select all

on button#switch do
  if [button#switch]=1
   Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"PUMP_START_%systime%"}
   Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"PUMP_STOP_%systime%"}

Code: Select all

on FULL_Tray_4#Switch do
  if [PUMP_Tray_4#Switch]=1
   Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"FLOAT_SWITCH_1_%systime%"}
   Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"FLOAT_SWITCH_0_%systime%"}

Code: Select all

on Clock#Time=All,**:00 do
if [FULL_Tray_4#switch]=1
notify 1
Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"4_FULL_00_%systime%"}
Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"4_PUMP_ON_%systime%"}

Code: Select all

on Clock#Time=All,**:03 do
if [FULL_Tray_4#switch]=1
Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"4_CYCLE_SAVED"}
Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_%systime%"}
Anyway is not unstable on GPIO14, I have switch mounted upside down 'N/O' (open contacts) running on Tasmota firmware
If my installation was going to show ghost triggers they would show on this one..
No resistor or capacitor
the logs show a lot...
especially missing data & lags where the time on the device varies from my PC time and then trouble starts

The logs I know is a LOT to look at, but I have tried to break it up, I probably needs to be looked at bottom to top
This is last night and it tells me my forced state GPIO,14 is at the wrong time & doesn't help..
and yeah I need more logs...
Trigger times 00 15 30 & 45

Code: Select all

20:48:02	4_CYCLE_SAVED
20:48:01	4_CYCLE_SAVED
20:45:02	4_FULL_45_20:45:00
20:45:02	4_FULL_45_20:45:00

20:33:01	4_CYCLE_SAVED
20:33:01	4_CYCLE_SAVED
20:30:02	4_FULL_30_20:30:00
20:30:02	4_FULL_30_20:30:00

20:18:02	4_CYCLE_SAVED
20:18:01	4_CYCLE_SAVED
20:15:03	4_FULL_4_15_20:15:00
20:15:02	4_FULL_4_15_20:15:00

20:03:17	PUMP_STOP_20:03:14
20:03:17	PUMP_STOP_20:03:14
20:03:16	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:03:12
20:03:16	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:03:12
20:03:16	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:03:12
20:03:15	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:03:12
20:03:15	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:03:02
20:03:15	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:03:02
20:03:14	4_CYCLE_SAVED
20:03:14	4_CYCLE_SAVED
20:02:58	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:02:56
20:02:58	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:02:56
20:02:48	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:02:45
20:02:48	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_20:02:45
20:02:45	FLOAT_SWITCH_1_20:02:43
20:02:45	FLOAT_SWITCH_1_20:02:43
20:00:19	PUMP_START_20:00:16
20:00:19	PUMP_START_20:00:10
20:00:18	PUMP_START_20:00:16
20:00:18	PUMP_START_20:00:10
20:00:07	PUMP_START_20:00:04
20:00:06	PUMP_START_20:00:04
20:00:06	PUMP_START_20:00:04
20:00:06	PUMP_START_20:00:04
20:00:04	4_PUMP_ON_20:00:00
20:00:03	4_PUMP_ON_20:00:00

19:52:16	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:13
19:52:15	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:13
19:52:15	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:12
19:52:15	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:12
19:52:15	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:11
19:52:14	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:11
19:52:14	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:11
19:52:13	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:11
19:52:12	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:10
19:52:11	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_19:52:10
19:48:56	PUMP_START_17:45:02
19:48:56	PUMP_START_17:45:02
19:48:56	PUMP_START_17:45:02
19:48:55	PUMP_START_17:45:02
19:48:55	PUMP_START_17:45:02
19:48:55	PUMP_START_17:45:02
19:48:54	PUMP_START_17:45:01
19:48:54	PUMP_START_17:45:01
19:48:53	4_PUMP_ON_17:45:00
19:48:52	4_PUMP_ON_17:45:00

19:36:43	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_17:32:50
19:36:43	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_17:32:50
19:36:41	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_17:32:45
19:36:41	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_17:32:45
19:36:32	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_17:32:39
19:36:32	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_17:32:39
19:36:30	FLOAT_SWITCH_1_17:32:37
19:36:30	FLOAT_SWITCH_1_17:32:37
19:34:08	PUMP_START_17:30:14
19:34:08	PUMP_START_17:30:13
19:34:07	PUMP_START_17:30:14
19:34:07	PUMP_START_17:30:13
19:34:06	PUMP_START_17:30:07
19:34:06	PUMP_START_17:30:07
19:33:55	PUMP_START_17:30:02
19:33:55	PUMP_START_17:30:02
19:33:53	4_PUMP_ON_17:30:00
19:33:53	4_PUMP_ON_17:30:00

19:18:05	PUMP_STOP_19:18:03
19:18:04	PUMP_STOP_19:18:03
19:18:04	PUMP_STOP_19:18:01
19:18:04	PUMP_STOP_19:18:01
19:18:03	PUMP_STOP_19:18:01
19:18:03	PUMP_STOP_19:18:01
19:18:03	PUMP_STOP_19:18:01
19:18:02	PUMP_STOP_19:18:01
19:18:02	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_19:18:00
19:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_19:18:00
19:15:10	PUMP_START_19:15:08
19:15:09	PUMP_START_19:15:08
19:15:05	PUMP_START_19:15:03
19:15:04	PUMP_START_19:15:03
19:15:04	PUMP_START_19:15:03
19:15:04	PUMP_START_19:15:03
19:15:03	PUMP_START_19:15:01
19:15:03	PUMP_START_19:15:01
19:15:02	4_PUMP_ON_19:15:00
19:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_19:15:00

19:03:05	PUMP_STOP_19:03:02
19:03:05	PUMP_STOP_19:03:02
19:03:04	PUMP_STOP_19:03:02
19:03:04	PUMP_STOP_19:03:02
19:03:04	PUMP_STOP_19:03:01
19:03:03	PUMP_STOP_19:03:01
19:03:02	PUMP_STOP_19:03:01
19:03:02	PUMP_STOP_19:03:01
19:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_19:03:00
19:03:00	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_19:03:00
19:00:24	PUMP_START_19:00:13
19:00:24	PUMP_START_19:00:13
19:00:12	PUMP_START_19:00:08
19:00:12	PUMP_START_19:00:08
19:00:11	PUMP_START_19:00:07
19:00:11	PUMP_START_19:00:06
19:00:10	PUMP_START_19:00:07
19:00:10	PUMP_START_19:00:06
19:00:02	4_PUMP_ON_19:00:00
19:00:01	4_PUMP_ON_19:00:00

18:48:05	PUMP_STOP_18:48:03
18:48:05	PUMP_STOP_18:48:03
18:48:04	PUMP_STOP_18:48:03
18:48:04	PUMP_STOP_18:48:03
18:48:04	PUMP_STOP_18:48:01
18:48:04	PUMP_STOP_18:48:01
18:48:03	PUMP_STOP_18:48:01
18:48:03	PUMP_STOP_18:48:01
18:48:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_18:48:00
18:48:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_18:48:00
18:45:09	PUMP_START_18:45:08
18:45:09	PUMP_START_18:45:08
18:45:05	PUMP_START_18:45:02
18:45:04	PUMP_START_18:45:02
18:45:04	PUMP_START_18:45:02
18:45:04	PUMP_START_18:45:02
18:45:03	PUMP_START_18:45:01
18:45:03	PUMP_START_18:45:01
18:45:01	4_PUMP_ON_18:45:00
18:45:01	4_PUMP_ON_18:45:00

18:33:06	PUMP_STOP_18:33:03
18:33:06	PUMP_STOP_18:33:03
18:33:05	PUMP_STOP_18:33:03
18:33:05	PUMP_STOP_18:33:03
18:33:04	PUMP_STOP_18:33:02
18:33:04	PUMP_STOP_18:33:02
18:33:03	PUMP_STOP_18:33:02
18:33:03	PUMP_STOP_18:33:02
18:33:02	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_18:33:00
18:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_18:33:00
18:30:12	PUMP_START_18:30:08
18:30:12	PUMP_START_18:30:08
18:30:05	PUMP_START_18:30:03
18:30:05	PUMP_START_18:30:03
18:30:04	PUMP_START_18:30:02
18:30:04	PUMP_START_18:30:02
18:30:03	PUMP_START_18:30:02
18:30:03	PUMP_START_18:30:02
18:30:02	4_PUMP_ON_18:30:00
18:30:01	4_PUMP_ON_18:30:00

18:18:19	PUMP_STOP_18:18:09
18:18:19	PUMP_STOP_18:18:09
18:18:12	PUMP_STOP_18:18:09
18:18:12	PUMP_STOP_18:18:09
18:18:11	PUMP_STOP_18:18:09
18:18:11	PUMP_STOP_18:18:09
18:18:06	PUMP_STOP_18:18:03
18:18:05	PUMP_STOP_18:18:03
18:18:02	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_18:18:00
18:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_18:18:00
18:15:10	PUMP_START_18:15:09
18:15:10	PUMP_START_18:15:09
18:15:05	PUMP_START_18:15:03
18:15:05	PUMP_START_18:15:03
18:15:05	PUMP_START_18:15:02
18:15:04	PUMP_START_18:15:02
18:15:04	PUMP_START_18:15:02
18:15:04	PUMP_START_18:15:02
18:15:02	4_PUMP_ON_18:15:00
18:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_18:15:00

18:03:11	PUMP_STOP_18:03:08
18:03:11	PUMP_STOP_18:03:08
18:03:05	PUMP_STOP_18:03:03
18:03:04	PUMP_STOP_18:03:03
18:03:04	PUMP_STOP_18:03:03
18:03:04	PUMP_STOP_18:03:03
18:03:04	PUMP_STOP_18:03:01
18:03:03	PUMP_STOP_18:03:01
18:03:02	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_18:03:00
18:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_18:03:00
18:00:11	PUMP_START_18:00:08
18:00:10	PUMP_START_18:00:08
18:00:10	PUMP_START_18:00:08
18:00:10	PUMP_START_18:00:08
18:00:09	PUMP_START_18:00:07
18:00:09	PUMP_START_18:00:07
18:00:05	4_PUMP_ON_18:00:00
18:00:04	4_PUMP_ON_18:00:00

17:48:04	PUMP_STOP_17:48:02
17:48:04	PUMP_STOP_17:48:02
17:48:04	PUMP_STOP_17:48:02
17:48:04	PUMP_STOP_17:48:02
17:48:03	PUMP_STOP_17:48:01
17:48:03	PUMP_STOP_17:48:01
17:48:03	PUMP_STOP_17:48:01
17:48:02	PUMP_STOP_17:48:01
17:48:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_17:48:00
17:48:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_17:48:00
17:45:06	PUMP_START_17:45:02
17:45:05	PUMP_START_17:45:02
17:45:04	PUMP_START_17:45:02
17:45:04	PUMP_START_17:45:01
17:45:03	PUMP_START_17:45:02
17:45:03	PUMP_START_17:45:01
17:45:01	4_PUMP_ON_17:45:00
17:45:01	4_PUMP_ON_17:45:00

17:33:09	PUMP_STOP_17:33:08
17:33:09	PUMP_STOP_17:33:08
17:33:04	PUMP_STOP_17:33:02
17:33:04	PUMP_STOP_17:33:02
17:33:04	PUMP_STOP_17:33:01
17:33:03	PUMP_STOP_17:33:01
17:33:03	PUMP_STOP_17:33:01
17:33:03	PUMP_STOP_17:33:01
17:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_17:33:00
17:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_17:33:00
17:30:03	PUMP_START_17:30:02
17:30:03	PUMP_START_17:30:02
17:30:03	PUMP_START_17:30:02
17:30:03	PUMP_START_17:30:02
17:30:01	4_PUMP_ON_17:30:00
17:30:01	4_PUMP_ON_17:30:00

17:18:08	PUMP_STOP_17:18:04
17:18:08	PUMP_STOP_17:18:04
17:18:07	PUMP_STOP_17:18:03
17:18:07	PUMP_STOP_17:18:03
17:18:06	PUMP_STOP_17:18:03
17:18:05	PUMP_STOP_17:18:03
17:18:04	PUMP_STOP_17:18:02
17:18:04	PUMP_STOP_17:18:02
17:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_17:18:00
17:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_17:18:00
17:15:10	PUMP_START_17:15:09
17:15:10	PUMP_START_17:15:09
17:15:09	PUMP_START_17:15:03
17:15:09	PUMP_START_17:15:03
17:15:08	PUMP_START_17:15:02
17:15:08	PUMP_START_17:15:02
17:15:06	PUMP_START_17:15:02
17:15:04	PUMP_START_17:15:02
17:15:02	4_PUMP_ON_17:15:00
17:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_17:15:00

17:03:07	PUMP_STOP_17:03:03
17:03:06	PUMP_STOP_17:03:03
17:03:06	PUMP_STOP_17:03:03
17:03:05	PUMP_STOP_17:03:03
17:03:04	PUMP_STOP_17:03:02
17:03:04	PUMP_STOP_17:03:02
17:03:03	PUMP_STOP_17:03:02
17:03:03	PUMP_STOP_17:03:02
17:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_17:03:00
17:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_17:03:00
17:00:05	PUMP_START_17:00:02
17:00:04	PUMP_START_17:00:02
17:00:04	PUMP_START_17:00:02
17:00:04	PUMP_START_17:00:02
17:00:03	PUMP_START_17:00:02
17:00:03	PUMP_START_17:00:02
17:00:02	4_PUMP_ON_17:00:00
17:00:01	4_PUMP_ON_17:00:00

16:48:06	PUMP_STOP_16:48:03
16:48:06	PUMP_STOP_16:48:03
16:48:06	PUMP_STOP_16:48:03
16:48:05	PUMP_STOP_16:48:03
16:48:05	PUMP_STOP_16:48:02
16:48:05	PUMP_STOP_16:48:02
16:48:04	PUMP_STOP_16:48:02
16:48:04	PUMP_STOP_16:48:02
16:48:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_16:48:00
16:48:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_16:48:00
16:45:31	PUMP_START_16:45:28
16:45:31	PUMP_START_16:45:28
16:45:30	PUMP_START_16:45:28
16:45:30	PUMP_START_16:45:28
16:45:30	PUMP_START_16:45:28
16:45:29	PUMP_START_16:45:28
16:45:29	PUMP_START_16:45:28
16:45:29	PUMP_START_16:45:28
16:45:19	4_PUMP_ON_16:45:12
16:45:18	4_PUMP_ON_16:45:12

16:33:09	PUMP_STOP_16:33:09
16:33:09	PUMP_STOP_16:33:09
16:33:05	PUMP_STOP_16:33:03
16:33:04	PUMP_STOP_16:33:03
16:33:04	PUMP_STOP_16:33:02
16:33:04	PUMP_STOP_16:33:02
16:33:03	PUMP_STOP_16:33:02
16:33:03	PUMP_STOP_16:33:02
16:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_16:33:00
16:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_16:33:00
16:30:14	PUMP_START_16:30:12
16:30:14	PUMP_START_16:30:12
16:30:14	PUMP_START_16:30:12
16:30:13	PUMP_START_16:30:12
16:30:13	PUMP_START_16:30:11
16:30:12	PUMP_START_16:30:11
16:30:12	PUMP_START_16:30:10
16:30:12	PUMP_START_16:30:10
16:30:03	4_PUMP_ON_16:30:01
16:30:02	4_PUMP_ON_16:30:01

16:18:06	PUMP_STOP_16:18:03
16:18:06	PUMP_STOP_16:18:03
16:18:05	PUMP_STOP_16:18:03
16:18:05	PUMP_STOP_16:18:03
16:18:05	PUMP_STOP_16:18:02
16:18:04	PUMP_STOP_16:18:02
16:18:04	PUMP_STOP_16:18:02
16:18:03	PUMP_STOP_16:18:02
16:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_16:18:00
16:18:00	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_16:18:00
16:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_16:15:00
16:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_16:15:00

16:03:06	PUMP_STOP_16:03:02
16:03:05	PUMP_STOP_16:03:02
16:03:05	PUMP_STOP_16:03:02
16:03:04	PUMP_STOP_16:03:02
16:03:04	PUMP_STOP_16:03:02
16:03:03	PUMP_STOP_16:03:02
16:03:02	PUMP_STOP_16:03:01
16:03:02	PUMP_STOP_16:03:01
16:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_16:03:00
16:03:00	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_16:03:00
16:00:19	PUMP_START_16:00:17
16:00:19	PUMP_START_16:00:17
16:00:18	PUMP_START_16:00:17
16:00:18	PUMP_START_16:00:11
16:00:18	PUMP_START_16:00:17
16:00:18	PUMP_START_16:00:11
16:00:06	PUMP_START_16:00:05
16:00:06	PUMP_START_16:00:05
16:00:03	4_PUMP_ON_16:00:00
16:00:01	4_PUMP_ON_16:00:00

15:47:53	PUMP_STOP_15:47:48
15:47:52	PUMP_STOP_15:47:48
15:47:47	PUMP_STOP_15:47:42
15:47:46	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_15:47:42
15:47:46	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_15:47:42
15:47:45	PUMP_STOP_15:47:42
15:47:45	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_15:47:42
15:47:44	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_15:47:42
15:47:43	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_15:47:40
15:47:42	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_15:47:40
15:47:40	FLOAT_SWITCH_1_15:47:38
15:47:39	FLOAT_SWITCH_1_15:47:38
15:45:07	PUMP_START_15:45:04
15:45:06	PUMP_START_15:45:04
15:45:06	PUMP_START_15:45:03
15:45:05	PUMP_START_15:45:03
15:45:05	PUMP_START_15:45:03
15:45:04	PUMP_START_15:45:03
15:45:04	PUMP_START_15:45:02
15:45:03	PUMP_START_15:45:02
15:45:02	4_PUMP_ON_15:45:00
15:45:01	4_PUMP_ON_15:45:00

15:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_15:33:00
15:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_15:33:00
15:30:10	PUMP_START_15:30:09
15:30:10	PUMP_START_15:30:09
15:30:05	PUMP_START_15:30:03
15:30:05	PUMP_START_15:30:03
15:30:04	PUMP_START_15:30:02
15:30:04	PUMP_START_15:30:02
15:30:04	PUMP_START_15:30:02
15:30:03	PUMP_START_15:30:02
15:30:02	4_PUMP_ON_15:30:00
15:30:01	4_PUMP_ON_15:30:00

15:18:10	PUMP_STOP_15:18:09
15:18:10	PUMP_STOP_15:18:09
15:18:10	PUMP_STOP_15:18:08
15:18:09	PUMP_STOP_15:18:08
15:18:03	PUMP_STOP_15:18:02
15:18:03	PUMP_STOP_15:18:02
15:18:02	PUMP_STOP_15:18:01
15:18:02	PUMP_STOP_15:18:01
15:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_15:18:00
15:18:00	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_15:18:00
15:15:11	PUMP_START_15:15:09
15:15:11	PUMP_START_15:15:09
15:15:04	PUMP_START_15:15:03
15:15:04	PUMP_START_15:15:03
15:15:04	PUMP_START_15:15:02
15:15:03	PUMP_START_15:15:02
15:15:03	PUMP_START_15:15:02
15:15:03	PUMP_START_15:15:02
15:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_15:15:00
15:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_15:15:00

15:03:11	PUMP_STOP_15:03:08
15:03:11	PUMP_STOP_15:03:08
15:03:04	PUMP_STOP_15:03:03
15:03:04	PUMP_STOP_15:03:03
15:03:03	PUMP_STOP_15:03:01
15:03:03	PUMP_STOP_15:03:01
15:03:03	PUMP_STOP_15:03:01
15:03:03	PUMP_STOP_15:03:01
15:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_15:03:00
15:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_15:03:00
15:00:56	PUMP_START_15:00:46
15:00:55	PUMP_START_15:00:46
15:00:55	PUMP_START_15:00:46
15:00:54	PUMP_START_15:00:46
15:00:54	PUMP_START_15:00:45
15:00:53	PUMP_START_15:00:45
15:00:53	PUMP_START_15:00:45
15:00:52	PUMP_START_15:00:45
15:00:45	4_PUMP_ON_15:00:00
15:00:44	4_PUMP_ON_15:00:00

14:48:04	PUMP_STOP_14:48:02
14:48:04	PUMP_STOP_14:48:02
14:48:04	PUMP_STOP_14:48:02
14:48:03	PUMP_STOP_14:48:02
14:48:03	PUMP_STOP_14:48:01
14:48:02	PUMP_STOP_14:48:01
14:48:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_14:48:00
14:48:00	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_14:48:00
14:45:15	PUMP_START_14:45:09
14:45:14	PUMP_START_14:45:09
14:45:05	PUMP_START_14:45:03
14:45:05	PUMP_START_14:45:03
14:45:04	PUMP_START_14:45:03
14:45:04	PUMP_START_14:45:03
14:45:04	PUMP_START_14:45:02
14:45:04	PUMP_START_14:45:02
14:45:02	4_PUMP_ON_14:45:00
14:45:01	4_PUMP_ON_14:45:00

14:33:13	PUMP_STOP_14:33:08
14:33:13	PUMP_STOP_14:33:08
14:33:04	PUMP_STOP_14:33:02
14:33:04	PUMP_STOP_14:33:02
14:33:04	PUMP_STOP_14:33:02
14:33:03	PUMP_STOP_14:33:02
14:33:03	PUMP_STOP_14:33:01
14:33:03	PUMP_STOP_14:33:01
14:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_14:33:00
14:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_14:33:00
14:30:10	PUMP_START_14:30:08
14:30:09	PUMP_START_14:30:08
14:30:04	PUMP_START_14:30:03
14:30:04	PUMP_START_14:30:03
14:30:04	PUMP_START_14:30:01
14:30:04	PUMP_START_14:30:01
14:30:03	PUMP_START_14:30:01
14:30:03	PUMP_START_14:30:01
14:30:02	4_PUMP_ON_14:30:00
14:30:01	4_PUMP_ON_14:30:00

14:18:07	PUMP_STOP_14:18:03
14:18:06	PUMP_STOP_14:18:03
14:18:06	PUMP_STOP_14:18:03
14:18:05	PUMP_STOP_14:18:03
14:18:05	PUMP_STOP_14:18:03
14:18:05	PUMP_STOP_14:18:03
14:18:04	PUMP_STOP_14:18:03
14:18:04	PUMP_STOP_14:18:03
14:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_14:18:00
14:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_14:18:00
14:15:10	PUMP_START_14:15:09
14:15:10	PUMP_START_14:15:09
14:15:06	PUMP_START_14:15:03
14:15:05	PUMP_START_14:15:03
14:15:04	PUMP_START_14:15:03
14:15:04	PUMP_START_14:15:03
14:15:04	PUMP_START_14:15:02
14:15:03	PUMP_START_14:15:02
14:15:02	4_PUMP_ON_14:15:00
14:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_14:15:00

14:03:09	PUMP_STOP_14:03:08
14:03:09	PUMP_STOP_14:03:08
14:03:04	PUMP_STOP_14:03:02
14:03:04	PUMP_STOP_14:03:02
14:03:03	PUMP_STOP_14:03:02
14:03:03	PUMP_STOP_14:03:02
14:03:03	PUMP_STOP_14:03:01
14:03:02	PUMP_STOP_14:03:01
14:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_14:03:00
14:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_14:03:00
14:00:10	PUMP_START_14:00:03
14:00:09	PUMP_START_14:00:03
14:00:09	PUMP_START_14:00:03
14:00:09	PUMP_START_14:00:03
14:00:08	PUMP_START_14:00:02
14:00:08	PUMP_START_14:00:02
14:00:07	PUMP_START_14:00:02
14:00:05	PUMP_START_14:00:02
14:00:01	4_PUMP_ON_14:00:00
14:00:01	4_PUMP_ON_14:00:00

13:48:07	PUMP_STOP_13:48:03
13:48:07	PUMP_STOP_13:48:03
13:48:06	PUMP_STOP_13:48:03
13:48:05	PUMP_STOP_13:48:03
13:48:05	PUMP_STOP_13:48:03
13:48:04	PUMP_STOP_13:48:03
13:48:04	PUMP_STOP_13:48:03
13:48:04	PUMP_STOP_13:48:03
13:48:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_13:48:00
13:48:00	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_13:48:00
13:45:09	PUMP_START_13:45:08
13:45:08	PUMP_START_13:45:08
13:45:04	PUMP_START_13:45:02
13:45:03	PUMP_START_13:45:02
13:45:03	PUMP_START_13:45:02
13:45:03	PUMP_START_13:45:02
13:45:02	PUMP_START_13:45:01
13:45:02	PUMP_START_13:45:01
13:45:01	4_PUMP_ON_13:45:00
13:45:00	4_PUMP_ON_13:45:00

13:33:04	PUMP_STOP_13:33:02
13:33:04	PUMP_STOP_13:33:02
13:33:04	PUMP_STOP_13:33:01
13:33:03	PUMP_STOP_13:33:01
13:33:03	PUMP_STOP_13:33:01
13:33:02	PUMP_STOP_13:33:01
13:33:02	PUMP_STOP_13:33:01
13:33:02	PUMP_STOP_13:33:01
13:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_13:33:00
13:33:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_13:33:00
13:18:12	PUMP_STOP_13:18:07
13:18:12	PUMP_STOP_13:18:07
13:18:03	PUMP_STOP_13:18:01
13:18:03	PUMP_STOP_13:18:01
13:18:03	PUMP_STOP_13:18:01
13:18:02	PUMP_STOP_13:18:01
13:18:02	PUMP_STOP_13:18:01
13:18:02	PUMP_STOP_13:18:01
13:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_13:18:00
13:18:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_13:18:00
13:15:10	PUMP_START_13:15:08
13:15:09	PUMP_START_13:15:08
13:15:04	PUMP_START_13:15:02
13:15:04	PUMP_START_13:15:02
13:15:03	PUMP_START_13:15:02
13:15:03	PUMP_START_13:15:02
13:15:03	PUMP_START_13:15:01
13:15:03	PUMP_START_13:15:01
13:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_13:15:00
13:15:01	4_PUMP_ON_13:15:00

13:03:05	PUMP_STOP_13:03:03
13:03:05	PUMP_STOP_13:03:03
13:03:04	PUMP_STOP_13:03:03
13:03:04	PUMP_STOP_13:03:03
13:03:04	PUMP_STOP_13:03:02
13:03:04	PUMP_STOP_13:03:02
13:03:03	PUMP_STOP_13:03:02
13:03:03	PUMP_STOP_13:03:02
13:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_13:03:00
13:03:01	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_13:03:00
13:00:09	PUMP_START_13:00:07
13:00:09	PUMP_START_13:00:06
13:00:09	PUMP_START_13:00:04
13:00:09	PUMP_START_13:00:07
13:00:08	PUMP_START_13:00:06
13:00:08	PUMP_START_13:00:04
13:00:08	PUMP_START_13:00:02
13:00:07	PUMP_START_13:00:02
13:00:02	4_PUMP_ON_13:00:00
13:00:01	4_PUMP_ON_13:00:00

12:48:07	PUMP_STOP_12:48:02
12:48:06	PUMP_STOP_12:48:02
12:48:06	PUMP_STOP_12:48:02
12:48:06	PUMP_STOP_12:48:02
12:48:05	PUMP_STOP_12:48:01
12:48:05	PUMP_STOP_12:48:01
12:48:05	PUMP_STOP_12:48:01
12:48:05	PUMP_STOP_12:48:01
12:48:04	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_12:48:00
12:48:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_12:48:00
12:45:12	PUMP_START_12:45:07
12:45:12	PUMP_START_12:45:07
12:45:06	PUMP_START_12:45:02
12:45:05	PUMP_START_12:45:02
12:45:05	PUMP_START_12:45:01
12:45:05	PUMP_START_12:45:01
12:45:05	PUMP_START_12:45:01
12:45:04	PUMP_START_12:45:01
12:45:03	4_PUMP_ON_12:45:00
12:45:03	4_PUMP_ON_12:45:00

12:33:13	PUMP_STOP_12:33:08
12:33:13	PUMP_STOP_12:33:08
12:33:06	PUMP_STOP_12:33:03
12:33:06	PUMP_STOP_12:33:03
12:33:05	PUMP_STOP_12:33:01
12:33:05	PUMP_STOP_12:33:01
12:33:05	PUMP_STOP_12:33:01
12:33:04	PUMP_STOP_12:33:01
12:33:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_12:33:00
12:33:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_12:33:00
12:30:11	PUMP_START_12:30:08
12:30:11	PUMP_START_12:30:08
12:30:06	PUMP_START_12:30:02
12:30:05	PUMP_START_12:30:02
12:30:05	PUMP_START_12:30:02
12:30:05	PUMP_START_12:30:02
12:30:05	PUMP_START_12:30:01
12:30:04	PUMP_START_12:30:01
12:30:03	4_PUMP_ON_12:30:00
12:30:03	4_PUMP_ON_12:30:00

12:18:08	PUMP_STOP_12:18:03
12:18:08	PUMP_STOP_12:18:03
12:18:07	PUMP_STOP_12:18:02
12:18:06	PUMP_STOP_12:18:02
12:18:06	PUMP_STOP_12:18:02
12:18:06	PUMP_STOP_12:18:02
12:18:05	PUMP_STOP_12:18:01
12:18:05	PUMP_STOP_12:18:01
12:18:04	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_12:18:00
12:18:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_12:18:00
12:15:14	PUMP_START_12:15:08
12:15:14	PUMP_START_12:15:08
12:15:05	PUMP_START_12:15:02
12:15:05	PUMP_START_12:15:02
12:15:05	PUMP_START_12:15:01
12:15:04	PUMP_START_12:15:01
12:15:04	PUMP_START_12:15:01
12:15:04	PUMP_START_12:15:01
12:15:03	4_PUMP_ON_12:15:00
12:15:02	4_PUMP_ON_12:15:00

12:03:16	PUMP_STOP_12:03:09
12:03:15	PUMP_STOP_12:03:09
12:03:07	PUMP_STOP_12:03:03
12:03:06	PUMP_STOP_12:03:03
12:03:06	PUMP_STOP_12:03:02
12:03:05	PUMP_STOP_12:03:02
12:03:05	PUMP_STOP_12:03:02
12:03:05	PUMP_STOP_12:03:02
12:03:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_12:03:00
12:03:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_12:03:00
12:00:08	PUMP_START_12:00:04
12:00:08	PUMP_START_12:00:04
12:00:08	PUMP_START_12:00:04
12:00:07	PUMP_START_12:00:04
12:00:07	PUMP_START_12:00:03
12:00:07	PUMP_START_12:00:03
12:00:06	PUMP_START_12:00:03
12:00:06	PUMP_START_12:00:03
12:00:04	4_PUMP_ON_12:00:00
12:00:03	4_PUMP_ON_12:00:00

11:48:08	PUMP_STOP_11:48:02
11:48:07	PUMP_STOP_11:48:02
11:48:06	PUMP_STOP_11:48:01
11:48:06	PUMP_STOP_11:48:01
11:48:05	PUMP_STOP_11:48:01
11:48:05	PUMP_STOP_11:48:01
11:48:04	PUMP_STOP_11:48:01
11:48:04	PUMP_STOP_11:48:01
11:48:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_11:48:00
11:48:02	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_11:48:00
11:45:11	PUMP_START_11:45:08
11:45:10	PUMP_START_11:45:08
11:45:06	PUMP_START_11:45:02
11:45:06	PUMP_START_11:45:02
11:45:06	PUMP_START_11:45:02
11:45:05	PUMP_START_11:45:02
11:45:05	PUMP_START_11:45:01
11:45:05	PUMP_START_11:45:01
11:45:03	4_PUMP_ON_11:45:00
11:45:02	4_PUMP_ON_11:45:00

11:33:16	PUMP_STOP_11:33:08
11:33:16	PUMP_STOP_11:33:08
11:33:06	PUMP_STOP_11:33:02
11:33:05	PUMP_STOP_11:33:02
11:33:05	PUMP_STOP_11:33:01
11:33:05	PUMP_STOP_11:33:01
11:33:04	PUMP_STOP_11:33:01
11:33:04	PUMP_STOP_11:33:01
11:33:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_11:33:00
11:33:02	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_11:33:00
11:30:19	PUMP_START_11:30:16
11:30:18	PUMP_START_11:30:16
11:30:14	PUMP_START_11:30:10
11:30:13	PUMP_START_11:30:10
11:30:03	4_PUMP_ON_11:30:00
11:30:02	4_PUMP_ON_11:30:00

11:18:12	PUMP_STOP_11:18:08
11:18:12	PUMP_STOP_11:18:08
11:18:06	PUMP_STOP_11:18:02
11:18:06	PUMP_STOP_11:18:02
11:18:05	PUMP_STOP_11:18:01
11:18:05	PUMP_STOP_11:18:01
11:18:05	PUMP_STOP_11:18:01
11:18:04	PUMP_STOP_11:18:01
11:18:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_11:18:00
11:18:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_11:18:00
11:15:11	PUMP_START_11:15:08
11:15:11	PUMP_START_11:15:08
11:15:06	PUMP_START_11:15:02
11:15:06	PUMP_START_11:15:02
11:15:05	PUMP_START_11:15:02
11:15:05	PUMP_START_11:15:02
11:15:05	PUMP_START_11:15:01
11:15:04	PUMP_START_11:15:01
11:15:03	4_PUMP_ON_11:15:00
11:15:03	4_PUMP_ON_11:15:00

11:03:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_11:03:00
11:03:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_11:03:00

10:48:11	PUMP_STOP_10:48:08
10:48:11	PUMP_STOP_10:48:08
10:48:06	PUMP_STOP_10:48:03
10:48:06	PUMP_STOP_10:48:03
10:48:05	PUMP_STOP_10:48:01
10:48:05	PUMP_STOP_10:48:01
10:48:05	PUMP_STOP_10:48:01
10:48:04	PUMP_STOP_10:48:01
10:48:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_10:48:00
10:48:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_10:48:00
10:45:06	PUMP_START_10:45:02
10:45:06	PUMP_START_10:45:02
10:45:06	PUMP_START_10:45:02
10:45:05	PUMP_START_10:45:02
10:45:05	PUMP_START_10:45:01
10:45:05	PUMP_START_10:45:01
10:45:04	PUMP_START_10:45:01
10:45:04	PUMP_START_10:45:01
10:45:03	4_PUMP_ON_45_10:45:00
10:45:03	4_PUMP_ON_45_10:45:00

10:33:04	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_10:33:00
10:33:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_10:33:00
10:30:12	PUMP_START_10:30:09
10:30:12	PUMP_START_10:30:09
10:30:07	PUMP_START_10:30:04
10:30:07	PUMP_START_10:30:04
10:30:06	PUMP_START_10:30:02
10:30:06	PUMP_START_10:30:02
10:30:06	PUMP_START_10:30:02
10:30:06	PUMP_START_10:30:02
10:30:03	4_PUMP_ON_30_10:30:00
10:30:03	4_PUMP_ON_30_10:30:00
What is mostly missing is "FLOAT_SWITCH_1_%systime%"
This is when the water rises pushing float switch up, stopping the pump
Going out to watch a cycle now due 8.30AM is 8.28 off I run

Normal user
Posts: 95
Joined: 09 Mar 2018, 08:45

Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#24 Post by Oxyandy » 20 Mar 2018, 22:42

I still say this is too busy, I see float switch '1' is missing, I watched and it nearly flooded over
I am using this Sonoff in a real world use, flooding over has been a problem, a big problem - so I have added bits to prevent that, including shortening the timer cycle, it was 5 minutes, now 3..
I am now going to do a run without the pull-up because I am worried it is now helping the GPIO stay high,
either there was a lag or the switch did not respond properly..
8.45 cycle about to begin, I want to watch auto not manual

Code: Select all

2018-03-21 08:33:06	PUMP_STOP_08:33:03
2018-03-21 08:33:06	PUMP_STOP_08:33:03
2018-03-21 08:33:05	PUMP_STOP_08:33:03
2018-03-21 08:33:05	PUMP_STOP_08:33:03
2018-03-21 08:33:04	PUMP_STOP_08:33:01
2018-03-21 08:33:04	PUMP_STOP_08:33:01
2018-03-21 08:33:03	PUMP_STOP_08:33:01
2018-03-21 08:33:03	PUMP_STOP_08:33:01
2018-03-21 08:33:03	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_08:33:00
2018-03-21 08:33:02	4_PUMP_0_FLOAT_0_08:33:00
2018-03-21 08:30:11	PUMP_START_08:30:08
2018-03-21 08:30:11	PUMP_START_08:30:08
2018-03-21 08:30:05	PUMP_START_08:30:02
2018-03-21 08:30:04	PUMP_START_08:30:02
2018-03-21 08:30:04	PUMP_START_08:30:01
2018-03-21 08:30:04	PUMP_START_08:30:01
2018-03-21 08:30:03	PUMP_START_08:30:01
2018-03-21 08:30:03	PUMP_START_08:30:01

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#25 Post by Oxyandy » 21 Mar 2018, 00:05

So somewhere, something was wrong...
as i said on github
It was not until I cold booted that it resolved, how a log of a single cycle should look
PUMP_STOP_ seems missing too, I will need to do more cycles & check SYSLOG too

Code: Select all

2018-03-21 09:47:48	FLOAT_0_09:47:44
2018-03-21 09:47:47	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_09:47:44
2018-03-21 09:47:47	FLOAT_0_09:47:44               <<- _0 = '0' state after float switch lowered
2018-03-21 09:47:46	FLOAT_SWITCH_0_09:47:44 <<- '0' state
2018-03-21 09:47:45	FLOAT_1_09:47:41
2018-03-21 09:47:45	FLOAT_1_09:47:41               <<- '1' state
2018-03-21 09:47:44	FLOAT_SWITCH_1_09:47:41
2018-03-21 09:47:44	FLOAT_SWITCH_1_09:47:41 <<- _1 = '1' state
2018-03-21 09:45:05	PUMP_START_09:45:02
2018-03-21 09:45:05	PUMP_START_09:45:02
2018-03-21 09:45:05	PUMP_START_09:45:02
2018-03-21 09:45:04	PUMP_START_09:45:02
2018-03-21 09:45:04	PUMP_START_09:45:01
2018-03-21 09:45:04	PUMP_START_09:45:01
2018-03-21 09:45:03	PUMP_START_09:45:01
2018-03-21 09:45:03	PUMP_START_09:45:01
2018-03-21 09:45:02	4_PUMP_ON_09:45:00
2018-03-21 09:45:02	4_PUMP_ON_09:45:00

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#26 Post by TD-er » 22 Mar 2018, 00:45

Just curious, did you ever cold-boot the ESP after flashing?
There's something fishy on the ESP state after flashing. For example the pin states may sometimes be incorrect and some features do not work properly like OTA.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#27 Post by Oxyandy » 22 Mar 2018, 01:49

Yes mate, flashed inside, then taken to be used outside..
I was told on github - "We know about some issues with inverted state of switch, just use as normal and will be fine."
Great nice to know, but I do not use 'inverted'
Ungggtitled.jpg (56.48 KiB) Viewed 26311 times
So I will clarify, I finally discovered that after some time (logs & lot's of CAREFUL observation)
some of my rules actually stop working..
(or maybe VERY slow responding - hmm will look again, very closely - further thought NAH, the entries are completely missing from the logs, not just late)
How I noticed the rules stopped working:
  • 1. The float switch across GPIO14 stopped showing in my logs. (completely missing from the logs, not just late)
  • 2. I manually started pump, manually raised float switch across GPIO14, (closed to open contacts) - nothing - pump kept on going..
So I removed cables going to switch from the circuit board..
manually started pump & 'then' bridged GPIO14's header pin to ground with a jumper cable between the 2 header pins..
omg, pump just kept on running...
Removed jumper cable between the header pins GND & GPIO14
Powered Sonoff down, 'cold botted' & tried again - then it responded properly
Last edited by Oxyandy on 22 Mar 2018, 06:57, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#28 Post by Oxyandy » 22 Mar 2018, 02:38

And in hindsight, I should have noticed sooner because quite simply the manual button becomes painful to use to turn relay on..
Do you have a sonoff basic @TD-er

Code: Select all

 on button#switch do
  if [button#switch]=1
The rule for the manual button above. This stops responding too !
So to replicate you should only need to work with the button..
Make a Sonoff's button respond properly & you might have solved the problem

I will do the rest of the testing for you...

The on Clock#Time= seems to work very well - logs show this..
I hope this helps you pin down the cause..
I can upload whole 1meg back-ups of existing firmware if helps, just ask

EDIT: maybe you need my rules running too ?
I should try replicate with basics, that way I know you can replicate it too, I do not want you to waste your time.
Last edited by Oxyandy on 22 Mar 2018, 03:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#29 Post by Oxyandy » 22 Mar 2018, 02:46

TD-er wrote: 22 Mar 2018, 00:45 Just curious, did you ever cold-boot the ESP after flashing?
There's something fishy on the ESP state after flashing. For example the pin states may sometimes be incorrect and some features do not work properly like OTA.
And everything seems OK for a while after Cold-Booting, then problems start..
and this happens on every board I flash, I have many - it is not isolated to a single unit
and every firmware release since I started playing with Sonoffs, not that long really

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#30 Post by Oxyandy » 22 Mar 2018, 08:21

Pathetic.jpg (55.68 KiB) Viewed 26294 times
Current firmware I am trying, it is so bad all I need to do is:
Cold Boot
Check devices page, GPIO14,0 -good
Manually move switch up to 'open circuit switch' and hold.
load devices page, GPIO14,1 -good
Allow switch to return to resting position GPIO14,0
Try reload devices page to check if GPIO14 is 0
No response from web server for a while
When it finally loads GPIO14,1 on devices page =fail
It's stuck...

Using ESP_Easy_mega-20180322_normal_ESP8266_1024.bin

Then it stays '1' in the device page
Then rules like this are ignored, the firmware will not respond to a change, even if I stand there slowly moving the switch up/down - on/off

Code: Select all

on FULL_Tray_4#Switch do //my float switch
if [PUMP_Tray_4#Switch]=1 //my pump (relay)

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#31 Post by TD-er » 22 Mar 2018, 20:16

Last week I was looking into the effects of WiFi reconnects on the overall responsiveness of the device and changed the way how WiFi is working.
until 20180316 it was using the 'old' wifi implementation.
Since then, it is using the new WiFi implementation I made. However some rather nasty issues are reported by others. Issues I cannot all reproduce yet.

So I'm also very busy pinpointing those issues.
Things might be related to what you see, but not sure yet.
I really have no clue why your rules stop working.
In the later builds a download button has been added for the rules, since there was also an issue with the formatting of the rules, which cannot be seen from the web interface. (e.g. mixing Linux/Windows line endings, spaces, tabs, etc.)

You could download the rules in binary format and open that in Notepad++ and activate "show all characters".

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#32 Post by Oxyandy » 23 Mar 2018, 06:55

So a rule.txt file
Could be a different encoding UTF-8 or ANSI or something else
New lines could be CRLF or just LF
HEX 0D0A vs 0A
Great, are you saying that something in the code can not ignore illegal characters or convert EOL characters as a rules.txt is uploaded ?
Brings the question which format can the rules engine handle ?

At present I am re-formatting all EOLs to just LF on all rules*.txt files and then uploading them.
But should they be ANSI ? Hmmm

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#33 Post by Oxyandy » 23 Mar 2018, 10:32

Using ESP_Easy_mega-20180322_normal_ESP8266_1024.bin on a Sonoff Basic

Rules.txt files are formatted EOL (Unix) LF & are UTF-8 without BOM..
Even & especially the last line of text in each rule.txt even has a LF
there are no spaces at the end of lines, but there are some spaces at beginning of lines to make the formatting 'pretty' - no TABs used & no comments

Code: Select all

on rules#engine=working do
  if [really#working]=1
   Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"PARTY_TIME"}
   Publish domoticz/in,{"idx":26,"nvalue":0,"svalue":PARTY_STOP"}
Ok so I have done that.
They were uploaded and the unit was tested
Cold boot with switch connected:
GPIO14,0 - good
Cold boot with switch disconnected:
GPIO14,1 - good
system#boot notify 1 trigger ? - it has stopped triggering
On previous very recent versions, this worked fine, tried 5 times, not once did it send an email....

Opened Notify 1, clicked test it went straight through..
I also use Onclock with notify 1, tested that, still works..

I have still seen my GPIO14 get stuck on '1' since I have uploaded new rules.txt with LF
I am not stopping - next 'change' is a bit radical, I will do lots of edits to the switch names, case (all lowercase), spaces, formatting, remove underscores, turn off SYSLOG & ANSI encoding all at once, and try yet again..
Tell me what to do, what to upload, what to log, what to change & I will do it..
Last edited by Oxyandy on 23 Mar 2018, 12:28, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#34 Post by Oxyandy » 23 Mar 2018, 11:18

Nope, all that and no obvious benefit.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#35 Post by TD-er » 23 Mar 2018, 11:29

There is also an issue to report to the user when things are set which may cause issues (e.g. name duplication, use of spaces, etc)
And the rules parser still has to be made more resilient to parse errors. (e.g. allow spaces/tabs at end of line, allow CRLF and just CR)

The thing is, there are way more issues than active developers and the error reporting/remote debugging takes a lot of time, which is really sparse.

Take me for example:
- 40h/week job
- 10 - 15h/week commute
- Daughter of 4.
- Lots of issues regarding the house, which alone would take hours to explain.

And on top of that there has to be some time to sleep, pay attention to GF and program ESPeasy.
So please have some patience with me, since there are only 168 hours a week and this week even an hour less. ;)

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#36 Post by Oxyandy » 23 Mar 2018, 12:55

In my last post I wrote:
"Nope, all that and no obvious benefit."
I will admit I was impatient when I wrote that, in Melbourne, Australia here it was getting dark, I am working on things outdoors...
Maybe, just maybe, things have improved from my 'all at once changes'.. Are thing working better ???
Time will tell & some careful observation, if so - I will back track changes & see if I can pin the cause
I really need time to observe properly & do some logging of data.. Cause well, thing have changed.

on boot notify has failed, this is likely caused by some of the changes you made to WiFi, something for you to test ???

I am not impatient with you TD-er, but I am extremely frustrated now with the tech, because these failures are harming my prize strawberry plants
I DO love the potential this firmware has :roll:
I am trying SO hard to nail it.. like my last post said I changed a lot - the exact 'same rules', only converted to lowercase, removed underscores (see previous post) etc
I want a fool proof easy way for you to replicate & confirm easily what I am seeing.. so you can see & see it guaranteed = no wasted time !
I have coding experience so I know 'nailing it' will help heaps..

YES you must not ignore your family !
They should be #1
You have my utmost respect for even answering me
Most of my posts go unanswered, haha
see here
I will have a coffee, chill a bit, then wander outside to observe things patiently & closely
Initial observation is GPIO14 is NOT stuck '1' :o - so I reset my logs & everything is running on auto

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#37 Post by Oxyandy » 23 Mar 2018, 21:36

Wow, all night & my switch never got stuck as '1'
So I have not 'nailed it', but I have most definitely 'narrowed it' down
I have just woke it is 7.26AM and although sun is not up, is light enough to see out there
The uptime is not looking good
chart.png (82.2 KiB) Viewed 26443 times
Maybe the resets are what keeps it from breaking :lol: the first part of this graph would have been before, then initial testing of most recent changes I made
Not much more to say right now, I will again back track, first thing will be to back-up everything 'as is'
Then I think I will add the underscores back to see if there is any change

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#38 Post by Oxyandy » 23 Mar 2018, 22:42

I swear I have done nothing except load the device page & walk outside to view the reservoir level !
The reservoir was topped up last night & it's level is better than any logs, (quick summary of real operation)
if level has dropped dramatically then pump has not turned off when it should.. System has then overflowed over the sides...
The new chart... and 3 emails from OnClock to tell me when pump went to start GPIO14, my float switch was stuck '1'...... again
Maybe I was right about those resets keeping everything working: - the new chart below
chart (3).jpg
chart (3).jpg (68.95 KiB) Viewed 26440 times
Ok, I already know with OnBoot the email does not get through...
See my "1" in the chart, it looks like WiFi took a little bit to reconnect, maybe the same thing has now happened then but that email never made it..
Then it seems to have reset and fixed itself.
This time as chart shows, uptime is growing.. while fault exists
I now have 4 emails
7.45AM 8.00AM 8.15AM 8.30AM
So loading the devices page upset it's operation that much ? wow - initial observation only
So to be clear since my last post GPIO14 is again stuck '1'
Last edited by Oxyandy on 23 Mar 2018, 23:03, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#39 Post by Oxyandy » 23 Mar 2018, 22:51

Just when I thought I was making 'real progress'
<head bowed & hands covering face>
What to do next ?

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#40 Post by grovkillen » 23 Mar 2018, 23:17

I have a feeling that setting a relay to a device/task (switch plugin) is not working properly on later releases. I have now changed a rule to also have a TaskValueSet to make sure the gpio state is updated on the device list. If I go to pin state buffer I could see that actually the pin is correct but the device value showed wrong.
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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#41 Post by Oxyandy » 23 Mar 2018, 23:47

I have not seen any issue with my relay on GPIO12, it has always turned on when it has meant to & always shown the correct state in the device page.
It is only my switch on GPIO14 that has been a problem..

The OnClock rules seem to work really well.
I have not been able to open an issue 'to cover everything I see going wrong' on GitHub because I am still not sure how to make it easily replicable for developers..
I guess I could break the issues into 'blocks', see if those issues can be improved upon and the impact it has on other issues rather than try and show everything I see all at once = information overload..
I am growing weary of trying to have a workable module

I am open to any suggestion & can supply any data that anyone might consider helpful to a resolution.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#42 Post by Oxyandy » 24 Mar 2018, 00:26

Somewhere recently I Cold Booted - I looked down and the reservoir level was low, great another overflow.....
And so... I was just out there, an onClock event started - obviously ignoring my rule to not pump if GPIO14 was '1'
well actually, I had to pull the power cord to stop more water loss, was it a lag in response to change in GPIO14's state ????? or whatever..
Now I have pulled the power I can not easily even tell...
Enough grief, it's costing me too much time and making ME look like a complete idiot in front of my wife..
Time for other alternatives

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#43 Post by TD-er » 24 Mar 2018, 01:47

I've been working all afternoon (well until now, almost 2 am) on these WiFi issues.
See PR:
The thing is, the reconnect of WiFi may take a lot of resources from the ESP unit, which has all kinds of side-effects.
For this approach the WiFi will be managed completely event based and no longer polling.

Still, the possible issue @Grovkillen mentioned with the recorded state of pins is not being dealt with yet.

And there is also another PR ready to improve the handling speed of commands (you also execute commands from rules)

So we're working on getting the thing as stable as soon as possible, although it is still a few months waiting for us literally on the other side of the planet, before we can expect some strawberries in our garden.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#44 Post by Oxyandy » 24 Mar 2018, 02:51

Again, please do not misunderstand me, I know you are not paid...
If you want to point me in the direction of something, anything to replace the existing firmware then supply feedback, by all means do so..
Something to test for you ? Ok too...
email me if that helps - oxyandy at google's service ;)

Happy to help where I can, but as my most recent posts reflect, just when I thought I was getting somewhere BAM something happens which devastates me..
It is completely true that I have my wife looking over my shoulder & completely true that she 100% lays blame on me for stupidity, she is not good with technical things & can only see I am getting nowhere...
I sometimes feel excited that I am getting somewhere & share that with her, only to fall flat on my face..
I installed an access point (outdoor hacked up old ADSL router) and log WiFi strength it has been great...
Remember I said that firing a rule - the logs get too busy ?
I still stand by that, what the logs show now looks like a resource pig..
I think they should be

Code: Select all

12:00:00 OnClock timer start 
12:00:00 Pump On
12:02:54 Float Switch '1'
12:02:54 Pump Off
12:02:56 Float Switch '0'
12:05:00 OnClock timer stop
But instead is normally

Code: Select all

2x OnClock timer start
8x Pump On
8x (msgs) about Float Switch
8x Pump Off
2x OnClock timer stop
All sent via WiFi cause I added 'publish' in middle of rules, but it was the same when I was using SYSLOG, the new style just easier to examine at a glance..
But yeah I know, you have other tasks to do...
Not trying to push you TD-er ... That would just be rude..
Is simply like a diary of my 'real experience' & frustrations over my experience & observations.

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#45 Post by Methuselah » 24 Mar 2018, 09:59

Oxyandy wrote: 24 Mar 2018, 02:51 just when I thought I was getting somewhere BAM something happens which devastates me..
It’s been apparent to me (and many other readers) for a long time that ESPEasy is not the product for you. It simply isn’t going to have the level of stability, and support, you need for your application.
N00b to the world of ESPEasy, but I've been programming since the days of punch cards and paper tape :)

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#46 Post by grovkillen » 24 Mar 2018, 11:09

Methuselah wrote: 24 Mar 2018, 09:59
Oxyandy wrote: 24 Mar 2018, 02:51 just when I thought I was getting somewhere BAM something happens which devastates me..
It’s been apparent to me (and many other readers) for a long time that ESPEasy is not the product for you. It simply isn’t going to have the level of stability, and support, you need for your application.
We're trying our best to make sure that the FW is top notch but major rewrite of code is done and with that bugs will be showing up. Maybe you'll have to wait and come back here at a later stage.
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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#47 Post by Oxyandy » 24 Mar 2018, 21:48

Methuselah wrote: 24 Mar 2018, 09:59
Oxyandy wrote: 24 Mar 2018, 02:51 just when I thought I was getting somewhere BAM something happens which devastates me..
It’s been apparent to me (and many other readers) for a long time that ESPEasy is not the product for you. It simply isn’t going to have the level of stability, and support, you need for your application.
Quite the opposite, this is not a dead project.. No other firmware comes close to meeting my needs !
I am keeping an eye on the development and it is making awesome progress !
My goal was to be able to spell out my experiences and make careful enough observations - to pin down the points of failure in an easy repeatable way,
making developers lives as easy as possible to then initiate positive change, but that is were I have been getting stuck.
TD-er has taken note, provided feedback and offered a solution, for this I am grateful, it's just testing in a 'real life' situation was harmful to my plants, so as I said.. yesterday I made an alternative way to keep my plants happy, so that will save me a lot of time looking after them, so I can focus better on modules

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#48 Post by Oxyandy » 24 Mar 2018, 22:11

grovkillen yes, I have been reading, it is clear the development is constant..
You are forever posting on the Git Hub side and replying here on this forum..
You are a huge asset to the team, I have been looking over TD-er's recent WiFi changes
Updated the code direct from TD-er, compiled while everyone on your side of the globe was sleeping..
First thing I noticed was I can click through pages on the web-config and they are 'just there'
even from one page I tried to open links in new tabs, when I went to those tabs everything was open,
previously I would be seeing blank pages..
For me is quite noticeable, well done TD-er
Weather was awful but I managed to setup a back-up system to take care of my strawberry plants,
I set up another system so I can use it test modules in a real life task, but as it has no plants or nutrient solution, so no grief.. is only water

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#49 Post by Oxyandy » 24 Mar 2018, 23:25

TD-er wrote: 24 Mar 2018, 01:47 And there is also another PR ready to improve the handling speed of commands (you also execute commands from rules)
I think with my recent experience, I'd be an ideal candidate to test & log anything as a result of any changes..
Point me in the direction, thanks

I did not get much time yesterday as weather was terrible, but managed to get a firmware compiled & flashed
Tried notify 1 OnBoot & it fails..
I will in fairness flash the BIN image you uploaded to drop box, I guess - dev_ESP8266_1024
and begin a routine of tests, beginning with boot tests - then put it into a working situation & log data

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Re: ESPeasy Mega running on Sonoff Basic - Bad Behaviour

#50 Post by grovkillen » 24 Mar 2018, 23:31

Oxyandy wrote: 24 Mar 2018, 23:25 ...
Tried notify 1 OnBoot & it fails..
At system boot you may not have connection to the wifi. Please use WiFi#Connected instead.
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