MySensors goes ESP!!

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MySensors goes ESP!!

#1 Post by hek » 04 Dec 2015, 19:57

[topic moderated by Martinus, moved from another topic where ESP Easy was introduced]
[Mysensors in combination with ESP deserves it's own topic]

Actually you don't need any gateway when when deploying a MySensors node on a ESP module.

You can attach sensors directly to the ESP module and have it communicate with the MySensors protocol (supported by 18+ controllers) wirelessly or use it as a MQTT client for more exotic things like NodeRed/Mosquitto.

Here is the ESP Sensor/Gateway: ... SP8266.ino

See the other examples for more help on getting started (or visit ... s/examples

The MySensors open source project has "standardised" 37+ sensors types, which works with most controllers.

Happy hacking!

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MySensors goes ESP!!

#2 Post by tim » 05 Dec 2015, 11:56

hek wrote:Actually you don't need any gateway when when deploying a MySensors node on a ESP module.
So now we can use the mysensors code on the ESP module? That would be really nice! I have used mysensors for a short while, but I was not really happy with the range of the modules. So I moved over to the ESP module that solved my range issues.

I followed the links, but it's not clear how to get it done. Which sketch should i upload to my ESP module? I have a Dallas DS18B20 sensor connected to GPIO-12 on a NodeMCU board and i'm using Domoticz as controller. How to get the sensor data into Domoticz?

I tried the sketch in the first link but all I get is this:

Code: Select all

0‚~?–4û!ƒ{ƒOAaû0;0;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGE-, 1.6.0-beta)
0;0;3;0;9;Radio init failed. Check wiring.
state: 0 -> 2 (b0)
state: 2 -> 3 (0)
state: 3 -> 5 (10)
add 0
aid 6
pm open phy_2,type:2 0 0

connected with TEST, channel 6
dhcp client start...

Previously I used the DallasTemperatureSensor sketch? But I think it will only work for NRF module. I've added the Mysensors with LAN interface in Domoticz and set the IP to the IP of the ESP. Don't know if this is good, but nothing happens anyway.

Can someone point me in the right direction? I must be missing something here. Tutorial would be nice!


MySensors goes ESP!!

#3 Post by Martinus » 05 Dec 2015, 17:14

hek wrote:Actually you don't need any gateway when when deploying a MySensors node on a ESP module.

You can attach sensors directly to the ESP module and have it communicate with the MySensors protocol (supported by 18+ controllers) wirelessly or use it as a MQTT client for more exotic things like NodeRed/Mosquitto.
So it seems that MySensors has gained support for the ESP8266 module! This is really great news! I started developing ESP Easy about 6 months ago, just because I could not find anything useful out there at that time. This opens up new possibilities.


MySensors goes ESP!!

#4 Post by Martinus » 05 Dec 2015, 17:25

ESP is gaining more and more attention. MySensors also has support for ESP. Biggest advantage is that a lot of controllers have dedicated LAN support for MySensors. And MySensors has a lot of sensor types supported.

My main challenge: Experience with MySensors is about next to zero... I have to figure out how this is supposed to work.

Just tried something out with a small demo sketch and it seems to work. Getting the temperature nicely in Domoticz. Did not even have to add the device or do something with idx values. Looks even more easy than ESP Easy...

Code: Select all

 * Demo sketch to send Dallas temperature using an ESP module with locally attached sensor to pin 12
 * No support, just a demo!
 * Make sure to fill in your ssid and WiFi password below for ssid & pass.
 * And change the IP configuration.
 * Demo sketch was tested with Domoticz MySensor LAN gateway.
 * Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
 * Full contributor list:
 * Documentation:
 * Support Forum:
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <OneWire.h>

// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
#define MY_DEBUG 

// Use a bit lower baudrate for serial prints on ESP8266 than default in MyConfig.h
#define MY_BAUD_RATE 9600

// Gateway mode always enabled for ESP8266. But we add this anyway ;)
#define MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266
#define MY_ESP8266_SSID "demo"
#define MY_ESP8266_PASSWORD "secret"

// Enable MY_IP_ADDRESS here if you want a static ip address (no DHCP)
#define MY_IP_ADDRESS 192,168,0,9
#define MY_IP_GATEWAY_ADDRESS 192,168,0,1
#define MY_IP_SUBNET_ADDRESS 255,255,255,0

// The port to keep open on node server mode 
#define MY_PORT 5003      

// How many clients should be able to connect to this gateway (default 1)

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <MySensor.h>

// Dallas stuff
#define COMPARE_TEMP 1 // Send temperature only if changed? 1 = Yes 0 = No
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 12 // Pin where dallase sensor is connected 
#define MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20 16
unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 30000; // Sleep time between reads (in milliseconds)
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); // Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); // Pass the oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature. 
float lastTemperature[MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20];
int numSensors=0;
boolean receivedConfig = false;
boolean metric = true; 
// Initialize temperature message
MyMessage msg(0,V_TEMP);

void setup()  
  Serial.println("debug setup");
  // Startup up the OneWire library
  // requestTemperatures() will not block current thread

void presentation() {

  // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
  sendSketchInfo("Temperature Sensor", "1.1");

  // Fetch the number of attached temperature sensors  
  numSensors = sensors.getDeviceCount();
  Serial.print("sensors: ");

  // Present all sensors to controller
  for (int i=0; i<numSensors && i<MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20; i++) {   
     present(i, S_TEMP);

void loop()     
  // Fetch temperatures from Dallas sensors

  // query conversion time and sleep until conversion completed
  int16_t conversionTime = sensors.millisToWaitForConversion(sensors.getResolution());
  // sleep() call can be replaced by wait() call if node need to process incoming messages (or if node is repeater)

  // Read temperatures and send them to controller 
  for (int i=0; i<numSensors && i<MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20; i++) {
    // Fetch and round temperature to one decimal
    float temperature = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>((getConfig().isMetric?sensors.getTempCByIndex(i):sensors.getTempFByIndex(i)) * 10.)) / 10.;

    Serial.print("Reading sensor: ");
    Serial.print(" with value: ");
    // Only send data if temperature has changed and no error
    #if COMPARE_TEMP == 1
    if (lastTemperature[i] != temperature && temperature != -127.00 && temperature != 85.00) {
    if (temperature != -127.00 && temperature != 85.00) {
      // Send in the new temperature
      // Save new temperatures for next compare
But hardcoded SSID, WPA keys and IP configs are a set back from what I've become used to. But ok, this was probably just a demo sketch on Have to check the library documentation if there's a webgui to make configuration easier and stored into spiffs or something.

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MySensors goes ESP!!

#5 Post by rmtucker » 05 Dec 2015, 17:40

Unless something has changed which i have not noticed?
The ESP8266 Gateway with an nrf radio attached allows you to pass data from other nrf Mysensor node or from any directly attached sensor.
But importantly it does not cater for ESP to ESP Gateway connections.This can still only be done with Virtual sensors in Domoticz etc.
This would be a great leap forward as i have mentioned in other posts if someone could convert the mysensors node code to run on the ESP.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#6 Post by kr0815 » 05 Dec 2015, 17:54

Hello Martinus,

as i played around a lot with mysensors, let me say something:
In my opinion, mysensors is a different concept then espeasy
espeasy uses your wireless network, to send / receive data
mysensors builds a own network (also 2.4GHz, but has nothing to do with wifi)

The advantage of espeasy is the simple configuration by web interface and no need for a gateway
The advantage of mysensors is the small amount of data send, the low power consumption and the ability to use repeaters

Originally, mysensors used a either serial or ethernet gateway, now somebody build one using a esp, to connect it wireless to the home network.

I have no idea how these to projects could be combined ?


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#7 Post by Martinus » 06 Dec 2015, 10:39

rmtucker wrote:Unless something has changed which i have not noticed?
The ESP8266 Gateway with an nrf radio attached allows you to pass data from other nrf Mysensor node or from any directly attached sensor.
But importantly it does not cater for ESP to ESP Gateway connections.This can still only be done with Virtual sensors in Domoticz etc.
This would be a great leap forward as i have mentioned in other posts if someone could convert the mysensors node code to run on the ESP.
Well I just had a quick view on some of the MySensor core files and it looks like there are some new features just for the ESP8266 module:

- It can use UDP as a transport mechanism
- It can have multiple clients connected

But this is "GatewayTransport" stuff so maybe this has to do with multiple gateways or controllers ??

I also see "Transportxxxxxx" files, one for each radio type. Can image that they will create a new one for Wifi Radio if needed.
I think the whole concept is just sending short messages around, can't see why the ESP could not join the same transport mechanism.

My thinking: If it's not already possible, it probably will be in the (near?) future.

Do they have a development roadmap somewhere?

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#8 Post by rtenklooster » 06 Dec 2015, 10:49

Nice, i have used a couple of my sensor slaves a while ago. Pretty straight forward implementation. If i remember correctly i had it setup with mqtt.
So a combination of the perfectly working web based controllable ESPEasy code + the use of all supported controllers from my sensors would be nice :)
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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#9 Post by kr0815 » 06 Dec 2015, 12:38

But a lot of these "supported" Controllers have a special Software to be able to communicate with mysensors

But i guess most if not all of These Controllers could also be reached by http-requests ?
So maybe it´s easier to have general http suppourt in easy-esp ?


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#10 Post by Martinus » 06 Dec 2015, 13:44

kr0815 wrote:But a lot of these "supported" Controllers have a special Software to be able to communicate with mysensors
And I think to know the reason for that: Lack of true open source Home Automation standards that any developer could have adopted...
kr0815 wrote:But i guess most if not all of These Controllers could also be reached by http-requests ?
You may be right. But our main development platform Domoticz is limited on this. This is a message quoted from the Domoticz developer:
rmtucker wrote:Email from Gizmocuz

"Okay, but you use a dummy hardware device to push the data
this is indeed not working

i think you can use with the ESP2866 correct?
then you can add it as native hardware (mysensors) and then all should work

problem with virtual updates, it is not going though the normal event system in domoticz "

My Question Will notifications ever work on dummy devices.?

"Nope, because else i have to make 1000 checks with sensor is updated, construct that sensor structure, and send it away to the normal even system "
He sort of advices to move over to MySensors...
kr0815 wrote:So maybe it´s easier to have general http suppourt in easy-esp ?
Maybe, but than we have to all agree on the specification of "general http".
And I think that the majority would be in favor of MQTT since that suits better for message distribution than HTTP.
But even MQTT does not specify any Home Automation message standard. Everyone invents their own topic structure and some send plain values as message and some use JSON as message.

If only we could start to agree on something :cry:

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#11 Post by hek » 06 Dec 2015, 14:41

Hi guys,

The MySensors "roadmap" is only a woking document at the moment. We're slowly moving this to github. ... Q-H3Q/edit#
Feel free to add comment and ideas for the future.

The MySensors MQTT topic layout resembles the serial protocol described here (but with slashes instead of semicolon):

The nice thing with MySensors (I'm biassed of course) is that you can mix battery powered sensors (using NRF24L01+ or RF69) with your more power hungry ESP8266 nodes (where one of the ESPs act as gateway to your low powered sensors "mesh").

To answer some of the questions above.. Yes you can have multiple controllers connecting (udp/tcp) to one ESP node. Or let the node act as client connecting to the controller (currently not supported by any controllers to my knowledge) at startup.
But of course the easiest thing would probably to share data between multiple controllers using mosquitto...

And yes, the controller must have some knowledge about MySensors device-types to present the sensor/actuators with the correct widget/gui component. That is what we mean by "supported". The depth of support can of course differer between the implementations.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#12 Post by lunarok » 06 Dec 2015, 20:37

Hi henk, nice to see you here too (if you're here, it means ESPeasy is already famous like mysensors)

So it means mySensors network will be including a lot of gateway for each ESP there is one ? Speaking of Jeedom, the plugin is not ready for multi-gateway (I want to add the possibility for a second one to get a network RFM + NRF, but was not thinking of 20 or more :D)

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#13 Post by lunarok » 07 Dec 2015, 09:58

Just an idea to get the best of the 2 worlds.
Is it possible in ESPeasy to have the mySensors communication like MQTT and HTTP ?
This will be a dream, get the nice interface of ESPeasy, easy configuration (and reconfiguration) plugged inside the mySensors world.
With this you can get a better integration from Domoticz for what I read.
And as the mySensors protocole is well defined, it's easy also to create predefined sensors (sensor type and value type make it possible when you plug a relais sensors to add the command ON/OFF for exemple)

@henk : maybe from mySensors part will be nice to hear, have some project integrating the mySensors protocol for ESPeasy directly


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#14 Post by Martinus » 08 Dec 2015, 17:29

lunarok wrote:Just an idea to get the best of the 2 worlds.
Is it possible in ESPeasy to have the mySensors communication like MQTT and HTTP ?
Yesterday I started a quick and dirty "proof of concept" on supporting the MySensors protocol using ESP Easy with just the Dallas sensor, using the MySensors LAN Gateway in Domoticz. It's working, sensor is automatically created and data is send. And still running after 24 hours.

It also works with two ESP Easy units, but I had to create a second LAN gateway in Domoticz. And then I think we hit new issues with this strategy. Probably not all controllers support multiple LAN gateways. Then we would only have a possible solution for Domoticz virtual device issues.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#15 Post by rmtucker » 08 Dec 2015, 18:05

Wow That sounds very promising.
Are you saying you have connected an ESP to A Mysensors Arduino ethernet gateway?

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#16 Post by Deennoo » 08 Dec 2015, 21:05

rmtucker wrote:Wow That sounds very promising.
Are you saying you have connected an ESP to A Mysensors Arduino ethernet gateway?
Esp8266 use 2.4ghz, mysensors too, i think they just made an esp sketch who spoke mysensors and not wifi...

I'm true ? Where can get some source to try ?


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#17 Post by Martinus » 08 Dec 2015, 21:22

rmtucker wrote:Wow That sounds very promising.
Are you saying you have connected an ESP to A Mysensors Arduino ethernet gateway?
No that's not the case. The idea is to add a controller plugin to ESP Easy that speaks the Mysensors Protocol. So the ESP Easy communicates directly with the Home Automation controller through their implementation of the MySensors software interface.

So we're not using any MySensors hardware or software. We only use the protocol definitions and emulate a MySensors gateway.
It's still a plain Wifi connection.


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#18 Post by Martinus » 08 Dec 2015, 21:27

Another case study was to wrap the ESP Easy code around the original MySensors library. Also tested with Dallas and that also works, but it seems to be a real RAM hog :( :(
So this route will probably not work if we would implement the whole solution. Could have been nice though.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#19 Post by Backbone » 08 Dec 2015, 22:22

Keep rethinking Martinus :-)

Is this the 512 Mb ram problem you are refering at for not able any more using simple 512 Mb ESP 8266-01 versions?


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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#20 Post by lunarok » 08 Dec 2015, 23:43

Un mysensors 1.6, multiple gateways become a common case as it's the strategy taken to integrate esp sensors.
So if espeasy can'speak' mysensors, thats Nice.
Me I know in jeedom i have to do a big rewrite to intégrante multiple gateways but i will do it for mysensors 1.6 whatever


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#21 Post by Martinus » 09 Dec 2015, 15:37

kr0815 wrote:The advantage of espeasy is the simple configuration by web interface and no need for a gateway
So if we could add this simple web based configuration option to MySensors running on an ESP module, we could migrate to MySensors without loosing this advantage? Best of both worlds, correct?
lunarok wrote:Un mysensors 1.6, multiple gateways become a common case as it's the strategy taken to integrate esp sensors.
It this is true, it could be worth the try to fully migrate ESP Easy to MySensors. Yesterday I started working on a new project with the working title "ESP Easy MySensors". Clearing out all obsolete code (since the MySensors library already takes care of communication) saved quite a bit of RAM usage and this could make the project feasible again.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#22 Post by DMeekelenkamp » 09 Dec 2015, 17:18

That would be great simplicity of espeasy and the fuctions of mysensors. Would be nice if we could use some scripts from mysensors.. for instance the relay+switch and rotary encoder dimmer scripts


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#23 Post by Martinus » 09 Dec 2015, 17:38

Experimental: ESP Easy MySensors edition

First test results with the new "project" look promising:


Would be nice if we could avoid the hardcoded SSID, WPA, etc...
These are still in the webgui, but are disabled in the code to avoid possible conflicts with the library.

For those who would like to join this experimental hacking journey, code can be found on github as of now:

Remember, your ESP will still look like an ESP Easy but it will now behave as a MySensor gateway with local sensors. So choose the "MySensor LAN gateway" in Domoticz.. Within the ESP webgui, you can't nor need to select a controller anymore.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#24 Post by NietGiftig » 09 Dec 2015, 20:13


Need to investigate MySensors.
My 60+ brain is not so fast to adapt as Martinus.
But we will arrive

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#25 Post by BertB » 09 Dec 2015, 20:15

Hi. I started compiling but first got the message that it missed MySensor.h.
After that the compiler asked for SPI.h. Simply putting it in the Library folder did not help, so I included SPI.h in ESPEasyMySensors.ino.

Where did you get your SPI.h?

Now the compilers says:

In file included from ESPEasyMySensors.ino:126:0:
C:\Users\Bert\Documents\Arduino 1.6.4\libraries\SPI/SPI.h:1474:8: error: 'SPIClass' does not name a type
extern SPIClass SPI;
_P001_Switch.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_001(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P001_Switch:120: error: 'present' was not declared in this scope
_P001_Switch:171: error: 'send' was not declared in this scope
_P004_Dallas.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_004(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P004_Dallas:110: error: 'present' was not declared in this scope
_P004_Dallas:134: error: 'send' was not declared in this scope
_P005_DHT.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_005(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P005_DHT:85: error: 'present' was not declared in this scope
_P005_DHT:159: error: 'send' was not declared in this scope
_P010_BH1750.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_010(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P010_BH1750:48: error: 'present' was not declared in this scope
Multiple libraries were found for "SPI.h"

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#26 Post by Backbone » 09 Dec 2015, 21:37

ESP MY EASY SENSORS...............ESP MES........... :-)
Will try to morrow too.


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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#27 Post by doxikus » 09 Dec 2015, 21:48

Martinus wrote:
rmtucker wrote:Wow That sounds very promising.
Are you saying you have connected an ESP to A Mysensors Arduino ethernet gateway?
No that's not the case. The idea is to add a controller plugin to ESP Easy that speaks the Mysensors Protocol. So the ESP Easy communicates directly with the Home Automation controller through their implementation of the MySensors software interface.

So we're not using any MySensors hardware or software. We only use the protocol definitions and emulate a MySensors gateway.
It's still a plain Wifi connection.
Hi I following this topic from start, correct me if I'm wrong, you are saying that espeasy will be same as mysensor arduino node with nrf24l01 attached with some sensor for example DHT!?

Setup will look like this, in my case domoticz - > mysensor gateway (arduino uno with ethernet shield) -> espeasy (with sensors attached on board).

Right now situation is domoticz -> espeasy (with sensors attached on board).

This is a little bit overkill but if we can achieve full integration with controller software than adding mysensor gateway is price that I'm ready to pay :-).

Also espeasy will keep current settings, web interface and configuration option!?

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#28 Post by kr0815 » 09 Dec 2015, 22:29

Sorry i have to ask, but, as me pre-poster, i don´t completely understand what is the sense in it?
I´m willing to help and support, i use mysensors for a Long time

At the Moment, my configuration is:
- many mysensor sensors around the house to collect temperature, humidity
- a mysensor-gateway to receive these messages and forward them to my FHEM-Server
- FHEM-Server with a special script / add-on to accept mysensor-gateways

so where in this set-up will the ESP be ? Replace the mysensors-gateway ? Or could i have many ESP´s each acting like a Gateway with attached sensors, forwarding the meassured values directly to the FHEM-Server ?
I know in FHEM, it was already a discussion if the script supports more then one Gateway - it does, but i don´t know if all Systems do that?

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#29 Post by Backbone » 09 Dec 2015, 22:52

As I understand correctly.
It is ESP EASY MY SENSORS experimental firmware as mentioned above pumped with the arduino IDE to an ESP8266 variant.
Sensors are detected in DMZ as hardware devices and are not virtual anymore.
Nothing more nothing less.
Only the ESP module and your connected sensors.
Nothing changes on the easy to use front end of the ESP EASY design.

Last edited by Backbone on 09 Dec 2015, 22:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#30 Post by vmfs1968 » 09 Dec 2015, 22:53

hello to me gives me this error

ESPEasyMySensors.ino:134:22: fatal error: MySensor.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Erro ao compilar.


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#31 Post by Martinus » 09 Dec 2015, 22:55

doxikus wrote:Hi I following this topic from start, correct me if I'm wrong, you are saying that espeasy will be same as mysensor arduino node with nrf24l01 attached with some sensor for example DHT!?
The ESP with the "ESP Easy MySensors" sketch will communicate directly with the controller. No need for a dedicated hardware based gateway as the ESP will act as integrated gateway and sensor. This is supported by MySensors, also on the basic "GatewayESP8266" sketch.

So this:

domoticz - > mysensor gateway (arduino uno with ethernet shield) -> espeasy (with sensors attached on board).

is not needed, only this:

domoticz < - > espeasy (with sensors attached on board).

Major difference with is the protocol and core library that we're using with this new project. For Domoticz we mainly used HTTP API and now we use the MySensors protocol. We also use the MySensors communication library instead of our own controller plugins from ESP Easy.


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#32 Post by Martinus » 09 Dec 2015, 23:03

kr0815 wrote:Sorry i have to ask, but, as me pre-poster, i don´t completely understand what is the sense in it?
Well, maybe we have to discover if it all makes sense at the end. ;)

But mainly: It could avoid me having to develop a lot of additional controller plugins and in some cases also the need to develop custom gateways for a lot of Home Automation projects. Still being the only major developer here, it will simply not work in a timely fashion and I would need to explore the internals of so many other projects.

So if we managed to make things easy on ESP and the MySensors team has managed to have broad support on a lot of controllers, why the heck should we not try to work together instead of trying to invent the same wheel or even compete.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#33 Post by vmfs1968 » 09 Dec 2015, 23:54

now gives this error
Can someone help?

ESPEasyMySensors.ino: In function 'void receive(const MyMessage&)':
ESPEasyMySensors:543: error: expected ')' before ';' token
expected ')' before ';' token

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#34 Post by kr0815 » 10 Dec 2015, 00:37

sorry all our dsicussions here go about HTTP-Interfaces and such things :-)
But mainly: It could avoid me having to develop a lot of additional controller plugins and in some cases also the need to develop custom gateways for a lot of Home Automation projects
I wonder why you have to think you have to do that ? When mysensors was brought to public, it was a very interesting Project, because People could build own cheap sensors
Projects like FHEM have many members, but they said, wow, mysensors is something really cool, so we build an Interface for it
As i´m watching the whole things a lot, i have to say, what you did is something really new, you are thinking about the user (web-gui)

So, don´t think to much about copying an interface like mysensors
Mysensors was there, people liked the idea behind it, adapted it to the various Automation Systems

With easy-esp. i see the same potential, just go your own way, people will like it.
We are all thinking about soldering, IDE, everything no problem, but some here, totally nervous they will Flash your code on the esp, and will be totally happy never to have to touch it again

You have many plugins now, why not reduce them to http, mqtt, and maybe Telnet ? i think if you have These 2 or 3, people will find their way to adopt it to their needs and you are out of this time-consuming thing ?

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#35 Post by doxikus » 10 Dec 2015, 13:51

As for me I would be happy if we can keep current espeasy web interface and functionality plus support for mysensors :-).
I really appreciate current work and how much is done on this project, keeping in mind this is one man show :-). In feature I would like to see clear development path, some sort of roadmap. I have experience with few similar projects where idea goes in different way or they simply stop with development.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#36 Post by BertB » 10 Dec 2015, 14:17

Because I could not compile because of missing declarations, I checked some MySensors examples.
I saw some of them have:
include <MySensor.h>

Mysensor gw;


and in some statements like present and send, they had gw.present and gw.send

So I added that to the ESPEasyMySensors code. Now it compiles but I get this:

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,6)

wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42

I had to download R049 twice to overcome this.


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#37 Post by Martinus » 10 Dec 2015, 14:48

There was a compile bug in the first upload on github. This is fixed now.

I'm not 100% sure on how I did my Arduino setup for this experiment, but it should be something like this:

1) Download Arduino 1.6.5. zipfile and store everything in c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors
2) Make this a portable setup (this is what I always do to keep multiple versions without interfering other projects)
3) Get ESP8266 2.0.0. using the Boards Manager
4) Download the mysensors zipfile from github
5) Copy the mysensors folder to the portable setup, into c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors\Libraries
5) Copy the LiquidCrystal_I2C library to the portable setup, into c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors\Libraries

Run arduino, open sketch, upload.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#38 Post by Backbone » 10 Dec 2015, 15:58


Same route
With latest version still compile errors.

C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Local\Temp\build3395558870323920262.tmp/core.a(core_esp8266_main.cpp.o):(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `g_cont'
ESPEasyMySensors.cpp.o:C:\Arduino 1.6.5\Arduino/Misc.ino:170: first defined here
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Local\Temp\build3395558870323920262.tmp/core.a(core_esp8266_main.cpp.o): In function `esp_yield':
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1084-ga39ce29\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp:76: multiple definition of `esp_yield'
ESPEasyMySensors.cpp.o:C:\Users\Paco\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors/core/MyMainESP8266.cpp:52: first defined here
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Local\Temp\build3395558870323920262.tmp/core.a(core_esp8266_main.cpp.o): In function `esp_schedule':
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1084-ga39ce29\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp:83: multiple definition of `esp_schedule'
ESPEasyMySensors.cpp.o:C:\Users\Paco\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors/core/MyMainESP8266.cpp:59: first defined here
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Local\Temp\build3395558870323920262.tmp/core.a(core_esp8266_main.cpp.o): In function `init_done()':
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1084-ga39ce29\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp:132: multiple definition of `init_done()'
ESPEasyMySensors.cpp.o:C:\Users\Paco\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors/core/MyMainESP8266.cpp:109: first defined here
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Local\Temp\build3395558870323920262.tmp/core.a(core_esp8266_main.cpp.o): In function `__yield':
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1084-ga39ce29\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp:87: multiple definition of `__yield'
ESPEasyMySensors.cpp.o:C:\Users\Paco\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors/core/MyMainESP8266.cpp:63: first defined here
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Local\Temp\build3395558870323920262.tmp/core.a(core_esp8266_main.cpp.o): In function `optimistic_yield':
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1084-ga39ce29\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp:98: multiple definition of `optimistic_yield'
ESPEasyMySensors.cpp.o:C:\Users\Paco\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors/core/MyMainESP8266.cpp:74: first defined here
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Local\Temp\build3395558870323920262.tmp/core.a(core_esp8266_main.cpp.o):(.bss+0x1028): multiple definition of `resetInfo'
ESPEasyMySensors.cpp.o:C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1084-ga39ce29\cores\esp8266/WString.h:153: first defined here
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Local\Temp\build3395558870323920262.tmp/core.a(core_esp8266_main.cpp.o): In function `user_init':
C:\Users\Paco\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1084-ga39ce29\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp:139: multiple definition of `user_init'
ESPEasyMySensors.cpp.o:C:\Users\Paco\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors/core/MyMainESP8266.cpp:116: first defined here
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Fout bij compileren.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#39 Post by BertB » 10 Dec 2015, 16:43

I think I have pretty much the same environment as you.
When I compile what I call R002 of ESPEasyMySensors as is, I get:

Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows Vista), Board: "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Serial, 115200, 4M (3M SPIFFS)"

In file included from C:\Users\Bert\Documents\Arduino 1.6.4\libraries\MySensors/utility/RF24.h:18:0,
from C:\Users\Bert\Documents\Arduino 1.6.4\libraries\MySensors/MyTransportNRF24.h:26,
from C:\Users\Bert\Documents\Arduino 1.6.4\libraries\MySensors/MySensor.h:28,
from ESPEasyMySensors.ino:135:
C:\Users\Bert\Documents\Arduino 1.6.4\libraries\MySensors/utility/RF24_config.h:51:19: fatal error: SPI.h: No such file or directory
#include <SPI.h>
compilation terminated.
Error compiling.

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.

After I included SPI.h here:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <Servo.h>

I get:
Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows Vista), Board: "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Serial, 115200, 4M (3M SPIFFS)"

_P001_Switch.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_001(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P001_Switch:120: error: 'present' was not declared in this scope
_P001_Switch:171: error: 'send' was not declared in this scope
_P004_Dallas.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_004(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P004_Dallas:110: error: 'present' was not declared in this scope
_P004_Dallas:134: error: 'send' was not declared in this scope
_P005_DHT.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_005(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P005_DHT:85: error: 'present' was not declared in this scope
_P005_DHT:159: error: 'send' was not declared in this scope
_P010_BH1750.ino: In function 'boolean Plugin_010(byte, EventStruct*, String&)':
_P010_BH1750:48: error: 'present' was not declared in this scope
'present' was not declared in this scope

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.


Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#40 Post by Martinus » 10 Dec 2015, 19:09


It looks like this is not a portable setup. You're using Arduino 1.6.5. and it's also referring to Documents\Arduino 1.6.4\libraries .??
Where are these libraries copied from? And are there any other libraries in that folder than mysensors?

Are u using the latest mysensors sources from github? It seems I'm using 1.6.0 beta as this is shown in Domoticz.

I'm clueless about your system wanting to have spi.h. Mine does not seem to care and it's actually not needed. It's only used to connect to the NRF radio and we're not using that.

Maybe I can put my portable setup Arduino folder to dropbox and you could check if that works on your system. It should not have other dependencies outside this folder. It is a large zipfile though... (450MB)

Has anyone else succeeded to compile? Or am I just lucky for some unknow reason :ugeek:

You are probably right when you say it is not a portable setup. Sorry, don't know how to do that.
Don't mind the arduino 1.6.4 It is just an old folder.

ISo ... I am learning again ... hang on please.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#41 Post by vmfs1968 » 10 Dec 2015, 19:37

Martinus wrote:There was a compile bug in the first upload on github. This is fixed now.

I'm not 100% sure on how I did my Arduino setup for this experiment, but it should be something like this:

1) Download Arduino 1.6.5. zipfile and store everything in c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors
2) Make this a portable setup (this is what I always do to keep multiple versions without interfering other projects)
3) Get ESP8266 2.0.0. using the Boards Manager
4) Download the mysensors zipfile from github
5) Copy the mysensors folder to the portable setup, into c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors\Libraries
5) Copy the LiquidCrystal_I2C library to the portable setup, into c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors\Libraries

Run arduino, open sketch, upload.
I did everything as it says here and everything worked
longer works

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#42 Post by Backbone » 10 Dec 2015, 21:09

Could upload it now OK.
In the ESP EASY interface I could set up DHT, DS18B20 and a switch.

But what is the next step in DMZ?
Just fill in the IP address of the DMZ server I am currently running on the Pi2 and the 8080 port?
Then go to setup?
Should it display the ESP EASY sensors right away?

Knipsel11.JPG (51.3 KiB) Viewed 48033 times

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#43 Post by rmtucker » 10 Dec 2015, 21:15

The remote address is the ip address of the esp8266 and the port number i presum is prob 5003.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#44 Post by BertB » 10 Dec 2015, 21:35

Something is starting to live here ...

But how do you get the data in Domoticz?
I do have a hardware entity
MySensors Gateway with LAN interface
Version: 1.6.0-beta Setup

the cosmic gate
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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#45 Post by the cosmic gate » 10 Dec 2015, 22:06

vmfs1968 wrote:
Martinus wrote:There was a compile bug in the first upload on github. This is fixed now.

I'm not 100% sure on how I did my Arduino setup for this experiment, but it should be something like this:

1) Download Arduino 1.6.5. zipfile and store everything in c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors
2) Make this a portable setup (this is what I always do to keep multiple versions without interfering other projects)
3) Get ESP8266 2.0.0. using the Boards Manager
4) Download the mysensors zipfile from github
5) Copy the mysensors folder to the portable setup, into c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors\Libraries
5) Copy the LiquidCrystal_I2C library to the portable setup, into c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors\Libraries

Run arduino, open sketch, upload.
I did everything as it says here and everything worked
longer works
Exactely did this but :

Code: Select all

Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 8.1), Board:"NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Serial, 115200, 4M (3M SPIFFS)"

In file included from C:\arduino-1.6.5-r5\libraries\MySensors/utility/RF24.h:18:0,
                 from C:\arduino-1.6.5-r5\libraries\MySensors/MyTransportNRF24.h:26,
                 from C:\arduino-1.6.5-r5\libraries\MySensors/MySensor.h:28,
                 from ESPEasyMySensors.ino:134:
C:\arduino-1.6.5-r5\libraries\MySensors/utility/RF24_config.h:51:19: fatal error: SPI.h: No such file or directory
   #include <SPI.h>
compilation terminated.
Fout bij compileren.

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#46 Post by BertB » 10 Dec 2015, 22:08

At some point they just pop up ...
I have a DHT22 connected and the values read ok in the Devices tab.
In the Domoticz log I see :
2015-12-10 21:59:06.296 Hardware Monitor: Fetching data (System sensors)
2015-12-10 21:59:15.979 (MySensors) Humidity ()
2015-12-10 21:59:31.732 RFLink: 20;B2;Alecto V1;ID=0008;RAIN=05a0;
2015-12-10 21:59:31.732 (RFLink) Rain (RFLWsRain)

So, only humidity.

Setup shows:
0 ESP10DHT Unknown 1.0 2 2015-12-10 22:01:14
4 Unknown! V_HUM true 2015-12-10 22:01:14
5 Unknown! true 2015-12-10 22:01:14

Furthermore lots of reboots:
connected with Lepel1, channel 7
.IP: 192.1ªU
INIT : Booting Build nr:1
Present Switch: 0
Present DHT: 4
INIT : Boot OK
INIT : Normal boot

Exception (0):
epc1=0x4021dd8e epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000014 depc=0x00000000

ctx: sys
sp: 3ffffb50 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 01a0

3ffffcf0: 00000001 00000004 4022493f 00000001
3ffffd00: ffffffff 00000000 3ffec3c1 00000008
3ffffd10: 4022498a 3ffef948 3fff5308 3fff6a48
3ffffd20: 40224a7c 3ffef948 3fff5308 3ffef948
3ffffd30: 00000002 00000000 00000020 40103e6b
3ffffd40: 000005e0 00000000 401026a0 3ffebe70
3ffffd50: 0000003c 00000000 3fff6a48 0000001c
3ffffd60: 00000001 40220b9b 00000000 00000014
3ffffd70: 00000000 402172b2 00000000 3fff0850
3ffffd80: 4023e0a0 00000000 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffffd90: 04000002 3feffe00 3ffebe70 3fff6ac0
3ffffda0: 3fff58a8 4021cc68 00000000 3fff6ac0
3ffffdb0: 40103151 3ffebe70 3ffefbf0 4010203f
3ffffdc0: 40102020 3fffc100 00000001 00000000
3ffffdd0: 00000000 4021a591 00040000 3ffebe70
3ffffde0: 400005e1 40104f56 40240000 00000066
3ffffdf0: 4021a591 00000030 00000010 7fffffff
3ffffe00: 4021a4cc 00000000 0000ffdc 000000f0
3ffffe10: 3fff51e0 3fff51e0 4400a8c0 00001001
3ffffe20: ffffffff 00000000 000000e0 00000000
3ffffe30: 3fff5d08 00000001 3ffeeadc 00000000
3ffffe40: 3fff56c0 3fff56c0 00000001 00000011
3ffffe50: ffffffff 00000000 f300a8c0 3fff5d08
3ffffe60: 3fff500c 3ffeeac8 3fff5008 00000030
3ffffe70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 f7ffffff
3ffffe80: ffffffff 3fffc6fc 00000001 3fff5d08
3ffffe90: 00000000 3fffdc80 3fff56c0 00000030
3ffffea0: 00000001 00000000 40234794 3fff5320
3ffffeb0: 3fff5308 3fff5320 40103f7b 3ffefbf0
3ffffec0: 00000000 00000000 00000020 40103e6b
3ffffed0: 00000000 00110707 00640104 00000045
3ffffee0: 3ffee480 000000a5 3ffee495 3ffee474
3ffffef0: 00001001 3fff56c0 3ffeeac8 3ffee4a6
3fffff00: 3fff0000 402172de 3ffefda8 3fff5008
3fffff10: 3ffeeac8 3fff500c 3fff5d08 40216778
3fffff20: 00000001 3fff56c0 3fff56c0 3fff1560
3fffff30: 00000000 3fff5d08 0000001c 3fff56c0
3fffff40: 3ffeeaba 00000000 3fff5d08 4021ce91
3fffff50: 4400a8c0 00000064 00000000 00000012
3fffff60: 00000002 00000018 40224311 3ffefda8
3fffff70: 3ffeea94 000000f5 3ffec378 3ffec378
3fffff80: 402242ad 3ffefda8 00000000 3fff5710
3fffff90: 3fffdc80 00000000 3fff5d08 4021d8e3
3fffffa0: 40000f49 3fffdab0 3fffdab0 40000f49

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7)

wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7)

wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#47 Post by BertB » 10 Dec 2015, 22:10

@ the cosmic gate
Did you make the environment portable?

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Posts: 42
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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#48 Post by vmfs1968 » 10 Dec 2015, 22:17

the cosmic gate wrote:
vmfs1968 wrote:
Martinus wrote:There was a compile bug in the first upload on github. This is fixed now.

I'm not 100% sure on how I did my Arduino setup for this experiment, but it should be something like this:

1) Download Arduino 1.6.5. zipfile and store everything in c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors
2) Make this a portable setup (this is what I always do to keep multiple versions without interfering other projects)
3) Get ESP8266 2.0.0. using the Boards Manager
4) Download the mysensors zipfile from github
5) Copy the mysensors folder to the portable setup, into c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors\Libraries
5) Copy the LiquidCrystal_I2C library to the portable setup, into c:\tools\arduino1.6.5.MySensors\Libraries

Run arduino, open sketch, upload.
I did everything as it says here and everything worked
longer works
Exactely did this but :

Code: Select all

Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 8.1), Board:"NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Serial, 115200, 4M (3M SPIFFS)"

In file included from C:\arduino-1.6.5-r5\libraries\MySensors/utility/RF24.h:18:0,
                 from C:\arduino-1.6.5-r5\libraries\MySensors/MyTransportNRF24.h:26,
                 from C:\arduino-1.6.5-r5\libraries\MySensors/MySensor.h:28,
                 from ESPEasyMySensors.ino:134:
C:\arduino-1.6.5-r5\libraries\MySensors/utility/RF24_config.h:51:19: fatal error: SPI.h: No such file or directory
   #include <SPI.h>
compilation terminated.
Fout bij compileren.

I used a esp8266 nodemcu v0.9
esp.jpg (101 KiB) Viewed 48017 times

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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#49 Post by Backbone » 10 Dec 2015, 22:25

The remote address is the ip address of the esp8266 and the port number i presum is prob 5003.
That did the trick and we see devices added.................but those are devices picked up which are not mine.....
no serialmonitor connected so no idea if it reboots.

esp201 module

Knipsel14.JPG (59.06 KiB) Viewed 48013 times

the cosmic gate
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Re: MySensors goes ESP!!

#50 Post by the cosmic gate » 10 Dec 2015, 22:44

BertB wrote:@ the cosmic gate
Did you make the environment portable?
sure, did it just as discribed in the steps . Is there somebody who can share his portable installation incl. all the mysensors etc files ? (google drive)

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