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Webinterface looks different

Posted: 14 Nov 2023, 20:57
by bastler11

I tried to change a display on my esp8266 (from 0,96" to 1,54"). After changing the web interface look different? I tried to make a firmware update, but it does not work. What can I do?

Thanks and best regards

Re: Webinterface looks different

Posted: 14 Nov 2023, 21:59
by TD-er
Welcome, join the club.

The server which hosts the CSS and JavaScript files is now no longer serving the files.
So we're working on a fix.
See the zip file posted here: viewtopic.php?p=66902#p66902
All files in the zip can be uploaded to the ESP via the File Browser page.
All except the JavaScript file with the longest file name...
You need to rename the file "update_sensor_values_device_page.js" from that ZIP file and rename it to "upd_values_device_page.js" and upload it to the file system.

Re: Webinterface looks different

Posted: 14 Nov 2023, 23:12
by bastler11
Thanks, I tried to upload all files (also the renamed file, but it is still the same problem there?

Re: Webinterface looks different

Posted: 16 Nov 2023, 22:57
by bastler11
I tried it again to upload all files, without any success? What can I additionally do?

Re: Webinterface looks different

Posted: 16 Nov 2023, 23:15
by chromo23
The file "esp.css" is missing.
I thought i put it in the zip-file.
One reason it is missing, even if you tried to upload it, is that you have not enough free space on your esp.
You find that info under /tools/info

Re: Webinterface looks different

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 20:17
by bastler11
Thanks, this I didn´t saw. Here are the info about the memory. It seems that there is enough, or? If I try to upload the esp.css it begin to upload and then the screen is empty. It look different to the other files. There comes after uploading the information to reboot.

What can I do?

Re: Webinterface looks different

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 20:22
by Ath
You could try another browser, it seems Chrome is really optimized (read: lazy) recently at uploading files, causing all kinds of issues.
I see similar behavior when uploading an OTA .bin, and have configured Chrome to not slow/sleep unused tabs. That seems to help a bit.